"Hey man! Where the heck are you?! You promised to come early, remember?!" Zack, Evan's friend and former classmate asked loudly over the phone.

Prior to today, Zack had informed Evan about an upcoming reunion for old classmates, scheduled to take place at one of the most prestigious hotels in Metropolis Central, Harlow Grand Hotels & Resorts.

Evan had forgotten about the reunion due to how preoccupied he was with Mrs Evelyn's condition. Though Evan was reluctant to go, he had already promised Zack that he would attend.

"I'm on my way Zack. I'll be there soon" Evan assured before ending the call, he was still at the hospital.

"Look, I'm currently late for a reunion I'm supposed to be at right now. I'll give you a call when I finish up so I can meet my granddad" Evan said hastily to Mr Johnson.

"Where is the reunion held, young master? Would you like me to accompany you there?!" Mr Johnson asked with concern.

"It's in Harlow Grand Hotels & Resorts and no, I'll just take a cab" Evan declined.

"Ok then, please take this with you" Mr Johnson said, stretching out his hand towards Evan, giving him a sleekly designed emerald card with Evan's last name neatly crested on it.

"What is this?!" Evan asked, puzzled.

"It's an Emerald Prime Card, with a small balance of $200,000,000. It also offers exclusive benefits and privileges to its holders, including access to private jets, luxury yachts, and VIP events. Please, have it. It's yours now" Mr Johnson explained.

Evan couldn't believe his ears. Did Mr Johnson just call $200,000,000 small? He was just beginning to grasp how rich the Stones Family were.

"Are you sure this is mine?!" Evan asked in shock.

"Yes, or won't the amount be enough for you today, young master?! I can triple the balance if you'd like" Mr Johnson asked, slightly worrying if it wasn't enough.

" it's fine. Thank you" Evan fidgeted, Mr Johnson asking if $200,000,000 wouldn't be enough for a day shocked him. He had only $70 in his account just a few minutes ago. He couldn't believe how drastic his life had changed in an instant.

"And If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to call me" Mr Johnson added, his concern evident.

"Thank you. I better start going now" Evan said hastily and left to take a cab to the destination of the reunion.

He didn't have time to change his clothes so he still had on his worn-out shirt and pants.

The cab arrived at the prestigious hotel, Evan paid the driver and got out of the car only to see Connor Smith, who happens to be Justin Smith's cousin and Evan's former classmate.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the infamous Evan Stone. What the hell are you doing here? I never knew you were invited" Connor Smith said cockishly, slightly irritated to see Evan and so was Evan.

Connor Smith was one of Evan's former bullies in college. Evan never liked him as Connor had a disgusting personality and was always so full of himself.

Refusing to engage with Connor, Evan walked past him and headed straight into the hotel to meet Zack, leaving Connor slightly miffed.

"Hold it right there! Where do you think you're going?!" One of the buff guards stationed at the entrance of the hotel asked sternly, eyeing Evan's worn-out clothes in disdain.

"I'm here for a reunion, so if you would please excuse me" Evan replied swiftly as he tried to walk past but they stood firm, blocking his path.

Connor Smith saw what was happening and he laughed from afar before striding confidently towards the entrance of the hotel, and based on the plush brown suit he wore and how presentable he looked, the guards allowed him to pass unimpeded.

Evan attempted to hurriedly move along with Connor but the guards immediately seized his arm.

"Don't try to play smart now, boy. We've dealt with your type before…poor beggars trying to infiltrate the hotel so they can cause nuisance to our exquisite guests" the guard scoffed, tightening his grip on Evan's arm.

Evan was on the verge of reacting but he hesitated the moment he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey buddy, what took you so long?!"

He looked over and saw Zack, and so did the guards.

"He's with me guards" Luckily, Zack quickly intervened as he caught a glimpse of Evan as he sat inside the hotel.

Evan yanked his arm off the guard's grip the moment Zack said that and went in with him.

The high ceilings of the hotel were adorned with sparkling chandeliers, casting a warm, inviting glow over the entire space. The whole room exuded luxury.

Zack guided Evan to their seats in the huge posh dining room of the hotel, where he noticed several other former classmates, most of whom shot him with demeaning looks as the low chatter of the other patrons present in the room filled the atmosphere.

"Ew, don't sit here! Someone's already claimed this spot, and besides, my bag's clearly on it!" Rose, one of Evan's former classmates, said with disgust as Evan attempted to take a seat beside her. She looked stunning, with her petite figure.

Rose lied, the seat was empty but she just didn't want Evan to sit close to her because of how awful he looked.

Feeling awkward, Evan hesitated before finally settling into the empty seat beside Zack. He never wanted to attend this reunion in the first place.

"Waiter! Over here!" Connor Smith called out, and an impeccably dressed waiter quickly came to take their order.

"Bring your most expensive drink for everyone here except him," Connor said haughtily, exempting Evan from his generous gesture in a motive to spite him.

The waiter nodded and left to fetch the most expensive drink available in the hotel.

"Here you go sir, this is the Celestial Crystal Grandeur Champagne. It's known for being rare and it's exceptional quality. Its cost…"

"Spare me the details, just open it and serve us" Connor proudly interjected, he was eager to flaunt his wealth and impress everyone around the table, particularly the ladies.

The waiter poured the champagne delicately into their glasses and then left to get the rest of their orders.

Meanwhile, Zack quietly paid for Evan's meal.

"So, Evan, how have you been? It's good to see you again" Arabella, one of Evan's former classmates, asked calmly, showing genuine interest. She looked charming as always. She was one of the pretty girls in school back then.

Before Evan could respond, Connor interjected with a snide comment, itching to degrade him in front of everyone "I heard he was a garbage collector and a live-in son-in-law of the Reynolds family, but got kicked out recently after his wife divorced his sorry ass"

"Aww, poor thing. Life really dealt you a tough hand, huh?" Rose added, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she joined in mocking Evan.

"Worst of all, I heard he slept on the floor in his ex-wife's room all through the one year of their marriage, and she never allowed him to touch her" Connor continued, laughing and goading in pleasure.

"Damn, that's rough" Nicholas, one of Evan's former classmates chimed in with laughter, adding to the mockery.

Feeling a surge of anger, Evan clenched his fists and thudded them on the table, struggling to maintain his composure.

This instantly drew the attention of the other patrons.

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