
"Hey Rico, it's me Evan" Evan replied calmly, trying to put himself together. He was on the phone with his colleague at his former garbage collector job as he stood outside the gates of the Reynolds villa.

"Oh, Evan. What do you want?!" Rico asked, his tone sounding a bit harsh.

"P..please, can you lend me some money?! I promise to pay back before the end of the month" Evan pleaded, his voice shaky. He knew he couldn't pay back before the end of the month but he was too desperate so he had to lie.

"Are you drunk?! Didn't I lend you some money just two weeks ago? You have some nerve, man. I had pity on you and told you not to pay back the last one you borrowed and you dare call me to ask for another?!

"Don't ever call my phone again! You hear me?!" Rico's voice boomed through the phone.

"Rico, Please…"

Evan was about to speak but the only sound he heard next was the beep of his phone as Rico instantly hung up on him after yelling.

The doctor had given Evan a deadline of three days to find the money when Evan went to the hospital to reason with him and Evan had already used two days.

Evan didn't agree to Mrs. Brenda Reynolds's condition of signing the divorce papers, and this angered her, so he had to find the money elsewhere. He had tried pleading with Freda but she didn't show an ounce of care.

Adeline, one of Freda's best friends, felt sorry for Evan and begged Freda on Evan's behalf for the money but Freda ignored her.

Evan tried all he could within the last two days to raise the money but it just wasn't working out. He had a friend and former classmate named Zack but was hesitant to ask him for money as Zack had given him some money just five days ago.

After much thinking, Evan finally entered the Reynolds compound, he had just gotten back from the market when he called Rico on his phone outside.

Coincidentally, Mrs Brenda Reynolds was standing outside the entrance of the villa with her arms crossed, it almost seemed to Evan that she had been waiting for him.

"What took you so long, huh?!" She questioned in disdain "Stop acting sluggish. Quickly, go inside and make us something to eat, I'm starving"

"I'll do it" Evan replied sadly as he looked down.

"Of course you will, not that you have a choice not to. Make sure you avoid using too much salt this time as the last meal you cooked was salty" she taunted.

"No. I mean I'll sign the divorce papers" Evan said clearly this time, and she was caught off guard.

"Oh, now we're talking. I like the sound of that" Mrs Brenda unconsciously smiled. What Evan said was like music to her ears.

Her hunger vanished the moment she heard that. Finally, the parasite was going to leave her daughter and get out of the Reynolds house.

"But you'll transfer the amount for Mrs Evelyn's treatment into my account immediately after I sign it" Evan continued.

"You don't make the rules here, I do. After you sign it, I'll transfer the money directly to the hospital's account" Mrs Brenda countered with authority.

Instantly, Mrs Brenda Reynolds called for one of the maids. "Quickly, take the groceries from him and drop them off in the kitchen. Then go to my room and bring the documents you see on my bed, make sure you handle it like your life depends on it" she ordered the maid, masking her excitement.

Evan couldn't help but stare at her with irritation as she ordered the maid.

"I knew you'd come to your senses" Mrs Brenda Reynolds said to Evan, and in a matter of a few minutes, the maid returned with the documents. "Hand it over to him" she gestured.

With pain in Evan's eyes and a heavy heart, he signed the papers. Mrs Evelyn's life meant much more to him than anything else. It was better to do this than remain in a house where he was hated and constantly tortured, even by his wife.

Throughout the year of his marriage to Freda, she never allowed him to come close to her, let alone touch her. Evan slept on the floor in their room while she slept on the king-sized bed.

As soon as Evan finished signing the papers, Lincoln walked outside the house only to see his mother, talking with Evan with a smile on her face.

That was unusual for him to see as he knew his mother never normally did that.

"What's going on Mother? And what is the scum doing standing here?!" He asked with disdain as he gave Evan a cold glance and Evan did the same.

"Oh, Lincoln. He finally agreed to sign the divorce papers. He can now get out of your sister's hair" Mrs Brenda Reynolds giggled.

"Wow, Mom. That's great news, the leech has finally set her free" Lincoln rejoiced with his mother in a bit to spite Evan but Evan paid him no attention.

Mrs Brenda brought out her phone and made the payment to the hospital's account, and Evan let out a sad sigh of relief as he felt Mrs Evelyn's life was finally saved.

As he was about to leave for the hospital, he turned his head only to see the gateman opening the big gate for a Rolls-Royce Cullinan that drove in. This luxurious car certainly didn't belong to any of the Reynolds family and he was aware of it.

Evan, Mrs Evelyn, and Lincoln all watched as the luxurious Rolls-Royce Cullinan parked, and suddenly the driver got down to open the back door.

Evan was shocked at the faces he saw. His blood boiled at the sight of them together.

It was none other than Justin Smith, coming down from the car with Freda, Justin then wrapped his hand around her waist and gave her a peck on her lips.

Throughout the whole year of Evan's marriage to Freda, she didn't even spare Evan a kiss on the cheek and yet she allowed another man to kiss her on the lips?!

"What?!" Evan seethed.

He was pissed.

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