All Chapters of Legacy of the Dark: Chapter 151 - Chapter 158
158 chapters
Chapter 151: Team Dissolution
The atmosphere at Nate and his team's headquarters was heavy. The lights in the main room dimly glowed, creating a contrast with the tension that enveloped them. Nate stood at the head of the conference table, his face tense, while his team members sat around him. Rachel, Emma, Aiden, and Damian each looked anxious, waiting for what Nate had to say.Nate looked at the faces that had long been his friends and colleagues. He took a deep breath, feeling a heavy weight in his chest. This decision wasn’t easy, and even though he had thought it through carefully, it still felt like a personal defeat.“Thank you for coming,” Nate said, his voice hoarse. “There’s something important we need to discuss.”Rachel looked at Nate with deep concern. “What’s going on, Nate? Why do you look so serious?”Nate avoided Rachel’s gaze for a moment, staring at the floor as if searching for the right words. “We’re facing a very complicated situation right now. We’ve fought many enemies, and it seems like we
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Chapter 152: Surveillance and Calculations
In an office adorned with expensive materials, Marcus Hale sat in a large chair behind his desk. The room was filled with sophisticated electronic equipment that added an air of mystery and intimidation. Beside him, Benjamin stood calmly, observing the monitors displaying the conversation between James and Nate. The atmosphere in the room was tense, as both men knew that this moment could determine the course of all their plans.The conversation between James and Nate flowed through strategically placed listening devices, and the audio was clearly audible. Benjamin looked at Marcus with hopeful eyes. “Mr. Marcus, it seems we are in a very advantageous position. Nate and his team are now in chaos.”Marcus nodded with confidence. “Yes, I’m hearing that. Nate has made a very strategic decision by disbanding his team. This will make it easier for us to control the situation.”On the monitor, Nate was seen speaking with his team, announcing the dissolution and explaining his reasons. Benja
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Chapter 153: The Final Betrayal
In a cold, gloomy prison cell, Alex Hughes sat with a vacant stare, stripped of all the luxury and influence he once had. News of his arrest and trial had spread widely, making him the center of attention throughout London. Not only had the scandal of his affair tarnished his reputation, but his entire past of criminal activities had now been exposed. The successful businessman and prospective leader of London was now under public scrutiny, facing the consequences of his actions.Alex sat in solitude, reflecting on everything that had transpired. James’s success, achieved through collusion with Benjamin and Marcus, made Alex acutely aware of how far he had fallen. He realized that his entire life had crumbled, and he now had to face the repercussions of his actions. In despair and regret, Alex awaited his fate in the courtroom, hoping for some measure of justice amidst the chaos he had created.The world watched as Alex fell from his pinnacle of power. The media covered every detail o
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Chapter 154: Revenge
Nate felt cold and damp. The relentless drenching of water kept him awake from the unconsciousness that had ensnared him. The pain radiating through his body was a painful reminder of the lost battle. His hands were shackled, and he stood with his body tightly bound to a cold metal pillar. Every movement was heavy, and the bruises from the beatings made the pain even more intense.In front of Nate stood the figure he most feared, now standing triumphantly. Marcus Hale, the elderly man he thought had died, now stood before him with a smile full of satisfaction. Marcus wore a neatly tailored black suit, and his cold gaze conveyed long-buried anger and hatred. This was a moment of revenge that Marcus had meticulously planned."Ah, Nate," Marcus's voice was cold and sharp, "we finally meet again. It seems you don’t quite understand your situation. How does it feel now, being at the edge of the pit you dug for yourself?"Nate stared at Marcus with a look full of rage and despair. No words
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Chapter 155: Battle in the Darkness
In the darkness of the gloomy room, Nate moved swiftly, taking advantage of the confusion. He lifted his bound body with great effort and swung himself towards the man holding a weapon. The movement caused the man to stagger and lose his balance, and the weapon he held fell to the floor.Nate then forced his hands free from the chains binding him. The pain from the chains rubbing against his skin made him scream loudly. The scream was not only an expression of pain but also an attempt to distract the remaining enemies."Marcus!!!"Marcus and Benjamin snapped to attention, realizing Nate had freed himself."Protect Mr. Marcus!!" Benjamin shouted.Their subordinates immediately swarmed around Marcus and Benjamin, escorting them out of the room.Confused, Marcus could only hear the sounds of gunfire. "What’s happening?" Marcus muttered, bewildered. "How did this happen?"Marcus and Benjamin gasped for breath, driven by deep fear and failure. In the darkness, they could only rely on their
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Chapter 156: The Decisive Attack
Emma and her team successfully breached the enemy lines surrounding the old building. The sounds of gunfire and explosions still filled the air, but their resolve was unshaken. After overcoming several enemy groups outside the building, they rushed inside to join Nate. As they approached, Emma could feel the tension mounting."Keep your guard up! We need to find Nate immediately!" Though Emma appeared calm, she was deeply worried about Nate. She hoped he could hold on.***Inside the building, Nate continued to fight his enemies with relentless determination. His body was covered in wounds, but his resolve to defeat Marcus and Benjamin kept him moving fiercely. The room was filled with chaos—gunfire, shouting, and continuous explosions. Nate seized every opportunity to fight off remaining enemies and clear the area.One by one, Nate faced groups of enemies entering the building, with each battle growing more intense. He tried to find strategic positions, hiding behind debris and attac
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Chapter 157: The End of the Resistance
In the control room, the atmosphere was intense and nerve-wracking. The sounds of gunfire had ceased, replaced by the nervous breathing of Benjamin and Marcus. Under the table, Marcus Hale and Benjamin looked extremely distressed. Marcus, whose face once showed strength and opulence, now appeared pale and fearful. Benjamin, usually confident, looked anxious and sweating. When Nate and his team finally entered the room, the tension escalated. Nate’s heavy footsteps, accompanied by Emma, Rachel, Lena, Damian, and Aiden, echoed in the silent hallway. They had defeated the remaining enemies and reached this point—the last stronghold of their major threat. "Come out," Nate said in a low voice. "I know you're here, Marcus." Marcus and Benjamin scrambled out from under the table hurriedly, looking at Nate and his team with eyes full of fear. Marcus, with his face now very pale, tried to speak with a pleading tone. "Nate... please, don’t do this. We can offer something valuable. We can he
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Chapter 158: A Beautiful Ending
In a cozy café in the heart of London, Nate and Emma sat at a table near the large window. The café’s television broadcasted live coverage of James Rolling’s inauguration as the new leader of London. They watched attentively, enjoying the tranquil ambiance of the café while witnessing this historic moment with pride. James’s speech began with a video clip showcasing his journey, accompanied by inspiring music. On the television screen, James stood at a podium adorned with the city of London’s flags, surrounded by important officials and guests. James began his speech with a broad smile and a voice full of confidence. “Ladies and gentlemen, today is a very meaningful day for all of us. I stand here not only as an elected candidate but as a representative of everyone who believes in positive change and a better future.” Nate and Emma exchanged glances, feeling inspired by James’s enthusiasm. Nate held Emma’s hand and gave a proud smile. They felt that all their efforts and sacrific
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