All Chapters of Rise of Keith: The Zillion-dollar CEO: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 chapters
"Can I speak with you, Keith?" Annie asked, her eyes sparkling softly, softer than she had ever looked at him. Keith's cold expression made her hesitate, but she still pressed on, sure that he possibly couldn't have gotten over her so quickly. "What do you want?" He asked flatly. She flipped her hair, a smile stretched across her face, "Come on, Keith. Look around, your..." She swallowed, still unable to believe that these men were really under his payroll, "Your bodyguards are here, don't you think we should find somewhere more convenient to talk?" He regarded her silently. She swallowed and pushed on, "Maybe..." She winked at him, "What about inside your car?" Keith frowned at her, "I really do not have time for this, Annie. If you want a meeting with me, you can book one with my secretary," He loved the pale look of shock on her face and he nodded at the guard by his side, then said to her, "Enjoy the rest of your night."Her eyes widened with shock and panic and she s
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He had been staring at the same spot on the spotless wall of his vast living room, sipping from a glass of wine occasionally. He could see her face in the white wall, beautiful, deceiving and cunning. His mind travelled to the days he had loved her with everything, when it felt like he couldn’t live without her. He felt shadows behind him, hovering around like evil merchants. Shadows of his past, that reminded him of the day he had discovered her secret that had changed his entire life and his view of women. If Annie’s love hadn’t been genuine, what was true love then? “Mandy Wales?” A voice in his head suggested.Keith’s eyebrows furrowed and for the first time in ten minutes, he blinked. Her beautiful face flashed in his mind and he shook his head. No, he wouldn’t let himself be overwhelmed by a woman in such a manner again. He had given Annie his heart and she had plunged a harpoon into it. He’d never allow a woman his love again…only the lust slowly building up alongside hi
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Keith opened his eyes slowly the next morning. Something was off.He blinked again and his blood turned cold instantly, a cold sweat ran down his spine and he could only stare at the muzzle of the gun stationed in between his eyes in abject shock and horror. His heart was racing madly, he couldn’t move. He glanced at the face of the man holding the gun and the weapon was withdrawn. Wills smiled and tucked the gun away. Keith released a sigh of relief and stared up at the white ceiling, he was panting heavily, his heart refused to be calm. “Good morning, Mr. Keith,” Wills said with a meek smile.“What the fuck, Wills?” Keith exclaimed, “Why did you do that? I’ve never had a gun pointed at me! That was terrifying!” “It’s something you’ll have to get used to, Keith,” Wills replied, perching on a sofa in the room and taking out a smoke pipe from his coat pocket, “It’s a dangerous world you’ve stepped into, like I said. And as much as you have to get familiar with your dynasty,
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Shortly after Mrs. Flora’s departure, Keith left the indoor shooting range and was whisked away by his expensive ride. He arrived at his mansion and took a quick shower. By the time he was out, Wills was in his bedroom alongside a whore, who arranged his suit and jewelry for him. Wills paced about the room with a document in his hand, which he kept reading from. “Greenburgh’s proposal isn’t exactly what we want at the moment,” He was saying as Keith slipped into his suit trousers, “I have spies within his small organization and for his next project, he is willing to offer us thirty percent control if we fund fifty percent of the expenses.” Keith button his shirt while still listening intently, “Is that good or bad?” He asked, feeling the need to say something.Wills looked at him with wide eyes and exclaimed, “That is horrible!” He shook his head, “Greenburgh works with other associates and he is in a hole for a huge debt to the central bank. His last project crashed and that’s w
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“That was…”Keith sighed then took a deep breath, “That was what? Bad? Too showy? Too harsh on the poor fat fellow?” He asked with a frown as they returned to his mansion. “That was exciting to watch, Keith,” Wills said with a proud smile, “You handled the little scum very well. I’m sure he is ready to run off to their little tea party this night and spill everything to them,” One of his bodyguards held the door open and Keith stepped down, then waited for Wills to come around. “You seem to know quite an awful lot about this League, Wills,” He remarked as they walked into the house.“Yes, I do,” Wills replied, “I have been studying their actions and movements for a while now, about five years or so. It is very wise to know your allies, Mr. Keith, but it is even wiser to know your enemies better.” Keith pointed at the bar when they walked into the living room, “A drink, Wills.”“Of course,” Wills said and clapped his hand for Keith’s whore-maids to fetch him a drink. He noti
