New moves!

As luck would have it, Ms. Dwindle had been waiting for the call to come from and.

She had actually fallen mad in love with the young but muscukar man who looke d so yummy in his down moment when he felt the clothes looked too much.

Michael sat in his car with the conference call still ringing in his ears. He could not wait to tell Ms. Dwindle about the meeting, which had gone exceptionally well.

He dialled her number, his heart pounding in anticipation. As the phone rang, he adjusted his tie, still amazed at how it had given him a boost in confidence.

"Hello, Michael," Ms. Dwindle's friendly voice said across the queue. "So, how did the conference go?"

"It was fantastic," Michael said, unable to contain his enthusiasm. "I have you to thank for that."

"Me?" Ms. Dwindle expressed surprise. What did I do?

"Remember that bet we made about my first day at the company?" Michael inquired, his voice playful. "You promised that if I could be confident and impress everyone, you would let me take you on a date."

Ms. Dwindle chuckled quietly. I remember. "You feel that you performed well today?"

Michael declared with assurance, "I know I did." "And you were the reason behind everything. I felt like I could take on the world in the outfit you assisted me in choosing. I felt unstoppable as soon as I entered the conference room."

The sound of Ms. Dwindle laughing delighted him. "Happy it was of use. In that suit, you looked extremely stylish."

Michael said, his voice becoming softer, "Thank you." However, it went beyond the outfit. Your eyes were all I could think about during that whole meeting. They offered me the confidence and bravery to speak up and take charge."

Michael could almost see Ms Dwindle blushing as there was a pause on the other end of the queue. Her voice was barely audible above a whisper when she finally said, "Michael, you are making me blush."

"I am happy," Michael answered. "Because I spoke with intention. I want to take you out and express my gratitude to you because you inspire me."

Michael's heart raced during the brief silence that Ms. Dwindle experienced. He pondered whether he had come across as overly assertive, but she continued, her tone glowing with affection. "Oh, Michael, I would adore it. "How about this Saturday?"

Michael experienced a surge of alleviation. "Saturday seems ideal. At seven, I will come get you.

With a smile on her face, Ms. Dwindle said, "I will be ready." "I am eagerly anticipating it."

With a broad smile, Michael replied, "Me too." "You do not know how much."

Michael could not suppress a feeling of victory as they bid each other farewell. Not only had he won the bet with Ms. Dwindle, but he had also aced his conference meeting. More significantly, he would been able to communicate his feelings and set up a date with the woman who had been on his mind nonstop.

Michael was thinking about the upcoming date all night, making it difficult for him to fall asleep.

He thought of Ms. Dwindle's laugh, her smile, and the way her happy eyes glowed.

He was eager to find out where their new chapter would take them because he was confident that pursuing her was the right decision.

When Saturday finally arrived, Michael was waiting outside Ms. Dwindle's door with a bunch of flowers.

She was even more beautiful than he had imagined when she opened the door. Michael's heart skipped a beat at her radiant smile.

He gave her the flowers and said, "Hello." "You look stunning." She looked stunning in the red dress and curly hair, and as he stared at her, he was certain he was lost in those captivating green eyes.

When Ms. Dwindle took the flowers and thanked him, she blushed once more. She teased, "You do not look too bad yourself." He was wearing one of her favourite pieces of clothing, as far as she could recall, and she knew he looked amazing because of the way his bowed legs framed her.

Her stomach gurgled with pleasure, even though they were not exactly bowed.

She had never been fortunate to be in a happy relationship; most of the time, she only learned that the men she was seeing would do everything in their power to undermine her self-esteem because they thought she was too strong to be a woman.

She did not get along with some people's desire for her to be a housewife or even a woman of the kitchen.

Glancing at Mike, she knew she felt comfortable with him, but if this was going to be more than just a date, she needed to make sure she got to know him better so she could make sure they met halfway.

Michael could not help but feel happy as they made their way to his car.

He had overcome his fears, won over his coworkers and staff, and now he was going to spend the evening with the woman who had served as his inspiration. What is more, he had not thought about Elizabeth at all during the day.

Michael realised that this was just the start of something really special, as it was the ideal way to cap off a week that had been nothing but perfect.

Michael and Ms. Dwindle arrived at the five-star establishment, which is renowned for its superb food and ambiance.

The restaurant's soft glow of lights added a magical touch to the otherwise chilly evening air.

Ms. Dwindle noticed as they were escorted to their table that Michael had made a tasteful yet understated reservation—a far cry from the cliched option of reserving the entire space.

Because it was small, they could concentrate on one another without being overly grandiose.

Ms. Dwindle grinned and said, "I am glad you did not go overboard," as they took their seats. "This is flawless."

Michael smiled back at her and said, "I wanted tonight to be about us, not about making a statement." "It is important, in my opinion, to appreciate the small things."

They had a smooth conversation as they enjoyed the fine cuisine.

They discussed their early years, their goals, and the peculiarities that set them apart.

Michael became aware of Ms. Dwindle's passion for painting and how her vivid brushstrokes brought her serenity.

He reciprocated by sharing his love of hiking and the peace he experienced in the outdoors.

Their connection was growing stronger by the minute, and it was obvious that they were both genuinely interested in getting to know one another better.

Up until Elizabeth and Kevin entered the restaurant, their evening was going well.

Elizabeth was shocked to see Michael, who appeared more rested and self-assured than she had ever seen.

She had tried to text and call him for days, but he had refused to pick her up, so at first she thought she was dreaming. Now, however, he appeared young and wealthy. She could not understand this.

Enraged by her jealousy, she walked over to their table, Kevin trailing her with reluctance.

Elizabeth uttered a sarcastic, "What a surprise to see you here, Michael," in her voice. Her expression grew distant as she turned to face Ms. Dwindle.

"Did he tell you that we are married? You ought to understand that you are not required here."

Elizabeth's intrusion surprised Michael and Ms. Dwindle.

Despite Kevin's obvious embarrassment, Elizabeth persisted in her tirade. He was not interested in his name being tarnished in tabloids, and here she was embarrassing him in front of her poor husband—or rather, her soon-to-be ex-husband.

"Eliza!” "Can we leave? He does not deserve this much communication," he said, casting a hateful and disgusted glance at Michael.

She refused to give up!

Disregarding Kevin's entreaties to depart, she spit out, "We have been married for years, and he has no business being here with you." Maintaining his calm, Michael took Ms. Dwindle's hand gently.

He said softly, "Let us go," getting up to lead her out of the restaurant.

Ms. Dwindle, shook but grateful for Michael's composure, took his cue.

Elizabeth was left standing by herself in the restaurant when Kevin eventually made the decision to leave, unable to handle the situation any longer, after they left without reacting to her outburst.

Michael stepped outside, inhaled deeply, and turned to face Ms. Dwindle. With regret in his voice, he said, "I am so sorry about that."

Ms. Dwindle gave him a comforting hand squeeze.

"It is alright, Michael. Simply put, I am relieved that she did not ruin our evening." They made the decision to go for a stroll, enjoying the crisp evening air as they carried on their discussion and felt closer than ever.

The driver of the car they were using just assumed he should drive slowly for a while, so the car trailed behind slowly.

Elizabeth was bewildered and unsure of what to do, so she had to call an Uber because Kevin had left her without a way to get home.

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