The Perfect Swerve to riches

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The Perfect Swerve to riches

By: Llamanel OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 166

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Micheal betrayed by his wife Elizabeth and her mother. But when he walks in on his wife cheating on him everything changes as he finally decides to make life on his own aged asking for a divorce and that just makes him discover so much he never knew he had...

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11 chapters
The Humiliation
The Humiliation"Micheal?" he could hear his name being called aggressively he came out of his reverie of thoughts."Coming" he answered somewhat under his breath."You better answer like the servant you are," Mrs Anderson said in a mocking tone as she began to laugh profusely.Michael on the other hand knew this was going to be a long conversation."Yes Ma'am" he manages to compose himself trying to make sure that he wounded convincing.Micheal Carter s was fondly called "Mike" by his friends or probably the mom's existent friends he had because well he was mainly a servant to his wife and her mother who considered him nothing but trash. Mike was a gentle and kind-hearted soul, always eager to help others, but life had not been fair to him. He married Elizabeth, a woman who seemed sweet at first, but gradually revealed her true colours after they go married. Her mother, Mrs Anderson, was no better, often fueling Elizabeth's disdain for Mike. And they both enjoyed making ridicule hi
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Unveiling betrayal
Unveiling the BetrayalIn the days that followed the humiliating kitty party, Mike's determination to improve his life intensified. He enrolled in evening classes to gain new skills and started a small gardening business on the side, hoping to find solace and success in his newfound passion. However, little did he know that the path to self-discovery would also lead him to the shocking truth about his wife, Elizabeth.On a Tuesday evening, as Mike returned home from his gardening work, he found the house eerily quiet. And to him that was odd.Usually, Elizabeth would be there, complaining about something or the other, but this time, she was nowhere to be seen. An unsettling feeling crept over Mike as he stepped inside, calling out for her."Elizabeth? Are you home?" Mike's voice echoed through the empty rooms. But there was no response. He climbed the stairs, hoping to find her in their bedroom.As he approached their bedroom door, he heard muffled voices from inside. The voices were
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Hidden conspiracy
The Hidden ConspiracyMike's mind was a whirlwind of emotions as he left the bedroom. He needed time to process the devastating truth he had just learned about his wife and her malevolent plans. With tears streaming down his face, he headed to the quiet solace of his garden, the place that had always been his refuge.As he paced amidst the greenery, trying to make sense of everything, he noticed a glimmer of light from the corner of his eye. He approached a small decorative rock at the edge of the garden, which seemed out of place. Underneath it, he found a sealed envelope with the words "For Michael" written on it.Curiosity mixed with trepidation, he opened the envelope and found a letter inside. As he began to read its contents, his heart sank further.The letter revealed a chilling plot against him, masterminded not only by Elizabeth but also by his mother-in-law, Mrs Anderson. They had been planning his demise for months, conspiring to make it look like an accident or a suicide,
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The Unveiling
The Unveiling As Mike continued his life on the run, he stumbled upon an old family photo that had been hidden away in a dusty box. In it, he saw a young boy with a striking resemblance to himself, standing beside a man who exuded power and wealth. Turning the photo over, he found a message scrawled in faded ink: "To our beloved son, Michael Carter, with love from your father, William Carter."The revelation hit Micheal like a thunderbolt. He was the heir to the Carter family fortune, a billionaire family known for their vast business empire. But why had he never known this? Why had his mother kept it a secret? It became clear that his wife and mother-in-law had not only deceived him emotionally but had also hidden his true identity to prevent him from claiming his rightful inheritance.Determined to learn the truth, Mike delved deeper into his past, discovering documents and letters that confirmed his suspicions. His father, William Carter, had been searching for him for years after
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Games of mockery
The Game of MockeryAs Mike continued to live his life incognito, he couldn't escape the mockery and derision that came with being perceived as a nobody. His ex-wife, Elizabeth, and her mother, Mr.s Anderson, used every opportunity to taunt him, unaware of his secret identity.At a public event, Elizabeth introduced Mile to her new boyfriend, Kevin, a pompous man who had no idea about MC's true background. Kevin took pleasure in mocking Mike, belittling him at every turn. Unbeknownst to Kevin, Mike decided to play along, feigning ignorance of the riches that lay hidden within him.With a sly grin, Mike retorted, "Ah, so you must be the replacement she found so quickly. I must say, your taste is rather questionable."Kevin sneered, "Oh, I'm everything she ever wanted, unlike you, loser."Kevin replied but deep down he felt a pang of what seemed to be anger from the words that emanated from Micheal.Keeping his composure, Mike replied, "Everything she wanted, you say? Well, time will te
