All Chapters of The Fury Of Andi Emerson A.K.A Zeus : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
22 chapters
∆∆1: Unnecessary punishment
The sound of a ceramic dish as it shattered against the wall echoed through the room as Sharon flung her plate out of annoyance. Andi flinched as his ear caught the sound of the plate that only missed his face by a hair and his heart almost seized. "What in the world is wrong with this useless animal?!" Sharon hollered as she sprung to her feet. Andi fell to his knees at once. "Mother, please I--"Before he could even complete his sentence, a spoon hit his face and he groaned. He hadn't even expected it. Fresh blood seeped from his bursted lips and his eyes ached but he dared not move an inch from the spot. Sharon Simmons, the wife of a well known millionaire, their names were known in almost every part of the city as they were one of the prominent families in Los Angeles. She was also the mother in law of Andi Emerson, he was married to her first daughter, Taylor. But Andi was despised by the entire family because he was a nobody and had nothing to call his own, not even a penn
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∆∆2: Work the party
Sharon frowned as she crossed her arms. "Did I ask you to kneel in the first place?" She arched her brow as she asked Andi. "So you're trying to turn my daughter's back against me now?!" "No ma'am! Not at all!" Andi responded. He rose to his feet and smiled at his wife. She was always his savior in situations like that and he would forever be grateful to her. "Mom, please don't be so hard on him. Dad asked me to gather everyone because he has an announcement to make and it's important." She said as she walked towards the dining table and sat down. The others went back to their seat but Andi remained where he was. Ever since he became poor, he didn't own a seat at the dining table anymore, he was meant to eat where no one would see him. "Don't be so nice to him sister, he's not worth anything at all, not even the slightest kindness. He's worse than that arrogant pet dog of yours." Mable said as she returned to her seat. The head of the Simmons family climbed down the stairs and jo
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∆∆3: Caught in the act
The Emerson family had been nothing but nice to each and every one of their acquaintances. Even though they were the family at the top of the pyramid of prominent people, they treated everyone with respect and care. Andi could remember how his parents always helped other people and assisted them whenever they needed aid, the Simmons included. Those who worshiped them only did it because of what it would yield for them, not because his family demanded worshiping from anyone.If truly those people were humans then they would be nice enough to be kind to him. Maybe if he went to the party, he would actually find help amongst a few of them. It was starting to sound as a not so bad idea and hopefully, it would be. Andi agreed to work the party, if not for anything but for his mother. He tried to remain positive until the day of the party, telling himself that it wouldn't be so bad. But as the day came, he wished for nothing more than the floor to open up and swallow him. When the part
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∆∆4: Kicked out
["I can't believe this... How can this happen to my family?" Andi asked, tears welled up in his eyes. Taylor took his hands in hers. "I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I don't know what happened but I know you'll be able to fix it all somehow. I promise you, I'll never love another man and I'll always be by your side." She promised. Even though his world was falling apart, he was happy to have such a woman as his wife. She smiled at him weakly before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a comforting embrace.]The memory of her promise to him resurfaced in Andi's mind as tears flowed down his cheek. Of all the people that turned their backs on him, he was faced with the worst betrayal yet. "Taylor?" He called her name just to be sure. In his mind, he had imagined yelling out her name and forcefully pulling her apart from the man she was kissing but all his limbs were weak and his lungs were sore. She broke free from the kiss and turned to face hi
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∆∆5: Divorced
Tossed into the street like the dirt they called him, Andi picked himself up and dusted his waiter outfit before deciding to head to the hospital for the night.First thing the next morning, he would be the first face his wife would wake up to see and he would make sure of it. Arriving at the hospital, he tried to sneak past the doctors and nurses but even he knew that that was impossible. "Mr Emerson?" The voice of their family doctor stopped him in his steps and the man rolled his eyes. "I thought as much." "Good evening Mr Manchester." Andi said with a smile as he turned to face the man. Stan Manchester had been his family's doctor since he could remember, yet even the man had turned his back on him ever since his family lost everything they had. It was almost like they were total strangers the way Stan Manchester treated him except, he treated him worse than he would do a stranger. "Mr Emerson, I believe you know that you are way behind on your mother's bill and the hospital
