All Chapters of The Slumdog Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 chapters
11. Diamond Cups
Chapter Eleven Jasmine’s mother froze, her eyes widening in surprise. For a moment, she looked as if she couldn’t believe what she had just heard. But then, a slow, cruel smile spread across her face. It was the first time Henry had seen her smile in a long while. “Good,” she sneered. “I agree. Start packing your stuff, Henry, because I know my daughter. She’s too naive to win against real business sharks. You’ll be out of here soon enough.” With that, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. The echo of the door reverberated through the house, leaving a suffocating silence in its wake. Jasmine, who had been sitting motionless the entire time, suddenly broke down. Tears streamed down her face as she sank to the floor, her shoulders shaking with sobs. “Why would you say that?” she cried, her voice barely a whisper as she looked up at Henry with wide, tear-filled eyes.Jasmine woke up before dawn, the room still bathed in the soft gray of early morning. Her hear
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Chapter Twelve Jasmine walked away, the weight of Stella’s words pressing down on her. Her ruined documents felt heavy in her briefcase, a painful reminder of how far she still had to go. But as she wiped away a stray tear, she told herself she wouldn’t give up. Not today. Not ever. She would find a way, even if it meant starting over from scratch. “Look at you, with your stupid mouth! When was the last time this broke fool got you anything? A lollipop, maybe? You don’t even have any designer items like your sister, who always has the latest collection.” Jasmine’s anger flared even more. “Mom, he needs to leave. Now.” Damon, who had been watching the exchange with a smug smile, finally stood up, his movements deliberate and slow. He placed the box containing the diamond earrings on the table as if offering a final temptation. “Very well,” he said smoothly, his voice dripping with condescension. “I’ll leave since you don’t want my help. But don’t come crying to anyone when you
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13.The Boss’s Wife
Chapter Thirteen She slipped into the dress, the fabric clinging to her uncomfortably. Jasmine glanced at herself in the mirror. The reflection staring back at her looked tired and defeated, but she straightened her shoulders, refusing to give in to the despair creeping in. She gathered her documents, placing them carefully in her old leather briefcase. The briefcase had seen better days—its once-smooth surface was now scratched and peeling, the corners frayed. It looked pitiful, but it was all she had to carry her hopes and dreams. As she descended the stairs, her younger sister Stella appeared, lounging on the couch like a queen. She was wrapped in a silk robe, sipping from a diamond-encrusted Stanley cup. Her eyes lit up with amusement the moment she saw Jasmine. “Oh, look who’s playing dress-up! Are you heading to the zoo, Jasmine?” Stella sneered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Or maybe the circus? You’d fit right in with the clowns.” Jasmine’s jaw tightened.
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14. 50 Million Dollars
Chapter Fourteen Jasmine stood at the front of the room, her heart pounding. She could feel all the eyes on her, waiting. Her hands gripped the edge of the table as she glanced at Zara, the vice president of the Hexagon Consortium. Zara gave her a small, encouraging nod.“You can go on with the presentation, Jasmine,” Zara said calmly.Jasmine swallowed hard, her nerves taking over for a moment. She hadn’t expected to get this far, but now she was here. She had to push through. Slowly, she opened her laptop and started the slideshow. The first few words were shaky, almost a whisper, but as she continued, her voice grew stronger.At first, she stumbled over her words, feeling the pressure. But with every slide, she became more confident. Her passion for the project took over, and soon, she was speaking with energy, her hands moving as she explained each detail. The board members leaned in, their eyes focused on her as she brought her vision to life.“And this design,” Jasmine said
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15. Call Me A Pig
Chapter FifteenJasmine stepped out of the car after paying him her last 43 $ dollars and stood in front of her family’s house, the familiar walls towering over her like they always had. Her mind raced with a thousand thoughts, but one stood out: she had done it. She had won the contract. As she approached the front door, she saw Stella, her sister, leaning against the doorframe with a smug grin plastered on her face. Her arms were crossed, and Jasmine could already sense the mockery brewing in her eyes.“Well, well, well,” Stella started, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Look who’s back from her little failed adventure. You really think you're ahead of yourself now, don’t you?” Stella snorted, her laugh cruel. “To think you had the guts to pitch your dirty little proposal to the Hexagon Consortium. Who do you think you are, Jasmine?”Jasmine sighed, refusing to let her sister’s sharp words penetrate the wall of confidence she had built today. Without responding to Stella’s insul
