The Legacy Of Evan Stone

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The Legacy Of Evan Stone

By: Victor Writes OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 33 views: 262

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Evan Stone, a live-in son-in-law of the Reynolds family endured constant humiliation and embarrassment from them because of his poor status, even his colleagues treated him in disdain. After being tricked into signing the divorce papers between him and his wife, he was kicked out of the family. But things take a huge turn when he finds out he is the heir of the wealthiest and most powerful family in Metropolis Central, the Stone family. Now that his real identity has been revealed, what will he do with this newfound fortune? How will he repay all those who caused him suffering? Find out now on THE LEGACY OF EVAN STONE.

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33 chapters
"Damn it! Look at what you've done you dimwit!" An elegantly dressed woman screamed, glaring at the sorry-faced young man in front of her before immediately landing him a resounding slap."Do you have any idea how much this cost?!" She continued, her face etched with disgust."I…I'm sorry ma'am, it was a mistake" the young man stuttered in response.His name was Evan Stone. A live-in son-in-law of the Reynolds family.They were currently in the huge living room of the prestigious Reynolds villa, which had been specially adorned in honor of Lady Eva Reynolds's birthday, the esteemed head and grandmother of the Reynolds family. They were the fifth richest family in Metropolis Central.The once lovely and cheerful atmosphere quickly turned sour and tense upon the woman's outburst, garnering the attention of the guests and family members present.The woman was a friend of Mrs Brenda Reynolds, Evan Stone's mother-in-law."Isn't that Freda Reynolds's husband?" Someone whispered among the gu
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Freda snatched Evan's hand tightly, furiously pulling him out of the living room to the main entrance outside and Evan followed without resistance. As soon as they stepped outside, she let go of his hand, and the guards that were present by the sides of the entrance exchanged subtly glances at the scene before them. "What is wrong with you?! Look at how much embarrassment you've caused me today. Ugh!" Freda exclaimed in frustration as she pressed her hand against her forehead. Evan was surprised by her reaction, he at least thought she was going to stand up for him even a little. "What do you mean?! I was the one enduring constant humiliation in there just now and you're making this about you?!" Freda shot him an irritated glance the instant he said that. "Have you taken a look at yourself?! You're such a dummy. Can't you just stay out of trouble for one second and avoid being a burden to me?!" Freda barked. Evan was hurt but hesitated to respond, not wanting to worsen the
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"Hello?!""Hey Rico, it's me Evan" Evan replied calmly, trying to put himself together. He was on the phone with his colleague at his former garbage collector job as he stood outside the gates of the Reynolds villa."Oh, Evan. What do you want?!" Rico asked, his tone sounding a bit harsh."P..please, can you lend me some money?! I promise to pay back before the end of the month" Evan pleaded, his voice shaky. He knew he couldn't pay back before the end of the month but he was too desperate so he had to lie."Are you drunk?! Didn't I lend you some money just two weeks ago? You have some nerve, man. I had pity on you and told you not to pay back the last one you borrowed and you dare call me to ask for another?! "Don't ever call my phone again! You hear me?!" Rico's voice boomed through the phone."Rico, Please…" Evan was about to speak but the only sound he heard next was the beep of his phone as Rico instantly hung up on him after yelling.The doctor had given Evan a deadline of thr
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"So you've been cheating on me with him?!" Evan asked, his tone mixed with hurt and anger as he clenched his fists beside him, his eyes boring into Freda's. Freda responded with a dismissive eye roll, unfazed by Evan's emotions. Evan catching her with Justin meant absolutely nothing to her. "You really think I would continue to spend my life with someone as miserable as you?!" She asked, her face contorted in irritation as she stared at Evan. "Of what good are you to me?! Huh?! You can't even afford the cheapest of gifts I want. Look at what Justin got me–the Himalayan Diamond Skin Birkin, my dream birkin bag. It's something you would never be able to afford in your entire life" Evan looked down at her hands and saw she was holding what looked like shopping bags. Justin Smith must have taken her on a lavish shopping spree. "Face it Evan, you're a worthless excuse of a man" she spat, her expression stern and demeaning. Justin Smith smiled at the words that came out of Freda'
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Bang! Bang! Bang!"Open the damn gate! I need to see Mrs Brenda Reynolds!" Evan yelled, hitting furiously at the gates of the Reynolds villa."No can do, Mister" the gate man replied firmly."What do you mean by that?! Don't you suddenly know who I am, Albert?!" Evan asked in anger, he knew the gateman knew who he was."Sorry, but I'm just following orders. I was instructed explicitly by Mrs Brenda Reynolds not to let you in here ever again and I certainly don't plan on losing my job, so I'd suggest you leave now" the gateman replied, unwavering in his refusal to let Evan in."I'll be quick, this is urgent! Just open the gate!" Evan demanded in desperation, showing no sign of relenting. He had come to confront Mrs Brenda Reynolds about Mrs Evelyn's hospital bill."You're beginning to get on my nerves! You better leave now before I get the dogs on you" the gateman warned, his patience wearing thin."Mrs Brenda Reynolds! Freda! Come out!" Evan yelled more and more but it was of no use a
