All Chapters of The Fury Of Andi Emerson A.K.A Zeus : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 chapters
∆11: Their revenge
The home of the Simmons was extra lively that Friday morning. They all gathered at the dining table to enjoy a nice meal with their soon to be son in law, Justin Rivera. "I hope you find the meal to your taste, my dear." Sharon Simmons asked Justin with a gentle smile on her face.Justin's lips spread into a smile. "Of course, mom. You are exceptionally a great cook." Sharon chuckled softly. "Oh you flatter me too much. You should come by more often, I'll make you more and more tasty meals." He nodded his head. "I'll do that a lot." They all shared a laugh and continued to eat in silence. Justin suddenly turned to his father in law and asked. "Right, Mr Simmons, have you heard about the new company opening up in the city? Zeus I think." "Oh of course!" The man replied. "Every business man in the city has heard about them. Apparently, they are quite known even though they are just opening." "Yes. I heard from a close friend that they used to be a paper company and they were based
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∆12: Reclaim his home
Painted in all white, Andi Emerson's apartment stood taller than every other that was close by. Its compound was enough to contain about four extravagant buildings and still there would be space for a compound. An entire part was only decorated with a large blue swimming pool and trees like that of a tropical island. Another place looked like a house on its own except it was meant for cars. The parking lot would contain about forty cars or more. Andi didn't understand why Lucy Lieu would buy such a house and call it a comfortable small apartment. Sure, the place he lived before was large, if he wished to not see his parents while still living under the same roof as them, he could have done so. This place was definitely too large for a man living alone. With several bedrooms and three different living rooms. He had no use of all of those things. But growing up in a mansion, a castle! He knew he wouldn't feel uncomfortable staying at that house. Indeed, it would be comfortable for
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∆13: Jewelry store
A black Bentley parked at the parking space of Eternal Love-- a popular jewelry store. It was said that any wedding rings purchased from there brought eternal love to the couple-- and a handsome young man stepped down from the driver's seat. Pulling his coat properly over his shoulders, he walked to the other side of the car and opened the door to the passenger's seat. A black high heel kissed the earth as Taylor stepped down. A red mini dress clung on to her curvy body and her hair was let loose over her shoulders. Slamming the door gently, she and her fiancé-- Justin-- walked hand in hand into the jewelry store. All eyes fell on the flamboyant couple as they walked in and a few people who recognized them broke into hushed murmurs. Taylor loved the attention and what she loved more was the special treatment from the manager. "Ms Simmons," the slim and petite female manager smiled from ear to ear as she approached them. "It is so lovely to have you here. Thank you for choosing
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∆14: I want an apology
Silence engulfed the shop as the buyers turned into onlookers to know how the story was going to end. Taylor pulled the petite manager closer to her side. "I believe no introduction is needed to let you know who he is. He isn't a good person and he is very poor now. He must be so desperate that he decided to come in here and steal one or two items, knowing well that he could make a fortune from selling them." "That isn't true!" Lucy yelled out angrily. "None of that is true. We came here together to purchase a gift because we know you sell quality!""Who will you believe?" Taylor asked. "That complete stranger-- that for all we know, she could be an accomplice-- or me? I could have sworn I saw him trying to tuck an earring into his pocket earlier." The manager looked from one woman to another. Andi was already poor so she had no reason to be good to him but she couldn't afford to get on the bad side of Taylor Simmons, especially with her fast approaching wedding with Justin Rivera.
