All Chapters of From Prison Bars To Gold Bars. : Chapter 11 - Chapter 19
19 chapters
11. A Golden Card?!
"Emigrand?" Van knew his eyes widened when she said that, but he easily covered it up with a nonchalant smirk. "Never heard of it.""What! How dare you?!"The two guards advanced towards Van, a menacing look in their eyes. The people around started to back away, even the manager stepped backwards, not wanting to get tangled in the issue. "You've got some nerve asshole, laying your filthy hand on our boss's wife. Well I'm going to make you regret it" He lunged at Van, fist first, hoping to land a blow to his face but Van easily dodged his attack. He countered it with a low kick to the knees and the guard dropped to the ground. The second guard launched a high kick aimed at Van's chest but he ducked low and punched him at the side, breaking a rib as his fist came in contact with his body. The guard cried out in pain as he fell to the ground, clutching on to his side. "Why you!" The first guard-already back on his feet- lunged himself at Van, grabbing hold of his waist in an attempt
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12. Van Everest
“Only ten in existence? Even those with a net worth of billions might not have the privilege of owning them?!” After hearing the director, the rich woman who was still seated on the cold floor was swallowed up by fear. She felt like something had snapped in her brain and she couldn't understand what was going on anymore. But even at that, she couldn't just accept the fact that a dirty looking kid like Van that was putting on rags would have that kind of money. She pulled herself together and got up to her feet. She turned to face the director, and in her most dignified voice she could find, she said, "Surely you don't believe that this hobo here can actually posses such an enormous about of money. For all we know, the card might be a fake. Or it might just have a similar appearance?What I know is that someone like this shouldn't own something so valuable."Van frowned at the woman's statement. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm not supposed to own something like this?
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13. Mother Of Two?!
After Van left the bank, he looked at the card in his hand and smiled. When the mad grandpa told him that he was leaving a small sum for him to use, something in his heart told him to expect a large anount, but he wasn't prepared emotionally or mentally for the amount of zeroes he saw. The amount in the account would no doubt be up to trillions. Van knew the mad grandpa was quite wealthy, after all the man was a famous scholar, he just never expected him to have such an amount of money. "Man, you sure are an interesting man." He said, smiling at the clouds. Van thought about what he wanted to do next, then remembering his lunch date with the rich man he saved earlier, he decided that his next stop was the salon. He didn't want to make a bad impression, especially since they were to meet at a luxurious hotel. Having a man like Eric on his side would have its own advantages, and he wouldn't want to mess it up. After a brief contemplation, he decided not to get rid of his long hair c
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14. Ivy Wilson
After minutes of careful deliberation, Van decided that he was going to meet the woman. He approached the front door and gave it a little knock. “Yes? Who is it?” Van heard her sigh as she walked to the door. Was she doing something important?She pulled the door open and the moment she laid her eyes on Van, there was a slight shift in her composure. “Hi, I don't mean to bother you but, could you tell me who you are?” Van asked in a sober tone, still trying to rack his brain for answers. “I think I should be the one asking that question, don't you? After all, you are standing in front of my apartment." She replied with a warm smile and she rested her hand on her hip. Van couldn't find the words to describe the little woman standing in front of him. Everything about her was utterly flawless. Even her smile was like nothing he had ever seen before. "Right, my bad. My nane is Van Everest. For the past few years you have been helping my mother with your monthly package. You said you w
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15. Old Classmates
Van had been repeating the name Ivy Wilson, still trying to remember who she was, and what happened between them that made her so hurt, but even after thirty minutes, he still had nothing. "Ugh damnit! Why can't I remember you Ivy Wilson?" He kept walking around in circles, feeling more confused than he had felt in a long time. "Why can't I remember?" He paused his movements and closed his eyes, maybe if he concentrated, something might pop up. He remembered the way she called him a jerk, and she said he ruined her life. That really didn't sound like something he would do. "What the hell is going on?" He muttered to himself. "I wasn't really a jerk to her…or was I? Surely she must have made a mistake of sort." There's no way that he would have hurt any woman, at least not intentionally. His chain of thoughts was scrambled by the sound of a car horn. Looking up, Van came face to face with a new model Rolls Royce. The door to the owners corner opened and a slender woman in an extra
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16. Lunch Appointment
Van watched in utter disappointment as his old classmates rambled on about their material possessions, not that either of them were as rich as he was presently though. "An idea just came to me Tony." Olivia said, cutting off Tony's words. "Not that I personally care about whatever happens to him but, Van was once our classmate, and now that we have met again after his prison sentence, he clearly has nothing to his name. So I was thinking, why not find him a small position at your company? It could be a messanger or a security, I don't think he's in the position to complain about whatever you decide on."Tony stroked his chin, looking away for a while before he replied. "Hmm…you're right but I'm afraid I can't do that. Olly, did you forget that he's an ex convict? If I hired such a man at my company, don't you think the other staff are going to feel intimidated by him?Besides, it doesn't matter what position I give to him, having an ex convict at my company will definitely stain the
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17. A Sour Encounter
"If that is a joke, it's a very expensive one." Olivia said, arching her brows at Van. "If you're going to tell a lie, then at least try to find one that's easy to believe. Do you even have any idea who Eric Mochi is?""She's right Van." Tony said. "Allow me to explain, we all know about some people that are billionaires, wealthy people who are respected by the society, but the Mochis are different. Eric Mochi is a fifth generation billionaire, it's like their family has been rich since the dawn of time. From what I heard, they started with a small factory and that business has been growing since the 1900s up till today. It had been passed down the generation for years and now Eric Mochi is the one in charge. Apparently he's one of the very few business owners to have friendly relationship with the president, and other ministers.Getting an appointment at his company is almost impossible, much less getting him to see you personally.""Oh?" Van could tell quite easily that Eric was a
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18. The Threat
There was a dark look in Van's eyes as he uttered those words and Blanche was almost drowned in a sea of fear. "W-What on earth are you talking about? Who are you to talk about punishing others for their sins?!" She tried to sound as dominant as she did before but her voice was wavering. Regardless of his faded old outfit, Van was different than the person she knew five years ago. Back then, they spoke however they pleased to him and he didn't dare to so much as look them in the eyes, much less talk back at them. That was one of the reasons she didn't mind her daughter getting narried to him, she wanted to have a son in law she could control. He was much different now. But she believed he was still under her in terms of wealth so it gave her the courage to keep going. "You pulled the short straw by being poor and you don't have anyone to blame for that. Tell me, how exactly are you going to punish us? With more of your empty threats?"Just then, Bianca showed up with Moses by her
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19. New Van
"Go on, beg for it. Isn't that what you came here for? It must be that the money is important to you right? Maybe that mother of yours is ill? Or you have an outstanding debt? I'll take care of everything. All you gotta do, is drop to your pathetic knees and ask." Moses felt like he was taunting Van with his statement but the latter couldn't even be bothered. He watched calmly as Moses kept poking at him with money issues, asking if he needed rent or if his family was just starving. Next to him, Bianca was totally enjoying it. The look on her face showed that she wanted nothing more than to see him humiliated and it left Van to wonder if she truly loved him during their years of courtship. He understood the fact that couples dated and broke up all the time, it wasn't anything special. But if their life for each other was genuine, they would never be able to stand by and watch the other be in a difficult position. "What is going on here? I don't like having a large group in the hall
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