10. Evil Mother Inlaw

Chapter Ten

One by one, nearly every family member and executive raised their hand, eager to prove themselves and secure their position as the future leader of the empire.

Everyone, that is, except Henry and Jasmine.

Jasmine sat quietly beside Henry, her hands folded in her lap. She had always been shy and had never been taken seriously by her family.

She had ideas, she had talents, but no one ever listened to her. And after everything that had happened recently, she felt even more unsure of herself.

“Honey,” Henry whispered softly, turning to her.

“You should participate. You’re so hardworking and talented. You could really make a difference.”

Jasmine looked at him with wide eyes, filled with uncertainty.

“I don’t know, Henry,” she whispered back. “No one ever takes me seriously. What if I embarrass myself?”

“You won’t,” Henry reassured her, his voice filled with encouragement.

“You’re smart, and I believe in you. Just raise your hand. Trust me.”

Jasmine hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. She glanced around the room at the raised hands, the confidence in everyone’s eyes, and felt a wave of doubt.

But Henry’s reassuring smile gave her the strength she needed. Slowly, she raised her hand.

As soon as her hand went up, the room went silent. All eyes turned toward her, and for a brief moment, there was nothing but stunned disbelief.

Then, out of nowhere, the room erupted into laughter—loud, mocking laughter that filled the air like poison.

Stella was the first to sneer. “Oh, look! Little Jasmine thinks she can run a business! How adorable!”

Others joined in, their laughter cruel and biting, making Jasmine’s face turn bright red with embarrassment.

She quickly lowered her hand, her confidence shattered. Her hands shook as she placed them in her lap, unable to look up from the table.

Henry felt anger bubbling up inside him, but before he could say anything, Grandmother Woods slammed her fist on the table.

“Enough!” she barked, silencing the room once again. She didn’t look at Jasmine, but Henry could see the tension in her eyes.

The laughter died down, but the damage was done. Jasmine sat quietly, feeling smaller than ever, while Henry placed a comforting hand on her back, his heart breaking for his wife.

He knew she deserved better, but he also knew that this family would never see her worth.

As the meeting continued, the cruel laughter still echoed in the back of Henry’s mind. But deep down, he knew that soon, Jasmine would have the last laugh.


As Grandmother Woods retired to her room after the intense meeting, the mocking laughter still hung in the air.

Henry and Jasmine remained seated, Jasmine's eyes downcast, her face still flushed from the humiliating experience. The room had emptied out, but the cruel energy lingered, heavy and oppressive.

It wasn’t long before Stella and Stefan swaggered over, their sneers as sharp as daggers. Stella crossed her arms, swaying her hips confidently as she eyed Jasmine.

“Well, well, well. Look at the little mouse who thought she could play with the big cats,” Stella said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“What were you thinking, Jasmine? You can’t even pick out your own clothes without asking someone’s opinion, and you want to run a company? What a joke.”

Stefan chuckled beside her, shaking his head. “I almost feel bad for you, Henry, being married to someone so...useless.”

Henry remained calm, but his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. He could feel the anger boiling beneath his skin, but he wasn’t going to let it show. Instead, he gave a small, confident smile.

“Jasmine is a lot stronger and smarter than you think. I’m sure she’ll win the contract. In fact, I’m a hundred percent certain.”

Stefan snorted, clearly amused by Henry’s confidence.

“Yeah? If Jasmine somehow manages to secure the contract, that’ll be the day I kneel down and kiss your feet in front of everyone.”

Henry’s smile grew, his eyes glinting with a coy challenge.

“Deal accepted. And if she doesn’t win, I’ll kneel down and kiss your feet in front of the entire company.”

Stella let out a wicked laugh, her head thrown back as she swayed her hips in mock triumph.

“You wish!” she spat, turning on her heel. “Come on, Stefan, let’s leave these two dreamers to their fantasies.”

As they strutted out of the room, their laughter echoing down the hallway, Henry turned his attention back to

Jasmine, who sat quietly, staring at her hands. He could see the hurt in her eyes, but before he could say anything, the door burst open.

It was Jasmine’s mother, her face twisted in anger. She stormed into the room, her eyes flashing with fury as she zeroed in on her daughter.

“You stupid, foolish girl!” she screamed, marching toward Jasmine. “Who told you to raise your hand and agree to that deal? You should have stayed quiet like a mouse, just like you always do.

How dare you think you can contribute to the family now, after you refused to marry Damon and help us when we needed you? And now you want to be a hero, huh?!”

Jasmine flinched as her mother’s words hit her like a slap. Her hands trembled, but she remained silent, her face pale and drawn.

Henry’s heart broke seeing his wife shrink under her mother’s relentless verbal abuse. He wanted to defend her, but the rage bubbling inside him finally burst.

“If she doesn’t get the contract and become the chairman,” Henry said, his voice cold and sharp, “then I will willingly divorce her. And she can marry Damon James, just like you want. Maybe then you’ll stop hitting her.”

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