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That evening, Mrs. Anderson, his mother-in-law, was waiting for Mike to come home with patience, occupying the same seat that she usually did.After talking to her daughter, she was unable to determine the source of his newly found confidence.The only thing she had ever dreamed of was making Michael's life as miserable as possible so that he would not have the courage to show up at her doorstep prepared to marry her daughter when he had arrived as the impoverished boy ready to wed her.Mike arrived shortly after she finished her second coffee sip, appearing exhausted and failing to acknowledge her as he made his way to his bedroom."Would you hold up? When did this reactions become nofmal? And since when do you come inside my house and ignore me?" She pestered."I apologise and I promise not to do that again. I was a little stressed out." Mike continued to explain what happened when Mrs. Anderson raised her hands to slap Mike in an attempt to seize control of the house.He instinctiv
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Papers signed
"You cannot request a divorce from me! I am holding that right, Michael." Elizabeth remarked as she attempted to enter the locked guest room."Michael, open this door!" she screamed as she became frustrated that Michael had been courageous. It scared her."Okay! Could we please resolve this, Michael? "Please, let us work things out, my love," she attempted to persuade him with the same words she usually did.She always used those words to make Michael feel even more embarrassed when she was trying to persuade him.Like it had succeeded... She heard from her side his movements and he opened the door.Her facial expression turned into a smirk, but it was stopped when a paper was given to her and Michael packed his bag."What is this?" she asked, refusing to take hold of the paper."Divorce papers" Michael said as he gave her the papers, trying so much for her to touch the papers.Mrs. Anderson crossed her arms and said, "My daughter will not take those papers from you. In case you have
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Getting things done!
But Kevin was pretty much obsessed with a couple of women.Elizabeth always wished that Kevin would settle down with her forever because she believed she was the only woman for him. Kevin knew he had the money and would make sure and certain that he used it to get as many women as he wanted.He wished he could have told her right away to concentrate on Mike and, since she had chosen him, probably make his life worthwhile without offending him, but why would he do that? He had to use her as a plot in order to access the properties her father had left before passing away.Since he was in need of affection and was impoverished, Mike was the only one who could handle the antics of the ladies, and Elizabeth and her mother were willing to give him the bullshit they had to offer.He was enjoying his guests' company while lying in bed, but all he wanted was for her to stop calling at this late hour since he would not be able to answer her until the next morning...........After Mike had left
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A good start!
As Michael readied himself to assume his new position as CEO of the company his father had entrusted to him, Friday morning arrived with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Somewhere deep down, he sensed that he was dreaming, still trying to make sense of it and convince himself that he had moved out of Elizabeth's house and was now waiting for the divorce documents to be finalised.He had received insulting texts and calls from her, to which he had not replied.At one point, it seemed like she was pleading with him, and at another, it seemed like she had returned to the person she was before he left the house.His shoulders were burdened with responsibility as he dressed impeccably, trying to project confidence even as butterflies fluttered in his stomach. These emotions had been in his stomach the day he was going to marry Elizabeth; he felt as though everything was against him and that he could never imagine being married to someone from a wealthy family, whose mother would hard
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Gone for long!
Elizabeth stormed into her mother's study, her brow furrowed and her lips tightened in frustration. "Mom," she said, her voice agitated, "I have been trying to reach Mike all day, but he has not returned any of my calls or texts." I am starting to get concerned. "What if something happened to him?"Mrs. Anderson looked up from her work, concern flashing through her eyes as she noticed her daughter's distressed expression. "Have you tried contacting any of his friends or colleagues at the chantier?" she inquired, her tone gentle but firm. She, too, was concerned that her plans were crumbling.Elizabeth shook her head, strands of chestnut hair falling loosely around her face. "I haven't, but I doubt they will know where he is. Mike has been distant recently, and I can not shake the feeling that something is wrong. I thought the divorce papers were jokes and what he said, and I expected him to come home right now begging."Mrs. Anderson sighed as she rose from her desk and approached Eli
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