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She stood in front of him, her suffocating, yet sweet fragrance flooding into his nostrils. The booth wasn’t meant for two people and their bodies kept touching with the slightest of movements. She raised her gun and asked him to close one eye and look at the target. Her butt rubbed against his hips as she adjusted her posture and caressed the trigger with her index finger. “Ready?” She asked softly.“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Keith returned and she laughed softly.She squeezed the trigger and hit the bullseye effortlessly. Then squeezed it again and one more time. The three bullets hit the same hole, leaving Keith fascinated yet again. She turned to him and handed over the gun with a smile. She was staring at him from under her eyelids now, her eyes laden with dark intentions. For a moment there, Keith really thought he could see through her and figure out what she wanted, but she was a complicated woman as Wills as said. One minute he saw desire in those eyes, the n
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Keith wasted no time in dialing Wills’ number. His heart was already racing at the uncertainty of this urgent message. Wills picked the call immediately and the first thing he asked was, “Are you with Mrs. Flora already, Mr. Keith?” “No, Wills. I’m still in the car,” He peaked out of the tainted window as the car started moving again. The gate to the beautiful duplex had been opened and the car slowly edged in, “But I’m already at her house now. The car is in the garage.” He replied as the car came to a stop. “Okay, good,” Wills’ voice became much lighter and it was only then Keith realized how thick with worry it had been, “It’s almost twenty minutes past seven, I need you to keep that dinner going until ten PM, it is a must that you do.” “Why, Wills? What’s going on?”Wills cleared his throat, “I have a few birds planted around this city and I just got intel that an attack awaits you when you leave her house. I will send reinforcements in very soon but we must still move
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She returned wearing an expensive mink coat over a dazzling, knee-length black gown which was slit up to her hips at one side. Keith couldn’t help but gaze at her beauty for a few seconds and quickly averted his eyes the moment they met hers. “Do you want a drink before you leave, Mr. Keith?” She asked, leading him back into the living room.As she asked, he suddenly felt a dryness in his throat and nodded to her. She returned with a class of a colorless liquid with a crystal-clarity appearance. Keith took a swig of it and swallowed his saliva when he stared at the glass in surprise. “This is very fine liquor,” He said, nodding slightly, “Which is it?”She smiled, “The Diva Vodka, only the finest in my cabinet,” She said and collected the not so empty glass he handed back to her, “I’m sure you have tasted liquor finer than this, Mr. Keith.” She remarked as they headed out of the house, “I was quite nervous that it wouldn’t be up to your taste.” He smiled, “I’ve tasted better
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Keith was shaking from head to toe. He waited for the pain to start spreading throughout his body until it got to his brain. His hands were frozen…his legs, well his legs were numb and he couldn’t feel anything from his chest down. His eyes widened and he gasped, that was probably where he had been shot. But then, he didn’t feel the pain. Not anywhere in his body, but he could smell the gunpowder so close to him now. He felt a current in his right arm, alive and fierce. Then the cold metal of his gun, still in his hand, still pointed at his attacker, shook him back to reality. His gun was smoking, his index finger stuck to the trigger and a bullet hole right in between the eyes of the man’s mask. Slowly, the man fell backwards and landed on the floor with a heavy thud. Keith was shaken, he had pulled the trigger! He just killed a man! He was still lost in his traumatic thoughts, the cold hands he felt creeping up his spine seemed to fade away. Death…that was death calling on to
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The next morning, Keith sat behind the desk in his bedroom with a hot cup of coffee.His mind still dwelled on the bloody sight he had seen yesterday. Wills had killed that man with absolutely no emotion while his heart was still heavy when he thought about the man he had killed in the gallery. What if the police came after him then? But surely, he would be able to wriggle his way out. After all, he had only shot him out of self-defense…right? “Right?” He asked himself and then glanced at the door with wide eyes when he heard a knock, “Wills?”“Yes, Mr. Keith.”He sighed, his hand was already reaching for the second drawer where he kept his gun. He felt odd that his first instinct was to reach for the gun. The perks that power came with seemed to be getting to him now. “You look bright today, Keith,” Wills remarked as he sat down on the other side of the table, there was only one chair there.Keith frowned, “Sure, with the bags under my eyes, right?” Wills placed a stack o
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