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"Hey man! Where the heck are you?! You promised to come early, remember?!" Zack, Evan's friend and former classmate asked loudly over the phone. Prior to today, Zack had informed Evan about an upcoming reunion for old classmates, scheduled to take place at one of the most prestigious hotels in Metropolis Central, Harlow Grand Hotels & Resorts. Evan had forgotten about the reunion due to how preoccupied he was with Mrs Evelyn's condition. Though Evan was reluctant to go, he had already promised Zack that he would attend. "I'm on my way Zack. I'll be there soon" Evan assured before ending the call, he was still at the hospital. "Look, I'm currently late for a reunion I'm supposed to be at right now. I'll give you a call when I finish up so I can meet my granddad" Evan said hastily to Mr Johnson. "Where is the reunion held, young master? Would you like me to accompany you there?!" Mr Johnson asked with concern. "It's in Harlow Grand Hotels & Resorts and no, I'll just take a ca
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"That's enough Connor!" Arabella intervened sharply, shooting Connor a cold stare, and this slightly bruised Connor's ego. He expected Arabella to join in on the fun."Now let's talk about something else. Zack, I heard you bagged a new job at Jarvis's Tech Corp. Congrats by the way" She switched to Zack, trying to dilute the tension."Yeah, I did. I didn't expect to get picked though but I'm really happy about it" Zack replied cheerfully."Lucky you Zacky, I heard their pay is really good" Rose added coquettishly and Connor's eyes twitched in jealousy."Yeah, it really is," Zack confirmed."That's great bro. But I bet it's not as stressful as me being the manager of Urbanworks Construction, my schedule is really tight, that's one of the reasons I came late even" Connor said, raising an eyebrow, trying to bring attention to himself."Wow Connor, you're the manager of the famous Urbanworks Construction Company?! That's a huge position you've got there" Rose cooed, diverting her attentio
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"Are you trying to be funny, Evan? You couldn't even afford your own meal" Connor blurted out."Exactly. What are trying to prove, Evan?! I would have asked if you're drunk but you didn't take from the champagne" Rose finally opened her mouth to speak, her tone filled with disdain."Bro, what are you doing?" Zack asked with a low tone, nudging Evan's arm in a subtle manner."It seems to me you all came to play jokes here" the manager said, eyeing Evan with contempt.Ignoring their remarks, Evan calmly stood up and gently dipped his hand into his pocket. With a composed demeanor, he retrieved the Emerald Prime Card and handed it over to the manager to pay the bill."It can't be! Is that an Emerald Prime Card?!""Only a few respected billionaires have access to that card!""I can't believe my eyes!"Some of the patrons whispered in disbelief.The manager raised his brows skeptically as he narrowed his eyes at Evan. "What do you take me for? A fool? How dare you try to play me with an ob
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"Welcome, young master. I trust the reunion went well?" Mr Johnson warmly greeted, as Evan entered one of the waiting convoys of luxurious cars parked outside the hotel."Ah yes it did" Evan replied with a smile on his face.Vance Harlow had done as Evan ordered. Connor, Rose, and Nicholas were humiliated and thrown out of the hotel by the security guards and stood outside the building in shame.Connor especially, was mortified."This is all your fault, Connor. Look what you've caused" Rose and Nicholas had scolded him in disdain.It was then shortly after, Evan came out of the hotel with Zack and Arabella and they were all stunned to see a convoy of huge luxurious cars waiting for him. The perception of Evan they had in their heads was altered, he wasn't the pauper they had thought he was.…Mr Johnson took Evan to see his Grandfather Williams Stone. He was surprised to see his grandfather at a hospital. Grandpa Williams Stone was really old and had been terribly sick, so he had be
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A little smile visibly formed at the corner of Evan's lips as he stared back intently at Xavier. Seeing this, Xavier instantly felt a pang of irritation, while Caitlin raised her eyebrows in surprise. "What's funny? Does this look like a joke to you?" Caitlin questioned in disdain, she was taken aback by Evan's composure. Why was he so calm and confident? This wasn't the person she knew him to be. "Maybe he feels too important to kneel before me. Let's not waste any more time on him, babe. He's not worth it. Come on, let's head inside" Xavier said, wrapping his arm around Caitlin's waist. "You're right, baby. When he starves, he'll come begging for the job like the vagrant he is" Caitlin mocked, laughing as they walked toward the company. "Welcome, sir" the guards greeted Xavier as he and Caitlin reached the entrance. Without any waste of time, he sternly ordered, "See that dolt over there? Make sure he doesn't get in, or you both are fired" "Yes sir" the guards replied
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