Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Open the damn gate! I need to see Mrs Brenda Reynolds!" Evan yelled, hitting furiously at the gates of the Reynolds villa.

"No can do, Mister" the gate man replied firmly.

"What do you mean by that?! Don't you suddenly know who I am, Albert?!" Evan asked in anger, he knew the gateman knew who he was.

"Sorry, but I'm just following orders. I was instructed explicitly by Mrs Brenda Reynolds not to let you in here ever again and I certainly don't plan on losing my job, so I'd suggest you leave now" the gateman replied, unwavering in his refusal to let Evan in.

"I'll be quick, this is urgent! Just open the gate!" Evan demanded in desperation, showing no sign of relenting. He had come to confront Mrs Brenda Reynolds about Mrs Evelyn's hospital bill.

"You're beginning to get on my nerves! You better leave now before I get the dogs on you" the gateman warned, his patience wearing thin.

"Mrs Brenda Reynolds! Freda! Come out!" Evan yelled more and more but it was of no use as no one came out.

He felt devastated. He was going to lose Mrs Evelyn and there was nothing he could do to save her.

He ran his hand through his hair in frustration and then kicked the gate repeatedly before finally giving up and left.

It was over. Mrs Evelyn's fate was sealed and there was nothing he could do to change it.

That instant, in his distress he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He hesitated for a moment, then pulled it out to see an unknown number flashing on the screen. With trembling hands, he answered.

"Hello?!" His voice was shaky in pain.

"Young master is that you?!" The voice of a man inquired on the other end of the line urgently.

"Young who?! You must have the wrong number!" Evan replied, confusion evident in his tone.

"No, I'm sure I am speaking with young master Evan! Please just hold on where you are I'll be there shortly" the man insisted as his voice sounded certain.

Though Evan was taken aback by the unexpected call, he decided to wait as he heard the unknown man call his name. After all, there was nothing to lose in doing so.

Within thirty minutes, a convoy of huge luxurious cars worth millions of dollars pulled up in front of him. Evan's eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of the luxurious vehicles.

A wave of shock washed over him. He had never seen such luxurious cars before. Only the richest families in Metropolis Central owned cars like this.

Immediately, a polished-looking man got down and rushed to Evan, bowing respectfully, the rich scent of his expensive cologne filled Evan's nose.

The man was dressed in a meticulously tailored black suit, complete with a crisply pressed white dress shirt and a perfectly knotted silk tie. His attire was complemented by his polished black leather shoes.

Evan was astonished.

"Young master Evan Stone! I'm so glad to have finally found you. I have searched everywhere for you" the polished man exclaimed in happiness and reverence.

"Young master?! Who are you?! And how do you know my name?!" Evan asked in confusion. What connection could such an expensive-looking man have with someone like him?

"I'll explain everything to you along the way, but first I need you to come with me" the man said, with a sense of urgency in his tone.

Evan remained skeptical, so he insisted "No, I'm not going anywhere with you until you tell me who you are and how you know who I am"

The man saw Evan's persistence, he understood how Evan felt and he let out a small sigh and then said "I am Mr Johnson, the butler of the Stones Family…your family. You are the grandson and sole heir of the Stones Family"

What?! It can't be!

The Stones Family, the wealthiest and most influential family in Metropolis Central. Every tycoon, celebrity, CEO, billionaire, and more had utmost fear of them. They were highly respected by everyone.

Evan knew about them but never thought he was related to them. He only thought it was a normal coincidence that he had the same surname as them.

"Your dad was murdered when you were a baby and your mom got into a car accident with you in it, so we thought we had lost you but your body wasn't found so we began looking for you"

"Your grandfather Williams Stone made me promise to find you at any cost so you could claim your rightful place as the sole heir of the family. I am relieved beyond measure that I have finally fulfilled that promise" Mr Johnson continued, revealing the truth to Evan.

Evan was in utter disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was told, he felt like his mind was playing tricks on him maybe because of how stressed he was about Mrs Evelyn's condition.

"So how did you manage to find me?!" Evan questioned further.

"I found out that your mother had taken you to an orphanage in order to protect you, but tragically she got into an accident on her way back"

"You see, the Stones Family had many enemies. I recently discovered the orphanage, which led me to you" Mr Johnson continued and it made perfect sense to Evan.

Evan recalled that Mrs Evelyn told him that a certain woman with a veiled face had brought him to the orphanage when he was a baby and told them his name was Evan Stone before disappearing without a trace.

"We were also told your matron was rushed to the hospital and we've sorted her bill" Mr Johnson added.

Upon hearing that, Evan's heart swelled with gratitude. This was a miracle to him, he couldn't believe this was real.

"You've paid her hospital bill?!" Evan asked to make sure he heard Mr Johnson clearly.

"Yes, young master. And if you wish, we can arrange for her to be transferred to the best hospital in Metropolis Central" Mr Johnson replied, eager to please Evan as he thought Evan wasn't satisfied.

"I need to go see her!" Evan said urgently.

"Come with us young master, let us take you there. We can then take you to your grandfather after, he would be so happy to see you" Mr Johnson offered and Evan quickly accepted, getting into the luxurious air-conditioned car with plush leather seats.

On their drive to the hospital, Evan's mind raced with thoughts. It took some time before he finally processed everything. Mr Johnson had shown him a photo of his parents and he saw a striking resemblance to his dad.

They arrived at the hospital and Evan rushed to see Mrs Evelyn. He told her that her bill had been paid and she was shocked yet grateful.

Evan didn't tell Mrs Evelyn about his newfound identity or Mr Johnson, he wanted to keep it a secret for the time being.

Now that he knew who he really was, he was bent on having his revenge on the Reynolds family and he vowed to stop at nothing until he fully brought them crumbling to the ground.

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