All Chapters of The Slumdog Billionaire : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
27 chapters
1. Divorce Your Wife
Chapter One “Divorce your wife.” Henry blinked, certain he had heard wrong. He looked at Grandmother Woods, her words dripping with venom. He felt a chill run down his spine. Did she really just say that? “Grandma, I don’t understand what you mean. You know how much I love Jasmine!” Henry’s voice trembled, the pain and confusion clear in his eyes. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Grandma Woods didn’t flinch. She folded her arms, eyes narrowing as if she were looking at something beneath her. “If you truly loved my granddaughter, you’d be more than just a failure. You wouldn’t be standing here like a pathetic beggar…. You’ve been nothing but a burden to this family. A useless, lazy son-in-law who hasn’t added a single dollar to our empire. And now, you dare ask for one million dollars? Have you completely lost your mind?” The room grew tense. Henry could feel several eyes boring into him, but none felt as sharp as Grandma Woods’ words. He glanced at Jasmine, standing
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2. Mysterious Limousine
Chapter Two On his way out, Stefan poured wine on the floor and it stained Henry’s only khaki trouser. “Oh , that was totally a mistake. I will check and see if I have any old boxers of mine to dash your poor ass” He said, smirking wickedly. Without waiting for a response Henry turned and walked out of the lavish party which cost about 9 million dollars to decorate. Jasmine’s tears were streaming down her face as she watched Henry leave the ballroom. She felt helpless, torn between the love of her life and the overbearing control of her family. Her grandmother, Grandmother Woods, turned to her sharply, her eyes filled with disdain. "Stop crying, Jasmine. Close your mouth," Grandmother Woods ordered, her voice cold and unforgiving. “You’ll divorce him if he refuses to do it himself. That boy is a stain on this family, and I won’t allow him to drag us down any longer.” Jasmine wiped her eyes, shaking her head. “Why would I do that? Henry has been nothing but a good and r
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3. 50 Billion Dollars Black Card
Chapter Three His sharp, cold eyes locked onto Henry, and without a word, he gestured for Henry to approach. Henry hesitated, his instincts telling him to run, but something about the man’s calm demeanour held him in place. “You’re Henry, correct?” the man asked, his voice authoritative. “Who are you?” The man didn’t answer right away. Instead, he stepped aside, motioning for Henry to get into the limousine. “Get in. We need to talk,” he said, leaving no room for argument. Henry glanced around, his heart still racing, unsure of what to do. He was desperate, and desperate men don’t have the luxury of asking too many questions. He took a deep breath and stepped inside the limousine, the door closing behind him with a soft thud. Henry sat stiffly in the back of the luxurious limousine, glancing nervously at the man in the black suit sitting across from him. The silence was thick, and Henry, still rattled from nearly being hit by the car, finally broke it. “Who are yo
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4. Consortium Heir
Chapter Four Mr. Anderson nodded understandingly. “Take all the time you need, young master. I’ll be waiting for your call whenever you’re ready.” Henry stepped out of the car, his mind still reeling from everything he had just heard. The limousine quietly pulled away, leaving him standing outside the hospital, the black card burning a hole in his pocket. He still couldn’t shake the feeling that this was some kind of dream. Was he really a billionaire heir? Was all of this true? But he didn’t have time to dwell on it. The reverend's sister's life was hanging in the balance. He rushed back into the hospital and went straight to the head doctor, handing him the black card. The doctor eyed him curiously. “Are you sure this will work?” he asked, swiping the card into the payment system. Henry nodded, though doubt still gnawed at him. But to his surprise, the machine beeped, and the doctor’s eyes widened. “Congratulations,” the doctor said, glancing up at Henry with surpris
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5. Am I Dreaming?