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∆∆6: An old friend
Lost in thoughts, Andi wandered the streets of los Angeles with a small bag on his back and no destination ahead. His life had really gone down the drain right in front of his eyes. He hated the fact that he was coming to hate his father for disappearing amidst such tribulations. "Why didn't he just stay?" He wondered. "We could have faced this as a family!" He groaned angrily. His father's company was claimed to have been guilty of embezzlement of funds and fraud and many other unbelievable crimes that caused them to fall bankrupt in the blink of an eye. He was starting to think maybe his father was truly guilty. Hours had passed since he got kicked out from his wife's house but he had nowhere to go. He definitely couldn't go back to the hospital with his belongings especially since his wife had posted it on social media. The comments made his stomach churn and anger rise in his blood. "You must feel relieved to have such a burden off your neck, congratulations!" "I celebrate w
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∆∆7: The hidden truth
Andi stood there, surprised. What was she ever doing in Los Angeles? "Mrs Crest!" His jaw dropped open at the sight of her. "It's Miss Lieu, my husband and I separated." She corrected him with a pleasant smile that showed she wasn't angry but Andi thought to apologize immediately. "Oh my mistake, I am so sorry. I didn't know." Lucy Lieu, beautiful and fearless. With eyes of that of an ocean storm yet an aura like a peaceful wind. Her small yet slightly plum lips always wore a smile whenever she wasn't angry and her thin eyes were forever knowing.A black suit shirt and trouser that seemed almost not her size hung on her body with the shirt's buttons opened to reveal a white top in the inside. The woman never wore heels unless she was at an exceptionally important meeting but on other occasions, no matter what she was wearing, she always put on canvas shoes of her choice.She worked with his father when the company was still fine. She was his personal assistant and most trusted
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∆∆8: A reason for a change
Andi paraded about in the hall while thinking of what Lucy had told him. He was a billionaire? Paper company? Why didn't his father tell him any of this? Why did he run away?!'Did he really run away? Was he murdered? Is he even alive?' He wondered as he kept going back and forth like a guard dog in front of his owner's room.The door pulled open and he finally stopped when Lucy walked out of the room. She smiled at him, "walk with me." Andi nodded his head and followed her down the hall. They stood under the moonless sky facing each other while Lucy's driver waited for her. "Are you alright?" She asked him with a concerned look on her face. "I heard about your divorce as well and trust me, I know how it feels." Andi forced a sad smile to his face and nodded his head. "My dad... Do you..."She shook her head. "I'm sorry Andi but I don't know where he is. But I want you to know this, the name of the paper company is Zeus and everything is in your name. We can build it together, you
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∆∆9: A tough decision to make
The air in the hall way seemed to seize as Andi tightened his fist angrily and glared at his ex wife and her new lover. What he would give for both of them to go bankrupt and know the true meaning of hell. What he had been going through. Taylor eyed him. "Look at the irritating thing glaring at us, do you think we can feel intimidated?" Her brow arched sharply. Andi still couldn't believe it. He couldn't stop himself from asking, "Justin's hatred for me, I understand but you? I just don't get it. Why do you have to treat me this way?" His voice wavered as he asked. Taylor smirked evilly, taking a confident step towards him. "Don't ask me stupid questions you already know the answer to. From today onward, don't ever try to speak to me when you see me, you're not worth my presence. Do you hate me? Want to get back at me?"Her evil laugh rang in his ears like haunting bells. "Unfortunately, you can't. No power, no money, no nothing! You're useless, a roach is more threatening than you
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∆10: Zeus has arrived
Lost in thoughts in his mother's hospice room, Andi felt a hand touch his and he snapped out of his thoughts. Met by his mother's weak smile, he smiled back, one only brighter than his mother's by a little. "Are you alright?" She asked him in a meek tone and Andi nodded his head. "Are you perhaps... Thinking about what your father's personal assistant told us?" He smiled and sat next to her on the bed. "I went to see her this morning and she told me some... Things. But mom, what do you think about all of this?" She squeezed his hands gently in hers. "You've been through a lot my dear Andi, you might not tell me yourself but I am more than aware of how difficult it has been to fend for your mouth alone, talk of both of us. "And I want you to be happy, I want you to take care of yourself, I don't ever want to see you suffering. And you are my son and I know that you have always been looking forward to heading the company one day." "But mom," Andi said softly. "If the world learns
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