"I'm sorry, but I have to ask you all to leave" the waiter said calmly, gesturing toward the exit.

Freda, Mr. Robert, and her family were stunned, and the patrons' eyes widened in shock.

"What?!" Freda exclaimed, raising her eyebrows in confusion.

"I don't understand! What do you mean?!" Mrs. Brenda chimed in, her expression filled with panic.

They all looked to Mr. Robert, hoping he could stand up for them in that moment.

"And why are you asking us to leave?" Mr. Robert demanded, as Freda quickly linked her arm with his.

The head waiter remained calm as he answered, "I'm afraid it's a security protocol. We've had some concerns about the room's capacity, and we need to rebalance the guest list"

Mr. Robert's eyes narrowed. "Security protocol? At 8 PM on a Tuesday? I don't think so. What's really going on here?"

"Exactly, what's really going on?!" Mrs. Brenda's panic turned to annoyance. Seeing Mr. Robert speak up, gave her a confidence boost.

"This is ridiculous! We're not going anywhe
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