Chapter Five "I’m so sorry, Henry," Jasmine whispered, her voice trembling as she touched his bruised arm. "You don’t deserve this." Henry smiled weakly and kissed her on the forehead. "Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine." That night, after the argument settled, Henry had no choice but to sleep on the cold floor, as he often did. His mother-in-law had made it clear long ago that he wasn’t allowed to share the bed with Jasmine. Early the next morning, Henry woke up before dawn, his body stiff and sore from the hard floor. Jasmine was still asleep, and he leaned down to gently kiss her forehead. She stirred slightly, smiling up at him. “I promise, Jasmine,” Henry said quietly, “I’ll work hard. I’ll make sure you live like the queen you deserve to be.” Jasmine chuckled softly, still half asleep. “Stop dreaming, Henry. We’re poor, and now I don’t even have an allowance. Grandma cut me off. They’ll never let us live in peace.” Henry hesitated, wanting to tell her about
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6. Lost 500 Million Dollars
Chapter Six The receptionist’s eyes widened for a brief second, and then she quickly stood up, her posture becoming more respectful. “Oh! Of course, Mr. Henry Knight.The vice president has been expecting you.” Her sudden change in tone caught Henry off guard, but he followed her as she led him to a private glass elevator. The elevator had a spectacular view of the city as it ascended, and Henry couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as the towering buildings of the metropolis came into view. When the elevator reached one of the highest floors, the doors slid open with a soft *ding*. Henry stepped out and immediately found himself in front of an office that was unlike anything he had ever seen. It was sleek, modern, and smelled faintly of expensive perfume. The vice president’s office was filled with rich, dark furniture and floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a breathtaking view of the skyline. But what really caught Henry off guard was the person standing behind the d
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7. The Secret Young Master
Chapter Seven Stella’s eyes narrowed, and she opened her mouth to fire back, but Stefan quickly placed a hand on her arm, squeezing it gently. “Don’t,” he whispered, his voice tight with warning. “We need this contract with Hexagon. Don’t mess this up.” Stella bit her tongue, glaring at the receptionist, but she stayed silent. Stefan continued to whisper urgently, “If we don’t get this contract, all our investments will be ruined. We’ll go bankrupt. My father assured me that Hexagon is one of his partners for electricity supply, so we should have an advantage. Don’t blow it.” Stella, still fuming, nodded reluctantly. Her bratty, spoiled nature made it hard for her to stay quiet, but she understood how high the stakes were. Without Hexagon, their entire financial future was in jeopardy. Two hours dragged by, and no one had attended to them. Stella’s patience finally snapped. She stood up abruptly and marched over to the receptionist’s desk, her face twisted with anger.
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8. Useless Son Inlaw
Chapter Eight Stella’s father, Mr. Woods, sat on the couch, his face buried in his hands. He looked as though he was ready to break down at any moment. Grandmother Woods, however, was standing by the fireplace, her usual cold composure shattered. She looked like she was ready to explode as well. Stefan stammered, trying to explain. “It wasn’t our fault, Father! The vice president—she was unreasonable! Stella just lost her temper, but—” “I don’t care what excuses you have!” Mr. Claxton cut him off sharply, his voice rising with each word. “You slapped a member of their staff! You humiliated our family in front of the most powerful business consortium in the world. Do you even realise the damage you’ve done? Our entire future with Hexagon is gone, Stefan! Gone!” Stella, who had been standing silently, finally spoke up, her voice shaky with fear. “I didn’t know she was the vice president! How was I supposed to know? She looked so young, I thought she was just some employee—”
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9. The Crazy Bet
Chapter Nine “I’ve missed you,” he whispered softly, his heart full of warmth. He pulled back slightly to look into her eyes, his smile widening. “I feel like something wonderful is about to happen to you, Jasmine. You’re a good and kind soul, and the world will reward you.” Jasmine’s eyes welled up with tears, and she rested her head on Henry’s chest. “You always know what to say to make me feel better.” Henry kissed the top of her head, feeling more certain than ever that their lives were about to change for the better. But for now, he would keep his secret a little while longer, knowing that soon, Jasmine would get everything she deserved and more. Grandmother Woods sat at the head of the long mahogany table in the family’s lavish dining room, her hands trembling as she gripped her teacup. The news was playing on the large TV screen in front of her, but the words seemed to echo painfully in her mind. "Hexagon Consortium announces open slots for new companies to join in
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10. Evil Mother Inlaw
Chapter Ten One by one, nearly every family member and executive raised their hand, eager to prove themselves and secure their position as the future leader of the empire. Everyone, that is, except Henry and Jasmine. Jasmine sat quietly beside Henry, her hands folded in her lap. She had always been shy and had never been taken seriously by her family. She had ideas, she had talents, but no one ever listened to her. And after everything that had happened recently, she felt even more unsure of herself. “Honey,” Henry whispered softly, turning to her. “You should participate. You’re so hardworking and talented. You could really make a difference.” Jasmine looked at him with wide eyes, filled with uncertainty. “I don’t know, Henry,” she whispered back. “No one ever takes me seriously. What if I embarrass myself?” “You won’t,” Henry reassured her, his voice filled with encouragement. “You’re smart, and I believe in you. Just raise your hand. Trust me.” Jasmine hesitated, her
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