All Chapters of Andrew Baron : The Undercover Trillionaire On Top : Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 chapters
Chapter 11: Canceled partnership
As soon as Mike saw the security guards coming their way, his lips curled into a smirk. “I want you to drag this things out of here, their presence would contaminate other important guests” He orderedBut they ignored, walking towards him instead. “I said throw these two out , why are you walking towards me? Do you know who I am?” Mike bellowed, his eyes turning red The men blatantly ignored him, dragging him by his arms and was about to bundle him out of the event. But they paused immediately, as they received an eye signal from Andrew, telling them not to throw him out. Andrew wanted him to be inside to receive a larger dose of humiliation. Forcefully, they released the man from their grasp causing him to land on his butt with a thud. “Ouch!” Mike yelped rubbing his ass “ All of you will pay for this!”He yelled, as he watched Andrew and Benita’s back disappear into the hall. **As Andrew and Benita walked into the hall, he dug out his phone fr
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Chapter 12: Showering Them With Praises
The hall buzzed with excitement as the people waited for the event to start. Everyone in the hall was dressed in their finest clothing , because they had been anticipating this day —the day the mysterious president of A and U would finally reveal his face. Lily, her mother, Miranda, and brother Ben, were seated at the special table, cladded in their best outfits as they reveled in the adoration from the guests. Their cheeks were hurting from the amount of smiles they had had to flash at everyone complimenting them . Everyone in the hall was in awe of Lily. They deemed her lucky and blessed to be the winner of the A and U project. Everyone was throwing themselves at their feet in order to get on their good side. “Lily you are such an incredible woman and I wish my daughter would grow up to be like you someday” A woman walked up to their table, her face covered in smiles. “Thank you, don't worry she will grow up to make you proud just as my daughter here is alway
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Chapter 13 : Harassing Benita
Lily's eyes remained glued to Andrew and Benita as they walked side by side into the hall. “Benita what are you doing with that scum?” Lily called out to her friend, her face scrunching up in disgust. Then, it hit her “Wait, don't tell me you are the girl that trash moved on with a few days after our divorce?” Lily pointed her fingers at Andrew and burst into a humiliating laughter, but deep down, she hadn't expected Andrew would find Benita so easily even when she withheld information about her.Benita stood there in shock, not understanding why Lily was laughing and insulting Andrew. Wait,did I just hear divorce? Benita muttered as Lily's words sank into her ears. She looked at Lily and back at Andrew, she did that 2 times.Then, it struck her like lightning —Andrew was Lily's ex husband, —the same man she had said she would kick in the balls if she saw him. Lily stared at Andrew in disgust expecting him to show a form of recognition towards her but he didn't, which angered he
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Chapter 14: A group Associates
“Oh my God! Let him down, you bastard! Today is my day and dare try to ruin it ?!” Lily yelled,glaring at Andrew in disgust, and soon other voices began to join in. The hall erupted into loud noises and murmurs as people bashed Andrew. Undeterred, by their meaningless noise, Andrew's hands were still tightly wrapped around Ben's neck as he struggled, his eyes bulging out in pain. “If you don't let him down now, you will regret your entire existence today” Marinda threatened her eyes blazing with fury “Let him down you fool, are you not scared to touch the brother of our golden lady?” A man yelled from the crowd As all this was going on, Benita stood at the corner, her heart drumming against her chest as she heard the vile words falling out of people's mouths. But Andrew didn't bulge, the man he held had stopped struggling and was just coughing out blood. Benita rushed to where Andrew stood, panic etched on her face as she feared for what would happen to Andrew if Ben died.
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Chapter 15: The Reverse Is The Case
“Yes! It's finally happening ” Lily squealed, her face liting up with smiles “You both tried to ruin my day but you have failed woefully, watch how your pitiful life gets more miserable” Lily sneered, eyeing Andrew and Benita condescendingly Adjusting her hair,she walked towards the men in black suits. “Hello sir, welcome to my event, I'm sure you already know me by now” she giggled, batting her eyelashes “Anyways, we have a little problem over here”Lily said, her voice laced with disdain “Can you imagine these bags of trash? they were harassing me at my own event” Lily sneered , pointing at Denzel and Benita “Since you are here and the Chairman would be arriving soon to announce my partnership”“I want you to bundle these bags of trash out of here , but before that, break their legs so they would learn not to over step their boundaries ever again”“Mrs. Miranda and her limping son, Ben, began to feel more confident that the men would listen to Lily , so they stepped forward to
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Chapter 16: Left Them In Shock
“What did he just do?”“Did he just bow to that man?” Different People asked all at once , their voices laced with disbeliefThe hall went into a frenzy, their murmurings echoing with disbelief “It shouldn't be what I'm thinking” “What is it that you are thinking?”“Are you sure the call that man made was fake? As it is, maybe it wasn't”“Wait, are you trying to say that the man might actually be the..” “What! No way! The chairman of A and U?“Exactly! Because who else holds that much power to make the CEO bow to them?” “Oh my God, and I have been bashing him since, I hope the CEO won't take it out on us” “Same here,I even called him horrible names, but thank God, I didn't say mine out loud” “Shut up! But you did insult him!”The whole hall was bustling with noise as people weighed on their opinions and horrible past attitude towards Andrew. “Quite everyone! I need absolute silence this minute” The CEO thundered and the hall turned pin drop quite immediately. The entire hall w
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Chapter 17: A Little Dose Of Humiliation
Tar! Tar! Tar! Mike and Lily continued to let out painful screams as their faces shifted from one side to the other at each strike. Their cheeks had turned purple and red as tears flowed down their faces At the same time, they pleaded for mercy non-stop “Please sir, forgive us, we are sorry, we will never offend you again” “Please sir have mercy” The CEO threw his face away and as his men continued to land blinding slaps to the two people whom he regarded as fools. Miranda sat at the corner wailing her eyes out as she saw her daughter being beaten like an animal. “Please I beg of you, Lily is sorry please show mercy,” Miranda said, walking towards the men, but the stern glare from the them made her halt in her steps, as she snapped her mouth shut instantly “Please sir, forgive us” Lily and Mike cried, their cheeks becoming too heavy to lift Despite their pleas the men continued landing heavy slaps on their faces with full force. When Lily saw that their pleas had b
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Chapter 18: He Is Not The chairman
The CEO’s men dragged Lily,Miranda, Ben and Mike out of the hall as they screamed at the top of their voices. “You will surely regret this! I mean it! All of you will come back crawling like idiots by the time the chairman hears about this!” Lily yelled, kicking her legs in defiance as the men dragged her out. “Wow, this is shocking” one of the guests said, heaving a deep sigh“The woman of the day has been bundled out from her own event”another woman added “Such a tragedy, I wonder how they are going to face the embarrassment”“How did she go from being the golden girl who was supposed to sign her partnership with A and U today, to a disgrace?” One of the women who had kept quiet and had just been listening, finally spoke up “But on the other hand, has anyone thought of why the A and U group suddenly canceled the partnership with Lily's company” “Didn't you see what she did?”another woman snapped “Yeah I saw that, she insulted that man” “He isn't just an ordinary man, he is th
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