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∆15: I want a proper divorce
Taylor's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. She felt her throat tighten as she choked trying to swallow her own saliva. Murmurs from the other people in the jewelry store filled the place and she could hear most of them calling her shameless. “She must be out of her mind, look at everything he bought yet she called him a thief.”“Can she even afford to pay that amount without batting an eye?” “Does she even have such money? I heard rumors from my cousin that their business is struggling because he used to be the one to fund them.” “Poor boy, he probably went bankrupt because of her and her greedy family.” Her ears burnt as all of those words floated past them. How dare they talk about her like that in her presence? Had they suddenly forgotten that Andi lived off of her family after he went bankrupt? He was the one that deserved to be insulted! Not her! Or at least that was how she felt. “I'm waiting!” Andi demanded in a tone hinted with anger. “I didn't do anything when you a
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∆16: Her zeal to destroy
Taylor sat on her bed with her fingernail in her mouth, biting nervously on it. She had been thinking about Andi all afternoon and it was finally bed time but she still couldn't take him off of her mind. Was he rich now? Did he take some kind of loan to sustain himself? But who would give a loan of millions to someone like Andi who didn't have any way of paying it back in the next two decades to come! Or was it that woman? The one with him earlier. She must be some rich woman who gave him money to spend lavishly. Maybe she was his rich girlfriend even though she looked quite young. Younger than him. But that face, she had seen that woman's face before. Somewhere. But where? Had they met by chance before or was she just someone she bumped into in the streets?“Ah this is so annoying!” She yelled angrily. “What the hell did he do to get such money and where is that woman from?!” She heard a knock on the door and she growled. “Who is it?!” The door pushed open and Mable walked in. “
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∆17: At the opening ceremony
The mood was very lively that evening. Several men and women of different businesses had accepted the invitation to attend the opening ceremony of Zeus company and others who felt like attending as well were there. Lucy Lieu had been giving charge over the ceremony as the manager of the company and she attended to everyone and answered their questions. She was dressed beautifully in a silver off shoulder knee high dress with a pair of black heels. Her neck was bare of any jewelry but silver thin earrings dropped from her ear with black diamonds at the bottom. One of the jewelry Andi had gifted her. Her hair was packed neatly in a ponytail that reached her back and diamond rings decorated two of her fingers. She only applied lipstick and a little powder to her face. She was beautiful without make up anyway. Few people were surprised to see her as they recognized her as The missing Mr Emerson’s secretary and personal assistant. Now that she was the manager of Zeus limited, they fou
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∆18: Her secrets
Taylor looked up at her fiancé's face and saw him gaping. “Honey!” She whispers harshly. “What are we going to do? She is that woman with my failure ex husband! Do you think they are dating?”“Obviously not.” He responded sharply. “She didn't interfere while we spoke to Andi, obviously, it was because he was none of her business. They might have been together at the store but no girlfriend will stay quiet and watch her boyfriend being scorned. Probably she loaned him a huge sum of amount out of pity.”Her fiancé's speculation seemed to make sense. “Why didn't I think of that before?” Taylor questioned herself. “It makes perfect sense. That poor church rat tried to fool us back there and embarrass us, he should pay for his mistake.” “And he will.” There was confidence in Justin's voice. “Just leave that to me. I made myself clear to him that it wasn't over and that I would pay him back for what he did to us. Don't worry.” Taylor grinned confidently with a nod of affirmation. She trus
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∆19: Embarrassment
Taylor swayed her hips as she walked confidently towards Lucy Lieu where she stood with a crowd of people around her. She smirked vilely with every bold step she took. “Miss Lieu,” her voice was loud and firm. “I think we need to talk.” The eyes of the people around Lucy and herself included turned to look at Taylor and the irritating smug smile on her face. Some wondered who she was to speak in such an arrogant tone to the woman who was leading Zeus company. Lucy smiled. “And what is that that we need to talk about, Miss Simmons?” Her thin brow arched subconsciously. “I doubt you would want everyone to hear what I am about to say.” She crossed her arms beneath her breast. Lucy had a calm smile on her face. She was ready for Taylor whatever the vile woman had in mind to do. She turned to face the people around her. “Excuse me, I will get back to you about that partnership deal you want, I think the boss will be very pleased with it.” A young handsome man smiled brightly. “Thank
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∆20; Spending the night
“Dad! You can't do that to me! Revoke your statement! Take that back!” Taylor yelled as she chased after her father who was now walking away. “I mean it! I mean every single word I said. Don't even think about daring me unless you desperately wish to leave this family.” Harold sternly stated before entering his room and slamming the door in her face. Taylor kept banging at her father's door without relent. Tears poured down her face where she stood as fear filled her entire body at once. How was she to fix what had happened? Would she have to talk to Andi politely to talk to his friend for her? She would never do that! She would rather get disowned! Mable stood a few steps away from her sister, watching her desperate attempt to get their father's attention. All her life, she had come second to Taylor and she believed she would forever be second to her for the rest of their lives. But if Taylor were to fail and get disowned, she would be able to inherit their father's property and
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