All Chapters of Player Initiated: Chapter 11 - Chapter 14
14 chapters
11 - Water Pillar
She rushed to the dragon horn the moment he said those words. Ursula extended her hand. Next moment a water piller the height of a hundred meters or so rose from the water. She moved the pillar around the ocean. On the shore, the filming team, who were slowly sailing in for the day, had the shock of their life when they saw the gigantic pillar. “ Film it ! Shoot ! Camera ! Camera ! Where are you ? “ The director scrambled, while the boat man started reversing the direction. “ Hey ! Hey ! We are not going back ! We can’t go back at this time ! “ the director screamed at the captain, but it was of no use. However, it was of no use in the end. The water pillar chased the boat all the way off the island, sending them back to the nearest Island town. Once they were out of the island’s periphery, the water pillar fizzed away in front of them. The Director wanted to return to the coiling dragon island. The captain of the boat refused no matter what, returning them to the island town.
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12 - return home
“ I could do that ? Then … Okay. “ Ursula chirped happily. Eric nodded and put all the rest of the meat out, including the pythons and half of the dragon meat. The moment the octopus ate the dragon meat, it lit up, then shrunk into a small tennis ball sized creature. It leveled up countless times as it finished the rest of its meal. Ursula’s fish scale shirt gleamed with more and more luster as the little octopus ate more and more. “ You can stay here, and finish eating. Place marks of terra all over the seven oceans. That is my price. “ Eric told her, seeing as the feeding time is going to be long. Ursula bent ninety degrees to bow. “ Thank you, Apostle. Our tribe can live in peace now, thanks to your help. I will complete the task you gave me as soon as I finish feeding. “ she told him. “ There’s no urgency. Do it while combining it with life. I see you came here to be the savior of your tribe. Save your tribe first, then, you can finish the task little by little, as the circ
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13 - Story of a tribe
Eric returned to his lounge chair completely unaware someone was setting sail with the sole intention of crushing him to pieces. He retrieved the three dimensional map of the ocean, kept casting ‘digitize’ at all the fishes he was seeing. When he got bored, he switched to the Disassembly game. He started disassembling all the trash appliances he received for spare parts. Then, shifted them all to inventory. He listed them for sale on the retail platform. Most of these appliances are out of date.Just like that, noon arrived. The noon sun is very hot. Fortunately, the island breeze is cool. The entire family laid down to rest inside the tent, including his grandfather. Eric fell into a deep sleep, the fatigue of the day catching up with him. ◇◆◇Fish swam peacefully in blue waters. Water gently lapped at his skin. There is only a slight opening in front of him to see, covered by corals and anemones. “ Ursula ! Ursula ! Where are you ?! Come out this instant, you little turtle ! You
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14 - A daughter's protection
After he has cursed to his heart’s content, Trevor spoke normally, his face full of cold unbridled fury. “ Every last person in this universe has the right to accuse me of betrayal, Chieftain, but you do not. If not for your lazy incompetent spoiled arse failing to find the awakening altar, our tribe shouldn’t have to go to Tuna tribe at all. If you failed once, you should have gone twice, if you failed twice, you should have gone thrice. You should have gone on the altar finding mission every year, until you found it. However, look at you. You went once, you came back crying like a toddler at the slightest hint of trouble. As soon as the Tuna tribe showed up, you rolled down to lick their feet. What right do you have to accuse me ? “ Trevor hissed at him. Then, he slowly composed himself. “ If you want to keep being a chieftain, I suggest you keep licking the Tuna tribe’s tails properly. After all, though adopted, I am still a member of the Tuna tribe. A lowly goby like you should
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