4. Consortium Heir

Chapter Four

Mr. Anderson nodded understandingly. “Take all the time you need, young master. I’ll be waiting for your call whenever you’re ready.”

Henry stepped out of the car, his mind still reeling from everything he had just heard. The limousine quietly pulled away, leaving him standing outside the hospital, the black card burning a hole in his pocket.

He still couldn’t shake the feeling that this was some kind of dream. Was he really a billionaire heir? Was all of this true?

But he didn’t have time to dwell on it. The reverend's sister's life was hanging in the balance. He rushed back into the hospital and went straight to the head doctor, handing him the black card.

The doctor eyed him curiously. “Are you sure this will work?” he asked, swiping the card into the payment system.

Henry nodded, though doubt still gnawed at him. But to his surprise, the machine beeped, and the doctor’s eyes widened.

“Congratulations,” the doctor said, glancing up at Henry with surprise.

“The payment went through. The surgery will proceed immediately.”

Henry felt the weight of his breath leave his body all at once. He was relieved, but his mind was still clouded with questions.

He looked down at the black card in his hand, turning it over, still unsure if any of this was real.

As he stood in the hospital hallway, waiting for the surgery to begin, a single thought played over and over in his mind.

“Am I truly a billionaire heir?”

"Congratulations! She's pregnant!" the doctor exclaimed as Henry’s eyes widened in shock.

"What?" Henry stammered, feeling his heart skip a beat. His face went pale for a second, but then the doctor laughed and waved his hand dismissively.

"Kidding! After eight long hours of surgery, I'm happy to report her surgery was successful. We hope she recovers completely," the doctor added with a tired smile, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He looked exhausted, his once-crisp white coat now slightly rumpled, evidence of the long, grueling hours he had spent saving the reverend sister’s life.

Henry, who had been lost in thought about the sudden, life-changing revelation of his newfound wealth, was jolted back to reality.

His mind had been swirling with confusion and questions about the black card and the unimaginable fortune it held. But now, his attention was fully on the doctor’s words.

"Thank you so much, doctor," Henry said, his voice full of gratitude and relief.

"Please make sure she gets the best care possible. Whatever she needs, I’ll cover it. Just make sure she recovers well."

The doctor nodded, clearly relieved to have some good news to deliver after such a long procedure.

"We’ll do everything we can. She’s a fighter."

Henry walked over to the reverend sister’s room and took a moment to say a quick hello. She was still unconscious, her face peaceful despite the intense battle her body had just endured.

He stood there for a moment, the weight of everything crashing down on him. His entire life had changed in a matter of hours.

He had gone from begging for money to save the only person who had ever cared for him, to suddenly being handed a fortune beyond his wildest dreams.

As he quietly left the room, he knew he had to get home. It was late, and Jasmine would be waiting for him. But something gnawed at him—an unease he couldn’t shake.

When Henry reached the mansion, the air felt heavy with tension. As soon as he opened the front door, he knew something was wrong. The house was eerily quiet, and then he heard raised voices from the living room.

He crept closer, and his heart sank as he heard Jasmine arguing with her mother.

“I will not divorce him! I don’t care what you or Grandma say!” Jasmine’s voice was shaky but firm.

“I will not marry someone else. I’m not leaving Henry.”

Henry's chest tightened as he listened. His wife had been enduring so much for him. He knew how hard it was for her, especially since she had been forced into their marriage.

He felt a wave of guilt wash over him. Jasmine had always dreamed of marrying for love, but because of her loyalty to her grandfather, she had married Henry after he saved the old man’s life.

Years ago, Henry had been out fishing, trying to scrape together enough money to survive, when he had found an elderly man floating in the sea, shot and left for dead. Without hesitation, Henry had rescued him.

That man had turned out to be Jasmine’s grandfather, and in gratitude, the old man had arranged for Henry to marry his eldest granddaughter. Though Jasmine wasn’t thrilled about the idea, she had agreed out of respect and love for her grandfather.

For a while, things had been peaceful. Jasmine and Henry weren’t madly in love, but they got along well enough, and they were making the best of their situation.

But when Jasmine’s grandfather died—poisoned, as everyone whispered—everything fell apart. The family’s attitude toward Henry shifted overnight, and his life became unbearable.

Jasmine’s mother was about to hit her with a slipper when Henry rushed into the room, wrapping his arms around his wife to protect her. The sharp heel of the slipper struck Henry's arm, leaving a deep bruise that bled slightly.

"Good for you," Jasmine’s mother sneered, her voice filled with venom.

"You deserve it, Henry. And let me tell you something—don’t you dare get my daughter pregnant! I’m here, and I’ll be watching. Don’t think you can trap her with a bastard child!"

Henry winced from the pain but stayed silent, hugging Jasmine tighter. Jasmine’s mother stormed off in disgust, leaving the couple alone.

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