∆∆7: The hidden truth

Andi stood there, surprised. What was she ever doing in Los Angeles?

"Mrs Crest!" His jaw dropped open at the sight of her.

"It's Miss Lieu, my husband and I separated." She corrected him with a pleasant smile that showed she wasn't angry but Andi thought to apologize immediately.

"Oh my mistake, I am so sorry. I didn't know."

Lucy Lieu, beautiful and fearless. With eyes of that of an ocean storm yet an aura like a peaceful wind. Her small yet slightly plum lips always wore a smile whenever she wasn't angry and her thin eyes were forever knowing.

A black suit shirt and trouser that seemed almost not her size hung on her body with the shirt's buttons opened to reveal a white top in the inside.

The woman never wore heels unless she was at an exceptionally important meeting but on other occasions, no matter what she was wearing, she always put on canvas shoes of her choice.

She worked with his father when the company was still fine. She was his personal assistant and most trusted ally before she had to marry and relocate to her home town in China.

Andi wondered if she returned to Los Angeles because of her divorce but he wasn't going to ask her that.

He excused himself to change from his wet clothes and dry the ones in his bag before returning to join her back in the shop.

His boss, Lilly had told him to start immediately so he started by mopping the floors he had wet while Lucy walked with him with a cup of instant coffee in her hand to warm herself.

"I came here for some business and decided to check out the streets when the rain started. My driver will be here any minute and I want you to come with me to my place. There's too much to discuss." She explained.

"I just got this job and I can't walk out as I wish on my first day." Andi responded with his attention to the wet floors. "Maybe we can meet up after?"

"Mr Emerson, allow me to be informal with you?" She asked and Andi nodded. She continued. "Andi, you don't need this job, there's so much you don't know."

Andi sighed. "My mother is sick in a hospital and I have to find some way to pay the bills or she'll get kicked out. That bloody bastard will do as he says!" He spat out angrily, gripping the mop tightly.

"How much is the bill? Let's go there together right now and pay for it."

Andi's eyes widened but only for a second. Lucy was from a rich family and working for her father, he also paid good money. "I can't take money from you."

"It's not my money... It's yours." Her words caused his head to turn dramatically and look at her confusedly. His expression questioned her and she nodded her head.


Andi had always been the kind of person that hated taking people's kindness for granted and his boss, Lilly, had been kind to him.

Irrelevant of what Lucy said, he worked till the day was over before heading over to the hospital with her to visit his mother.

Immediately he walked into the hospital's premises, Stan was there and ambushed him with hateful words. "You useless prick in the finger!" He berated. "Didn't I tell you to come and pick up your trash mother? Are you trying to wreck my business?!"

Andi's head fell in shame and embarrassment. He opened his mouth to speak but Lucy was already talking.

"Long time no see Mr Manchester. I'll have the bills cleared as soon as we can go in and we will take her to a better hospital."

She held Andi's hand and led him inside. Stan was left tongue tied as he watched them like a fool.

After showing her his mother's room, Lucy asked Andi to go in first while she settled the bills and he silently obliged.

His mother was awake. Her beauty had begun to fade due to her illness but she was still the most beautiful woman ever to Andi.

"Hey mom, how are you feeling?" He said with a smile.

"I'm alright..." She responded weakly.

She would have been far better than that if doctor Stan hadn't stopped administering the proper treatment for her. Because Andi couldn't pay, he gave her enough to keep her alive but not to heal her.

Lucy walked in just then. Her heart ached at the sight she saw but she managed a smile and bowed her head. "Mrs Emerson, always a great pleasure to see you."

The woman smiled back. "Lucy... I haven't seen you in years..."

They got into small talks about how they had been and Lucy confessed to having only found out about their bankruptcy a while ago. After her divorce, she had spent time healing at a temple.

"Mrs Emerson, there's something I'd like to explain to you and Andi." Lucy started. "I worked for Mr Emerson for ten years before I got married and I still worked for him a year after. Mr Emerson has a paper company that he uses for private deals and a secret account. When I got back to Los Angeles, I did research and found out everything was still intact, including the funds!"

She looked from mother to son as she explained. Andi had an unreadable expression on his face but she didn't let that interrupt her as she spoke.

"I only got back a few weeks ago and I set out to find you ever since then. I was lucky to have bumped into you today, Andi. With what's left, you can take over and change your lives!"

"Wait," Andi finally spoke. "You mean... We are rich?"

"The secret paper company was in your name, Andi. You are a billionaire." She responded, her voice as sweet as it had always been.

Andi felt his throat run dry in an instant and his insides turned confusedly. He was... A billionaire?!

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