All Chapters of The Slumdog Billionaire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 chapters
21. Slut Heiress
Jacob stormed into the room, his presence overwhelming, his voice booming with a fury that silenced everyone.“God forbid this abomination!” he shouted, his eyes flashing with rage as they landed on Jasmine.The room, already tense, now crackled with unease. Everyone’s eyes shifted to Jacob, sensing the storm brewing. His expression was cold and hostile, filled with disdain as he fixed his gaze on his twin sister.“She becomes the director?” Jacob spat, his voice dripping with contempt. “When I am the rightful heir? Over my dead body!”Jasmine turned to face him, her own anger rising, but her expression remained controlled. She crossed her arms, trying to keep her composure. Her voice, however, betrayed her frustration as she spoke.“Jacob,” she hissed, “you’ve been in and out of therapy. You’re struggling with smoking, drugs, and alcohol addiction. You can’t even handle your own life, let alone a company like ours. You’re not in the right frame of mind to take control of anything.”J
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22. Kneel Down
Chapter Twenty TwoJasmine’s knees buckled as the weight of the accusation pressed down on her, her body trembling. She felt alone, surrounded by people who should’ve protected her but were now ready to believe the worst. Her breaths came in short, sharp gasps, and she struggled to hold on to any shred of hope.Jacob’s smile widened, knowing he had her cornered. He turned to face the room, addressing everyone now, his voice triumphant.“For years, I’ve watched Jasmine try to outshine me, pretend to be the perfect daughter, the perfect businesswoman. But today, I’m exposing her for what she truly is—a fraud.”Stella chuckled in the background, feeding off the tension, enjoying every second of Jasmine’s humiliation. Grandmother Woods’ face remained cold, the disbelief and disappointment etched deep into her expression.Jasmine’s heart raced, panic rising as she desperately searched the faces of her family members for anyone, anyone who might believe her. But all she saw were eyes full o
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23. The Private Jet
The air smelled of leather and polish as Knight sat in the backseat of a sleek black SUV, his fingers drumming rhythmically on the armrest. The tinted windows shielded him from the curious eyes of the bustling city outside. His face, calm yet focused, was illuminated by the soft glow of his tablet as he scanned through the numbers that danced on the screen. The city was alive, but here, in the quiet luxury of his world, everything was controlled, calculated.The car sped smoothly through Washington, D.C., weaving through traffic with ease. Knight’s phone buzzed softly, and without looking, he pressed the call button in his earpiece.“Talk to me,” he said in a low, firm voice.“Sir, the deal is almost complete. We just need your final signature,” a voice replied from the other end. “The White House contract is secured. We’re talking a billion-dollar deal. The fleet of luxury armored vehicles will be delivered within the month.”Knight allowed himself a small smile, leaning back into th
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24. The Game
The air smelled of leather and polish as Knight sat in the backseat of a sleek black SUV, his fingers drumming rhythmically on the armrest. The tinted windows shielded him from the curious eyes of the bustling city outside. His face, calm yet focused, was illuminated by the soft glow of his tablet as he scanned through the numbers that danced on the screen. The city was alive, but here, in the quiet luxury of his world, everything was controlled, calculated.The car sped smoothly through Washington, D.C., weaving through traffic with ease. Knight’s phone buzzed softly, and without looking, he pressed the call button in his earpiece.“Talk to me,” he said in a low, firm voice.“Sir, the deal is almost complete. We just need your final signature,” a voice replied from the other end. “The White House contract is secured. We’re talking a billion-dollar deal. The fleet of luxury armored vehicles will be delivered within the month.”Knight allowed himself a small smile, leaning back into th
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25. The Dubai Attack
Knight boarded the jet, his face a mask of iron determination. The luxurious cabin felt suffocating, despite the soft leather seats and polished wood panels. His mind spun with the threat against his family. Jasmine. Henry. The weight of their safety pressed heavily on him. As the jet roared to life, soaring into the sky, he began planning his next moves with the ruthless precision he was known for.He stared out the window, watching the ground fall away beneath him. Twenty-four hours. He had no time to waste, but first, he needed to play his role. The Saudis expected him at the oil mogul conference in Dubai, a key part of his global power play. He couldn’t afford to show any weakness, not when so much was at stake. His enemies were watching, waiting for him to slip. If they sensed vulnerability, the entire empire he’d built could crumble.After hours in the air, the jet touched down in Dubai’s opulent private airport. The city’s glittering skyline stretched out before him, a testamen
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26. Doom
Knight stared out at the empty airfield, the faint hum of the jet engines filling the cold night air. His mind was a battlefield now, a swirl of calculations and emotions, but only one thing was clear: he would do whatever it took to protect his family. The rules had changed, and this game had become personal.He boarded the jet, each step firm, his jaw clenched in determination. As soon as he was seated, his fingers flew across the tablet, encrypting new orders to his team. They would need to move fast—faster than the enemies circling his family like vultures. Every asset, every contact, every shadow network he had built over the years would now be put to use.The jet roared to life, racing down the runway. Knight leaned back, staring at the clouds as they streaked past. His thoughts returned to Jacob, the man who once swore to protect family but was now betraying them for power. Knight had always known Jacob was greedy, but to use Henry, to involve an innocent child? That was unforg
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Knight stepped off the plane, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the private hangar. The air was cold, biting against his skin, but his mind remained sharp, his senses alert. He moved swiftly towards the waiting car, his eyes scanning the perimeter. The driver, an older man with years of service behind him, gave a respectful nod as he opened the door.“Where to, sir?” the driver asked.“Headquarters,” Knight replied, his tone clipped. “And step on it.”As the car sped out of the airfield, Knight’s phone buzzed again. His fingers tightened around it as he glanced down. It was a message from his tech team—a brief update, but one that made his eyes narrow.Feed hacked. Location of Jasmine and Henry traced. Estate under heavy surveillance. Armed men spotted.He felt a surge of anger. This wasn’t just about business. It was personal. Whoever had orchestrated this attack on his family was making a statement. They knew his weakness. They knew where to strike.His mind raced, forming a p
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