All Chapters of Rise Of The Mafia Lord: Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
12 chapters
Chapter 11. Recruitment
Xavier left Victor's office, determination in his stride. He had a plan, and now it was time to execute it. His first stop was the city's underworld, where mercenaries and black-market dealers lurked.He had paid the system ten gold coins to get a list of the most reputable mercenary group in the country.He arrived at the infamous Red Diamond bar, a hub for illicit activities. The bouncer, a towering giant, eyed Xavier before nodding."You here for business or pleasure?"Xavier smiled. "Business. I'm looking for Jack Harris."The bouncer's expression changed from curiosity to caution. "What do you want with Jack?"Xavier handed him a hundred dollar bill roll. "Tell him Xavier wants to discuss a job."The bouncer pocketed the bill and disappeared into the crowded bar. Minutes later, he returned with a rugged-looking man in his mid-40s."Xavier, this is Jack Harris," the bouncer said before melting into the crowd.Jack's piercing gaze assessed Xavier. "What's the job?"Xavier gestured
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Chapter 12. Early days
(Author's Note: Three chapters has been allocated to Maximus' colorful and action packed backstory. It will be a first person POV as Maximus is recounting his earlier days)."Some think the mighty and powerful – heads of state, military commanders, and billionaires – are untouchable, exempt from the rules that govern the rest of us. But I've seen the other side. I wasn't born with a golden spoon or a title. I was once just like everyone else, with hopes and heartaches. And I, too, once felt the all-consuming fire of passion."I stepped into the dimly lit room, neon lights casting an eerie glow. A long, imposing table dominated the space, flanked by six chairs, only one of which remained empty. The darkness was suffocating, obscuring everything, including my own reflection. I claimed the final seat, my presence a declaration of defiance.They thought me ill-prepared, too green for this high-stakes mission. But they underestimated me. As leader of the KWE mercenary group, a small yet fo
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