Games of mockery

The Game of Mockery

As Mike continued to live his life incognito, he couldn't escape the mockery and derision that came with being perceived as a nobody. His ex-wife, Elizabeth, and her mother, Mr.s Anderson, used every opportunity to taunt him, unaware of his secret identity.

At a public event, Elizabeth introduced Mile to her new boyfriend, Kevin, a pompous man who had no idea about MC's true background. Kevin took pleasure in mocking Mike, belittling him at every turn. Unbeknownst to Kevin, Mike decided to play along, feigning ignorance of the riches that lay hidden within him.

With a sly grin, Mike retorted, "Ah, so you must be the replacement she found so quickly. I must say, your taste is rather questionable."

Kevin sneered, "Oh, I'm everything she ever wanted, unlike you, loser."

Kevin replied but deep down he felt a pang of what seemed to be anger from the words that emanated from Micheal.

Keeping his composure, Mike replied, "Everything she wanted, you say? Well, time will tell if you can measure up to the man I used to be."

And with a smirk, Mike walked out of the room leaving Elizabeth mad as she followed him reigning insults at him

Unaware of the layers of meaning in Mike's words, Kevin scoffed, dismissing Mike's past life as irrelevant.

Elizabeth followed Michael upstairs to the room, persistently mocking him and calling him a nobody. However, she had found someone willing to take care of her, and possibly Michael too.

In a condescending tone, she asked him to go downstairs and apologize to her guest. Michael, frustrated and hurt, refused to comply with her request.

" I'm not going to apologize to your guest, Elizabeth!" he stood his ground.

" What? How dare you speak to me like that? Elizabeth was taken aback

"You think just because you found someone, you can treat me like a doormat? I won't tolerate it anymore!" Micheal said this time his face holding a hint of anger and laughter causing Elizabeth to be even more scared as she didn't understand the newfound boldness.

Elizabeth nervously said, " Michael, calm down. You're overreacting." her eyes were bloodshot with anger.

Michael asked, " Overreacting? You belittle me, mock me, and now you want me to apologize to your precious guest? No, I won't do it!"

Elizabeth tried to regain control, " Michael, please, just do this for me. It's important." she begged trying to touch him but Micheal flinched as though she was a burning fire.

Michael raised his voice, "Nothing is more important than my self-respect! I won't let you disrespect me any longer!"

Elizabeth: (feeling a little scared) Michael, I didn't mean to hurt you. Just think about what you're doing.

Michael: I've thought about it enough. I deserve better than this, Elizabeth. You can't expect me to keep tolerating your insults.

Elizabeth: (defensively) I didn't realize how much it was affecting you. Can't we talk about this calmly?

Michael: (frustrated) We've talked about it enough! Actions speak louder than words, and I won't let you walk all over me anymore!

Elizabeth realizing the gravity of the situation, began "Michael, please, don't leave. Let's find a way to work this out." she somewhat begged as her mother wasn't around and it was her mother who helped her with the instigations.

" I need some time to think, Elizabeth. I won't apologize to your guest, and I won't be treated like a nobody. Figure out what you want." Micheal firmly said to her not even blinking a wink.

Elizabeth stood there, dumbfounded by Michael's outburst. She hadn't expected him to stand up for himself so strongly. As he left the room, a mix of emotions washed over her - surprise, regret, and a newfound realization of the impact of her words.

With that said Micheal took himself out of the house whilst mildly brushing Kevin on the shoulder.

Elizabeth's mind was in a whirlwind of confusion, desperately trying to piece together the events that had just unfolded. She couldn't comprehend what had transpired between herself and Michael moments ago. The situation seemed hazy, like a distant memory that she couldn't quite grasp. Feeling overwhelmed, she instinctively reached for her phone and dialled her mother's number.

As the phone rang, Elizabeth's heart raced with anticipation. She needed someone to make sense of the chaos in her mind and her mother was her trusted confidante. Despite being on a spa treat, her mother always made time for her. Finally, the call connected, and Elizabeth spilt out the details, struggling to find the right words to describe the ordeal.

Her mother listened attentively, offering a calming presence over the phone. She patiently reassured Elizabeth, urging her to take a deep breath and gather her thoughts. Together, they began to unravel the confusing puzzle, dissecting the events that had transpired. Elizabeth's mother provided a fresh perspective, helping her daughter gain clarity.

As Elizabeth recounted the incident, her mother asked probing questions, encouraging her to reflect on her feelings and intentions. Through this introspection, Elizabeth realized that her own emotions were muddled, clouding her judgment and creating confusion. She began to understand that miscommunication and misunderstandings can often lead to confusing situations.

"So now make sure when he returns home you try to be the perfect wife he maybe wants you to be so that we can find where this newfound boldness is coming from," Mrs. Andersom said over the phone.

"Do you think he is seeing someone else who is richer?" Elizabeth asked her mother as she feared he might be seeing someone who was boosting his confidence somehow.

"Micheal better not dare, he is a nobody hence nobody would see him worthy of dating him, remember when you bought him? I asked what waste of space was that and all you could say was you were in love with him" her mother said in a mocking tone.

"Come on Mother, we aren't talking about stuff like that now, all I want to figure out is where his bravery is coming from," Elizabeth said.

"We need to clip those wings" She assured and hung up.

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