∆∆8: A reason for a change

Andi paraded about in the hall while thinking of what Lucy had told him. He was a billionaire? Paper company? Why didn't his father tell him any of this? Why did he run away?!

'Did he really run away? Was he murdered? Is he even alive?' He wondered as he kept going back and forth like a guard dog in front of his owner's room.

The door pulled open and he finally stopped when Lucy walked out of the room. She smiled at him, "walk with me."

Andi nodded his head and followed her down the hall.

They stood under the moonless sky facing each other while Lucy's driver waited for her.

"Are you alright?" She asked him with a concerned look on her face. "I heard about your divorce as well and trust me, I know how it feels."

Andi forced a sad smile to his face and nodded his head. "My dad... Do you..."

She shook her head. "I'm sorry Andi but I don't know where he is. But I want you to know this, the name of the paper company is Zeus and everything is in your name. We can build it together, your father wanted to buy a building before things went sideways.

"On your order, we will find a good building and start operating once more. I am more than willing to be your personal assistant as I was to your father's. Tomorrow, we can get all the documents and give you access to the bank accounts, the one made personally for you and the one for the business as well."

She took out a card from her pocket. "This is my number, if you wish to take over Zeus then just give me a call." Pausing, she rummaged through her purse and took out a few dollar notes. "It's not much--" she squeezed it into his hands. "--I don't usually carry much cash but use it for food tonight."

Andi pulled away, "no, I can't take money from yo--"

She pulled his hand back and squeezed the cash firmly into his hand. "You can pay me back... boss." She smiled. "Goodnight sir."

Andi just stood there and watched her walk into her car. He still couldn't believe the things he had heard. He was rich?

So all these years that he had suffered, he could have sustained himself and his family with his father's secret company if only he didn't disappear.

'I wonder if he's alright.' He thought for a second before he shook the thought out of his head. His stomach had been growling all day, he had better gotten something to eat before it would develop into something worse.


Andi had risen way before the sun did. He found it hard to get proper sleep all through the night, thinking about the day before.

He was lucky enough to have bumped into her at his new work place-- right! He had a job!

"Shit!" He jumped to his feet. He had totally forgotten about his new job and they opened everyday except Sundays.

He froze by the door, if he went to work then he wouldn't be able to see Lucy. But then, he couldn't let Lilly down just like that.

"Andi?" His mother called out to him.

Forcing a smile to his face, he turned to look at her. "Good morning mom, I was heading out for a walk. Go back to sleep."

With that, he left the room. If he didn't see Lucy, his mother's health was at stake. Lost in his thoughts, he hadn't noticed two couples coming his way until they were right in front of him.

"Watch where you're going you filthy rat!" A sharp female voice snapped at him.

Andi looked up and his eyes met with Taylor's. "Taylor..." He muttered her name.

Justin eyed him up and down, "you look even more pathetic than you did before. Are you hungry? Should I give you some change?" He sneered.

Taylor let out a soft laughter. "You useless piece of trash, you don't even deserve a penny from us. Thanks to you, we had to come here so my love could get a check up. He was nice enough not to sue you!" She spat out.

Andi heaved a deep sigh. "I don't want trouble, please leave me alone."

"You shouldn't have a voice against us!" Taylor yelled. "Have you forgotten? You're a poor nobody, you're nothing but a doormat and doormats shouldn't speak in front of humans."

"Calm down my love," Justin trailed his hand down her red-- burning with anger-- flushed cheek. "I actually didn't come to fight or sue you to court for assaulting me. I know about your mother's sickness and I want to help.

"All you have to do is go down on your knees and beg me for my forgiveness then your mother's bills will be cleared at once!"

Andi felt his hands clutch tightly until his knuckles were almost white. Part of the reason he hated the Riveras was because of their ego. "I don't need your help and I will never beg you."

"Your pride will be the end of you, Emerson." Taylor proclaimed with a roll of her eyes. "Can't you see that your poor mother is going to die because of her useless son? Just beg and save her life."

For an instant, Andi felt a spark of relief ignite inside him. If he hadn't met Lucy, he would have actually been considering going on his knees for his mother's sake but things were different now.

If not for anything, he had to make them pay for the things they had done for him and he knew he would need power and status to do that.

"It's high time for a change in your life, Emerson," Justin started, taking a confidence stop towards Andi. "You're not rich anymore, pride doesn't suit you any longer." His lips curved into a possessed smirk.

Andi chuckled softly, "you're right, it is high time for a change in my life."

'You just wait and see, I'll make you regret everything...'

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