Getting things done!

But Kevin was pretty much obsessed with a couple of women.

Elizabeth always wished that Kevin would settle down with her forever because she believed she was the only woman for him. Kevin knew he had the money and would make sure and certain that he used it to get as many women as he wanted.

He wished he could have told her right away to concentrate on Mike and, since she had chosen him, probably make his life worthwhile without offending him, but why would he do that? He had to use her as a plot in order to access the properties her father had left before passing away.

Since he was in need of affection and was impoverished, Mike was the only one who could handle the antics of the ladies, and Elizabeth and her mother were willing to give him the bullshit they had to offer.

He was enjoying his guests' company while lying in bed, but all he wanted was for her to stop calling at this late hour since he would not be able to answer her until the next morning.


After Mike had left to his new hous e the plan with john was to make sure his meeting with the newest investors on Friday at the company was big and also a grand reveal of who he was.

"John? What do you think i should do?" Mike asked as he held an overly big suit in hand. He had used that suit in marrying Elizabeth and it was the best he had as of now.

"Don't tell me you want to wear that to the company coming this Friday?" John said his face holding shock and a lil laughter as he watched his big master do another twirl in the suit.

"You dont like this?" Mike asked looking at John and at his suit, remebering when he had to save so much so that he could get a good suit for his forever with Elizabeth but now she was going to be his ex.

He shook his head from that thought as John replied.

"We are going to locate a highly skilled designer and stylist, Faith Dwindle. She will assist you," John remarked as he turned to head out to make the call.

John looked at him as he stopped, saying, "Why can not we go together or how much money..."

"You are wealthy beyond measure, sir. Do not worry about anything; we will get you the finest suits, tuxedos, and gorgeous clothing that fits your shape. John remarked, "You have a fantastic body and would turn heads everywhere you go." He then turned to leave.

Just one day here in this house where he could harshly believe he was the owner of, he felt loved, and even though he had servants and people tending to him, all he felt was love.

For some years now, nobody had truly made him feel good about himself and his body; instead, they constantly made fun of him and made him feel like he was nothing.

"I wish I had this kind of life since I would have built a house of my own and done a lot of things that need to be done," he remarked, taking off his suit and changing into the funny shorts he wore on his way home.

"I assume you are Mr. Williams," she questioned, glancing at him from head to toe and taking a large gulp as she stood by the door.

"And who are you?" Faith looked at Mike and then stopped when he asked, showcasing his muscles and biceps with a manner that highlighted his waist she turned and looked at him on his face.

"Your designer and dresser for you new walk in this life of affluence" she said.

"Oh, so you are Faith Dwindle" he said before rushing to grab his inner wear and putting them on.

"I see you know me already, fine we will begin immediately" she said as she made a whistle sound and all her three workers entered the room with dresses, shoes, ties, watches and some other male accessories.

Faith Dwindle, the renowned designer and makeover expert for some years after she graduated from her fashion classes has made her name renowed in the city, she took on the challenge of transforming of the biggest men and women of the cough as she dressed them to suit g did positions as they walked into their establishments looking like an egg that had to be taken care of.

When she had been told about a young man entering the business world and needing to look shown she didn't imagine him to be this fine man and looking at him she didn't see a fine looking confident man but a man who was somewhat scared but she was going to make him that of a confident CEO with the clothes she had brought.

Mike, unsure of what to expect, surrendered to Faith's expertise, willing to embrace the change. With a flick of her stylus, she began the transformation, first adorning Mike in a sleek, tailored suit that exuded authority and professionalism.

As Mike gazed at his reflection, a spark of confidence ignited within him, feeling the weight of responsibility and leadership settle comfortably on his shoulders.

He knew he had alot to do.

Next, Faith envisioned a more casual yet commanding look for Mike, opting for a crisp button-down shirt paired with well-fitted trousers.

Accessories such as a stylish watch and a pair of polished loafers completed the ensemble, striking the perfect balance between approachability and competence.

With each garment carefully selected, Mike began to embody the essence of a modern, forward-thinking CEO, ready to tackle any challenge that lay ahead.

As Faith experimented with different outfits, Mike couldn't help but notice the genuine smile that graced her lips whenever she found a combination she was pleased with.

Her enthusiasm and passion for her craft were contagious, and Mike found himself drawn to her radiant energy. With each nod of approval from Faith, Mike's confidence soared, reassured by her unwavering support and guidance throughout the makeover process.

Finally, after several wardrobe changes and adjustments, Faith settled on a sophisticated yet effortlessly chic ensemble for Mike, tailored to suit his new role with finesse.

As she stepped back to admire her handiwork, a warm smile spread across her face, illuminating the room with her infectious positivity. In that moment, Mike realized that beyond her talent as a designer, Faith possessed a rare authenticity and warmth that resonated deeply with him.

Caught off guard by the sudden rush of emotions, Mike couldn't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in his stomach as he gazed at Faith, seeing her in a new light.

In that moment, he realized that perhaps their connection ran deeper than mere professional collaboration.

"Have i just fallen in love?" he asked himself from within or so he thought.

"Oh yes you have fallen in love with your clothes and they look gorgeous on you" she answered bringing him out of his thoughts as he now realized he had spoken out loud.

As their eyes met, a silent understanding passed between them, and Mike couldn't shake the feeling that he might have just fallen in love with the woman who had helped him find his true self in dressing properly.

"Can i ask you a Miss. Dwindle!"

"Yes go on sir" she replied.

"Call me Micheal, he began, but can i take you out of dinner one of head days? I mean just to thank you for helping me out of my dress misery" he smiled nervously thinking she will refuse and a fear that she just might make him feel less than he supposed to feel at the moment.

"Of course Micheal, after your big day on Friday ill love to have dinner with you at 7" she said as she walked out and her team following her.

John had already paid for her services and he was so excited with the looks on Mike.

"She looks great right?" John asked as he entered the room looking at his boss's love dolled face.

"Now stop Micheal" was all he said as he turn for the bathroom.

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