Andrew Baron : The Undercover Trillionaire On Top
Andrew Baron : The Undercover Trillionaire On Top
Author: Bella Cruz
Chapter 1: Not Remorseful

“Mr Baron , I am sorry, but the DNA test results came back negative” the doctor informed Andrew, his voice laced with sympathy.

“ Which means I'm not Winnie’s father? Andrew asked, staring at the doctor with wide eyes , hoping that he'd refute what he had just said and confirm that it was a mistake.

But —it never came.

And for the first time ever , he was short of words, he opened his mouth to say something, but no words came forth .

His heart was heavy with dread, and he could feel his heart banging against his chest.

“Mr Baron , we've had similar cases in the past and most of them ended up being a case of paternity fraud” The doctor suggested, adjusting his glasses.

“No, this is definitely not a similar case” Andrew countered, lost in thoughts.

There is only one answer to this, he thought, using a white handkerchief to wipe the beads of sweat on his forehead.

He had found out that his 3 year old daughter had sickle cell anemia. It was shocking to him because he was sure of his wife's genotype.

It was compatible with his— they had run a test before getting married.

So, he decided to run a DNA test to confirm his fears.

And lo, and behold, it came back exactly as he had suspected.

“My daughter was switched at birth” Andrew blurted out the only reasonable conclusion he could come up with.

Lily— his wife could do anything —but Andrew was sure of one thing —she would never cheat on him.

Yes! That was how much he trusted his wife,Lily Harlow.

Rest assured, Andrew finalized with the doctor and headed back home to discuss his findings with his wife.

Andrew arrived at the Harlows mansion, where he had lived as a live- in - son- in- law for the past 3 years.

The place was unusually quiet, his In-laws were nowhere in sight, but it was a good thing —he didn't have the strength to banter words with them.

With fast strides, Andrew took the steps in twos, burning with the desire to share his findings with his.

But as he walked down the hallway leading to his room.

He halted in his tracks as an unbelievable sound pierced through his ears and directly slammed his heart.

The sound of moans and groans were coming from somewhere —his matrimonial bed room.

In utter denial, Andrew moved closer and was about to barge into the room, when an unfamiliar voice spoke up, making Andrew halt in his steps, his hands hanging in the air.

Gently, he placed his hands on the door knob, and placed his ears on the cold wooden door.

“ Is your so-called husband this good?” An unfamiliar voice mocked, accompanied with loud groans in-between.

At this point, Andrew's heart beat increased 10 times, his heart furiously pounding against his chest, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

He desperately hoped that the glaring truth wasn't true, but sadly —it was.

“Do you think I'd allow such a miserable person to touch me?” The overly familiar voice spoke up, confirming Andrew's fears, as a cold chill ran down his spine, his rapid heart beat, pausing for a second.

In a swift mode, Andrew jerked the door open, barging in, his hands morphed into a tight ball, his eyes bloodshot, glaring at the naked adults on top of his bed —his matrimonial bed.

Andrew was yet to say a word, as he glared at the two shameless people on the bed, expecting them to feel remorseful.

But instead, they did the exact opposite, catching him off guard.

“What's the meaning of this Andrew?” Lily bellowed, dragging the sheets to cover her unclad body , as she glared daggers at him.

“Are you asking me that question Lily? I should be the one asking you, what the fucking hell is going on!?” Andrew yelled.

“ It's just as you saw it, I just fucked your wife because you are no man” A brown haired taunted mockingly, his lips curving into a grin.

Enraged, Andrew stormed to the bed to knock that grin off the man's face, but Lily put her body in the way, blocking off the man from Andrew's view.

“Stop it! Stop it, who gave you the right to barge in here without knocking?”

Lily roared, after all, she had no reason to obey a miserable man like Andrew.

She had concluded a long time ago that he was the woman in the relationship, whereas she was the man.

She was the one who had a blooming company, while he sits at home to take care of Winnie.

Andrew was taken aback slightly, but soon enough, he recovered, his anger brimming to the fullest.

“ Isn't it enough that you were caught cheating on your matrimonial bed. And yet, you still don't feel the slightest remorse about it?” Andrew asked, his voice firm as he tried to not let the turmoil he was feeling inside slip through his voice.

“What came over you Lily? Andrew asked, finding it hard to believe that this was the same woman who risked her life to save him 7 years ago.

Over the years, she had gone from being the kind woman he thought she was, into something else.

But, it never affected the love he had for her, because he was indebted to her, so he tolerated the insults from her and her family.

“I have one question , and I need you to answer this minute! " Andrew said in a low and dangerous tone, staring straight at the woman whom he could barely recognize.

“ Who is Winnie’s father ?”

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