A little smile visibly formed at the corner of Evan's lips as he stared back intently at Xavier.

Seeing this, Xavier instantly felt a pang of irritation, while Caitlin raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"What's funny? Does this look like a joke to you?" Caitlin questioned in disdain, she was taken aback by Evan's composure.

Why was he so calm and confident? This wasn't the person she knew him to be.

"Maybe he feels too important to kneel before me. Let's not waste any more time on him, babe. He's not worth it. Come on, let's head inside" Xavier said, wrapping his arm around Caitlin's waist.

"You're right, baby. When he starves, he'll come begging for the job like the vagrant he is" Caitlin mocked, laughing as they walked toward the company.

"Welcome, sir" the guards greeted Xavier as he and Caitlin reached the entrance.

Without any waste of time, he sternly ordered, "See that dolt over there? Make sure he doesn't get in, or you both are fired"

"Yes sir" the guards replied
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