9. The Crazy Bet

Chapter Nine

“I’ve missed you,” he whispered softly, his heart full of warmth. He pulled back slightly to look into her eyes, his smile widening.

“I feel like something wonderful is about to happen to you, Jasmine. You’re a good and kind soul, and the world will reward you.”

Jasmine’s eyes welled up with tears, and she rested her head on Henry’s chest.

“You always know what to say to make me feel better.”

Henry kissed the top of her head, feeling more certain than ever that their lives were about to change for the better.

But for now, he would keep his secret a little while longer, knowing that soon, Jasmine would get everything she deserved and more.

Grandmother Woods sat at the head of the long mahogany table in the family’s lavish dining room, her hands trembling as she gripped her teacup.

The news was playing on the large TV screen in front of her, but the words seemed to echo painfully in her mind.

"Hexagon Consortium announces open slots for new companies to join in a competitive bid process…"

Her hand shook even more violently, and the cup slipped from her grasp, crashing to the floor and shattering into pieces.

The sound was sharp, mirroring the chaos in her mind. She clenched her fists, her fury rising as she realized this opportunity was supposed to be hers—**her** family’s. But Stella had messed everything up with her stupidity and arrogance.

She couldn’t let it end like this.

With a sharp bark of command, Grandmother Woods called for the servants.

“Tell everyone to gather in the meeting room. Now! All family members, board members, and directors. Everyone!”

The servants scattered immediately, knowing better than to question her. No one wanted to risk her wrath, especially not when she was in this kind of mood.

Everyone knew that Grandmother Woods held complete control over the family’s empire, which specialized in high-end furniture and interior decorations.

She could fire anyone on a whim or even remove them from the will without hesitation. Her power was absolute, and her temper, unforgiving.

Within minutes, the meeting room was full. Family members, board directors, and business executives all filled the seats, whispering nervously among themselves.

They knew something was wrong; they could feel the tension in the air. No one dared to speak above a murmur, waiting for the storm they knew was coming.

Grandmother Woods entered the room, her face set in a grim scowl. Everyone immediately fell silent as she took her place at the head of the table. Her presence was like a dark cloud, looming over the room.

But before she could speak, Stella, who had positioned herself right next to her fiancé Stefan, let out a loud, exaggerated hiss.

“Why is *he* here?” she asked mockingly, her voice dripping with disdain as she glanced toward Henry, who was sitting quietly beside Jasmine. She made sure everyone could hear her as she added,

“Grandmother called a family meeting and invited board members, not the servants or the mansion’s cockroach.”

All eyes turned toward Henry, and everyone knew exactly who Stella was mocking.

The insult stung, but Henry remained calm, determined not to let her words get to him. He had dealt with worse.

Before Stella could continue, Grandmother Woods snapped,

“All of you, shut up!” Her voice was sharp and cold, immediately commanding the attention of the room.

“We have an emergency. Hexagon Consortium has thrown us out, and because of that, we’ve lost half a billion dollars.”

A collective gasp rippled through the room. Everyone exchanged worried glances, but no one dared to speak. Losing half a billion dollars was a catastrophe.

Hexagon had been a major business partner, and without them, the entire empire was at risk of crumbling.

Grandmother Woods continued, her voice heavy with anger.

“We need to make that back, and even more, if we ever want to regain our respect in the industry. All of you are here because I expect solutions. You’re supposed to be smart, so prove it. Come up with an idea, or we’re finished.”

The room fell into a tense silence. People shifted uncomfortably in their seats, glancing at one another, but no one spoke.

It was clear that the pressure was too much for anyone to handle. Coming up with a solution to save the family’s empire seemed impossible, especially after the disaster with Hexagon.

Grandmother Woods scoffed, her disgust evident.

“Dullards! The lot of you! You’re all useless. I’m too tired of this incompetence.”

She paused, then leaned forward, her voice turning icy and deliberate.

“Whoever comes up with an idea that secures a new contract with Hexagon Consortium, or an equally prestigious company, will become the next chairman of the family empire. They will control everything, including the will, after I’m gone.”

The room exploded into murmurs and shocked whispers. This was unheard of. Grandmother Woods was known for being controlling and secretive about the family’s fortune.

For her to offer such a reward meant she was desperate—truly desperate. Everyone knew what was at stake.

A lawyer sitting beside her began documenting her words, making it official. Grandmother Woods raised her hand to silence the room, her sharp gaze cutting through the crowd.

“I don’t care how you do it—by any means necessary. But I want this family’s glory to shine again. Do I make myself clear?”

The room buzzed with excitement. Everyone knew the magnitude of what she was offering. To become chairman of the family empire was the ultimate prize.

It meant control over the company, the fortune, and the future. Hands started shooting up all around the room as people scrambled to express their interest.

“I’m in, Grandmother!”

“I’ll do it!”

“I’ll get us that contract!”

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