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16. The Useless Son-In-law
Jasmine met Stella's taunting gaze with a steady look, her lips curling into a smile. “You will be a pig, Stella, because I did get the contract.” Stella paused for a moment, and then she burst into laughter, the sound echoing harshly through the room. “Oh, Jasmine, you’re really going to stick with this ridiculous story, aren't you?” Stella sneered. “ “You must think we’re all fools. I don’t believe you. You’re lying.” Jasmine, unfazed, reached into her bag and pulled out a thick, official-looking document. The room watched, stunned, as she handed it to their grandmother. “Here, Grandma,” Jasmine said calmly, her voice unwavering, “read it for yourself.” Grandma took the contract in her trembling hands, her eyes squinting as she tried to make sense of the bold lettering and official stamps. The room fell silent as everyone waited. Stella's laughter had died down, replaced by an impatient scowl as she watched the old woman. Then, a gasp escaped their grandmother’s lips,
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17. I Want A Divorce
Chapter Seventeen Suddenly, the TV blared in the corner of the living room. The news anchor’s voice filled the air. “Breaking news: Hexagon Consortium has announced a $50 million contract awarded to a secret and private contractor. Speculation is rampant, but the identity remains unknown.” Everyone’s heads turned to the large flat screen television that cost about 230,000 dollars. For a second, Stella’s face twisted in confusion, but then she burst into laughter. “Oh, this is rich!” she sneered. “You think that’s you, Jasmine? You’re not a private contractor; you’re a joke! You hear that, Luke?” Stella turned, her laughter almost hysterical. “She really thinks she’s the big winner.” Luke chuckled from the corner. “You? Fifty million? Don’t make me laugh, Jasmine. You’re nobody.” Jasmine clenched her fists, stepping forward, her face flushed with rage. “Shut up, Stella. You tore my contract—” Before she could finish, Henry stepped between them, grabbing Jasmine’s arm. “
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18. The Bet
Chapter Eighteen Damon stumbled into the house, his presence reeking of alcohol, holding a bottle of wine loosely in one hand. His shirt was wrinkled, and his hair disheveled. He looked around with bleary eyes, a lazy grin plastered on his face. “Well, well, well,” he slurred, swaggering toward them. “I’ve come to claim my wife. I hear there’s been a little bet, huh? Henry said he’d divorce you, Jasmine, if you didn’t get that contract.” He chuckled darkly. “Guess what? I’m here to pick you up. Let’s not waste any more time, darling.” Stella, sitting on the couch, burst into laughter. Her cruel, sharp laughter echoed through the room, adding fuel to the already tense atmosphere. “Oh, Damon, this is just too good!” she said, wiping away fake tears. “Imagine, Jasmine, thinking she could ever win a contract like that. How pathetic.” Jasmine stood up, her eyes blazing with fury. Her hands clenched into tight fists by her side. She stared at Damon with disgust. “Get out of he
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19. Kneel Before Me
Damon’s face twisted in anger as he straightened himself, refusing to back down. “Bow down? Over my dead body!” he snarled, glaring at Henry. “I’ll never bow down to a commoner like you, Knight!” Grandmother Woods, who had been watching in silence, suddenly struck the floor with her walking stick. The loud crack echoed through the room, making everyone jump. Her face was red with fury, her eyes narrowing at Damon. “You fool!” she shouted, her voice filled with authority. “I don’t care how rich or powerful you think you are. You swore on my ancestor’s name, in front of my late husband’s ashes, that you would honor this bet. You think you can walk away from that without consequence? You’ll bring a curse upon yourself and this family!” Damon’s eyes widened, but he quickly masked his fear with a sneer. “I’ll never bow to anyone. Not Henry. Not you. No one!” Grandmother Woods’ grip tightened on her stick. “As much as I hate that man,” she spat, pointing toward Henry, “I’ll never a
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20. Big Dollars Deal
Jasmine stood there for a moment, the chill of the night seeping into her bones. She pulled her coat tighter around her, staring at the empty street ahead. The world felt so vast, so unforgiving, and she felt so small in it. But something had shifted in her—she wasn't going to be weak anymore. She had no other option but to fight.She turned back towards the house, her eyes narrowing at the faint light spilling from the living room window. Stella and Luke’s mocking voices echoed in her ears, their laughter ringing in her head. No more, she thought. No more letting them walk all over me. She would show them who she really was.With her heart pounding, she stepped back inside, quietly moving through the hallway. She made her way to her room, her thoughts racing. She had to think, had to find a plan. But just as she was about to enter her room, she heard hushed voices coming from the kitchen.Jasmine crept closer, peeking around the corner. It was Stella and Luke, and they were whisperin
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