"So you've been cheating on me with him?!" Evan asked, his tone mixed with hurt and anger as he clenched his fists beside him, his eyes boring into Freda's.

Freda responded with a dismissive eye roll, unfazed by Evan's emotions. Evan catching her with Justin meant absolutely nothing to her.

"You really think I would continue to spend my life with someone as miserable as you?!" She asked, her face contorted in irritation as she stared at Evan.

"Of what good are you to me?! Huh?! You can't even afford the cheapest of gifts I want. Look at what Justin got me–the Himalayan Diamond Skin Birkin, my dream birkin bag. It's something you would never be able to afford in your entire life"

Evan looked down at her hands and saw she was holding what looked like shopping bags. Justin Smith must have taken her on a lavish shopping spree.

"Face it Evan, you're a worthless excuse of a man" she spat, her expression stern and demeaning.

Justin Smith smiled at the words that came out of Freda's mouth. He was pleased, so he tightened his soft grip around her waist in an attempt to make Evan mad.

"You're my wife! Freda…"

"That's ex-wife to you. It seems you've forgotten that you just signed the divorce papers" Mrs Brenda Reynolds quickly cut Evan off, her tone cold.

"What, Mom?! He signed it?!" Freda was surprised to hear that "This is the best day of my life!" She jumped as her face lit up with elation.

"I think you should just scram, loser. You don't deserve someone as beautiful as her anyway. She needs a real man like me in her life, not some poor loser like you"

"I have an idea, why don't you go look for someone in your own lane. There's plenty of ratchet girls in the streets for you, you know" Justin chimed in mocking, pride evident in his expression as he continued to hold Freda's waist possessively.

Seeing Justin's hands on Freda's waist sparked Evan, he was agitated.

"What are you still doing standing there scum? The gate is over there. Come on, run along now" Lincoln taunted, adding fuel to the fire but Evan ignored his remarks.

Evan's ignorance annoyed Lincoln so he rushed over to Evan and shoved him forcefully "Are you suddenly deaf now?! I said move it scumbag!"

Evan reached his limit, he had been holding in his fury but he couldn't take it any longer so he unleashed a powerful punch at Lincoln's face, sending him crashing to the ground.

Freda and Mrs Brenda Reynolds let out a shocked gasp as soon as Evan did that.

"Argh, my nose" Lincoln groaned in pain from the floor while clutching his injured nose tightly.

Mrs Brenda Reynolds quickly rushed to her son's side, bending down to comfort him as he whimpered in pain.

"M-mom! T-that bastard hit me!" Lincoln yelled in pain, like a baby in need of breast milk.

"Y..your nose! It's bleeding!" Mrs Brenda Reynolds exclaimed in shock and she immediately stood up and marched over to Evan angrily "How dare you lay your filthy hands on my son!"

Evan turned and shot her a deadly look enough to send shivers down her spine and she froze. She had never seen Evan so angry like this before and this made her cower backward in fear.

Evan then faced Justin and slowly walked towards him.

"What?! You wanna fight loser?!" Justin taunted with boldness.

He had taken some classes in taekwondo so he had some skills in combat.

The sight of Evan scared Freda so she distanced herself from him and watched from a distance.

As Evan drew near, Justin raised his leg in an attempt to land a kick on him but Evan caught it mid-air and Justin got stuck, looking stupid.

With a surge of anger, Evan instantly turned Justin's foot with full force and Justin somersaulted, falling hard to the ground as he then let out a painful scream "Ahhhh, you just broke my ankle! You're going to regret this, you chump!"

Turns out, Justin wasn't serious with his Taekwondo classes. Evan was a good fighter since he was bullied a lot growing up, and he learned how to defend himself.

Freda never knew Evan could ever get this angry and in fear of what he would do to Justin she immediately screamed "Don't you dare touch him!"

The gateman and Justin's driver immediately rushed to hold Evan as he was about to pounce on Justin, but Evan effortlessly pushed them to the ground. Evan was just too strong.

The noise from the scene drew the attention of some of the men in the Reynolds family, so they came out to see what was going on, only to see Evan punching Justin, who laid helplessly on the floor.

They rushed to Evan and managed to restrain him, and when Freda saw Evan was restrained she rushed to Justin whose face was swollen from Evan's punches.

"B-baby, are you ok?" She petted in feigned care before turning to Evan in venomous anger "Get away from here, you rascal! Get away and never show your wretched face here ever again! I hate you!"

Evan took one last look at all of them before he was finally kicked out. With a heavy heart, he then left for the hospital to see his matron.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Evan rushed to the secretary's desk "Hello, excuse me. My name is Evan Stone, the payment for my matron has been made, her name is Mrs Evelyn Anders. Please can I know when the surgery will begin?"

The secretary took a good look at Evan who looked unkempt because of his face and worn-out clothes, then she looked at her computer before saying "Sorry, I can't find any payment for Mrs Evelyn Anders on my system. Are you sure you made the payments?!"

"Y-yes, yes I'm sure!" Evan answered, his heart jolting through his chest.

"I'm sorry, but I can't find any proof of payment in the system. It looks like no transaction has been made" she replied firmly, her expression resolute.

"P-please you have to check again! The payment was made before I got here. Please I'm telling the truth" Evan pleaded desperately, his voice quivering with anxiety as he tried to reason with her.

It then dawned on Evan that he had been deceived, Mrs Brenda Reynolds didn't transfer the required amount for Mrs Evelyn's treatment as she had promised.

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