Freda snatched Evan's hand tightly, furiously pulling him out of the living room to the main entrance outside and Evan followed without resistance.

As soon as they stepped outside, she let go of his hand, and the guards that were present by the sides of the entrance exchanged subtly glances at the scene before them.

"What is wrong with you?! Look at how much embarrassment you've caused me today. Ugh!" Freda exclaimed in frustration as she pressed her hand against her forehead.

Evan was surprised by her reaction, he at least thought she was going to stand up for him even a little. "What do you mean?! I was the one enduring constant humiliation in there just now and you're making this about you?!"

Freda shot him an irritated glance the instant he said that.

"Have you taken a look at yourself?! You're such a dummy. Can't you just stay out of trouble for one second and avoid being a burden to me?!" Freda barked.

Evan was hurt but hesitated to respond, not wanting to worsen the situation. He loved Freda and he wanted to please her.

He took a deep breath and attempted to reach out to her, apologizing "My love, I'm sorry…"

Before he could finish, Freda recoiled, pulling her hand away in horror.

"Don't touch me, you imbecile" she interjected and the guards almost burst out in laughter but maintained a serious outlook as she turned to them and said strictly "Guards, make sure you do not let him in until the birthday celebration is over. Else kiss your jobs goodbye"

With that, she stormed back into the house, leaving Evan to stand outside.

Evan stood there hurt and dumbfounded as he watched her walk back into the house. He was about to call her name but got interrupted by a phone call.

"Hello! I'm I on the phone with Mr Evan Stone?!" A feminine voice asked urgently as Evan picked up the call.

"Yes. Please who's this?" Evan replied as he noticed that the caller was not in his contacts.

"Can I call you back? I'm currently in the middle of something right now" he added quickly.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but this is urgent, I'm Nurse Valerie from Downtown Wellness Hospital. Your matron, Mrs Evelyn was rushed in after fainting due to a severe form of vasovagal syncope"

"We managed to stabilize her but we discovered an underlying cardiac anomaly that requires immediate surgical intervention. The treatment costs $500,000 and you need to make a deposit before we can proceed with the treatment" she explained swiftly and it felt like Evan's world stopped.

This wasn't supposed to happen today of all days. Evan couldn't believe what he heard.

Mrs Evelyn was one of the few people who meant the world to Evan. She raised and took good care of Evan from childhood in the orphanage, so his world shook because of the call he had just received about her.

"I'm on my way there right now, nurse!" he replied, panicking.

"Please I'd suggest you come with the required amount so we can move on with the treatment immediately" the nurse added, before ending the call.

Evan was devastated, he knew he couldn't go to the hospital empty-handed and the only money he had in his account right now was only $70. Where could he get $500,000 from in such a short time?!

Instantly, an idea popped into his head. "I'll plead with Grandma Eva Reynolds for the money. Maybe she would understand and take pity on me as it is her birthday"

Without thinking twice Evan decided to run back inside but the guards blocked his path. In desperation, he forcefully pushed through and they tried to restrain him but they couldn't.

"Grandma, we know you love art and paintings so we got you this custom family tree painting worth $850,000. We know you'll love it"

"Grandma, we got you this exquisite walking cane worth $500,000. It is handcrafted from rare ebony wood and adorned with a solid gold handle"

The grandchildren of Lady Eva Reynolds brought her various expensive gifts and this sweetened her heart.

"Lady Reynolds, I heard you're a big lover of jewelry so I got you the celestial treasure jewelry box and some luxury pieces of jewelry with it" Justin Smith, Lincoln's friend said haughtily.

Justin Smith was the first grandson of the Smith family, the third richest family in Metropolis Central. Safe to say he was their main heir.


"The celestial treasure jewelry box?! I would do anything to have that"

"He must be filthy rich, that jewelry box costs over $1,500,000! Any girl he eventually marries will be so lucky"

The guests murmured in shock and envy.

"Thank you my dear Justin" Lady Eva Reynolds said happily.

"Oh, it's nothing, Lady Reynolds. There's more from where that came from" he replied cockishly as he subtly narrowed his eyes at Freda, and she blushed.

Justin Smith has always had his eye on Freda, Evan's wife, as she was extremely beautiful and he was doing this to get on the Reynolds's family good side.

While this was going on, an abrupt shout was heard and everyone turned their heads simultaneously towards the direction it came from.

"Grandma Eva!" Evan yelled, his voice rang through the room as he rushed to Lady Eva Reynolds.

The moment Freda saw him, she bit her lips in fury. This man just wouldn't listen would he, he had come to embarrass her once again. She was definitely going to get those incompetent guards dealt with after this.

"Grandma Eva! P..please I need your help! matron was just rushed to the hospital and I need over $500,000 for her treatment. Please help me" Evan fell on his knees as he begged, panting.

The guest's eyes widened in surprise and a wave of pleasure washed over Lincoln seeing Evan like this as Evan had earlier challenged him.

"Your husband is quite shameless Freda, begging grandma for money and he is the only one who didn't bring her any gifts. Even my fiancee Xavier brought gifts for grandma" Caitlin Reynolds, Freda's cousin poked.

"It seems that's the only thing he's good at, begging like a fool. Too bad Freda had to be married to someone like him" Xavier Jones, Caitlin's fiancé chimed in, mocking. He was also attracted to Freda, even though he was engaged to Caitlin.

Lady Eva Reynolds's sight of Evan shifted her cheerful mood into a deadly one.

"Get away from here you pig! How dare you come to pester me about your useless matron, how does her predicament concern me?!" She spat, her tone devoid of compassion, followed by a command "Someone, throw this pig out of here!"

Justin Smith smiled as Franklin and Lincoln quickly rushed to do just that before Mrs. Brenda Reynolds, Evan's mother-in-law said…

"I will give you the amount required for your matron's bill"

Evan's teary eyes lit up the moment he heard that, but it was only fleeting as she then said...

"But on one condition. You have to sign my daughter's divorce papers right here and now!"

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