Knowing Patriarch Charles, he never gave easy conditions, and this made Adeline's heart skip a beat as she anxiously wondered what he was about to demand.

The rest of the family also watched closely, their curiosity piqued as they eagerly waited for Patriarch Charles to reveal his condition.

"As you all know, Valtor Corporation is building a new convention center and they're accepting bids for contracts…" Patriarch Charles began, leaving everyone to wonder where he was going with this.

"Okay… but Grandpa, what does that have to do with you allowing Evan and me to be together?" Adeline asked calmly, raising her eyebrows in confusion.

The other members of the Davis family exchanged puzzled glances, equally curious about how Valtor Corporation's contract bids were connected to Adeline's relationship with Evan.

A small smile formed at the corner of Patriarch Charles's lips as he finally revealed his condition. "This contract is very important to our family and our company. So, Adeline, if
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