All Chapters of I'm a Stingray?: Chapter 41
- Chapter 50
180 chapters
Chapter 41 - Green, again?
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Timothy ate a fish, and then another. He was supposed to, as most stingrays were carnivores, and loved to eat meat. However, he had approached this school of fish in a less than rithmic way, and this was inevitably problematic. Fish weren’t the brightest creatures in the world, not by a stretch, but they were smart enough to understand some forms of rhythms. The social complexity of a mega-school of fish, naturally had some rules, and if someone broke those rules, a bunch of fish within the school were bound to notice! The rules were simple. For example, huge fish who preferred solidarity, knew to swim slowly within such crowds, they were typically very relaxed as they knew better. Smaller fish were more frantic, but they knew enough not to separate from their groups or respective subgroups, and this was what kept most of them alive. Those were the couple of little rules that such large crowds of fish followed, however, it was problematic that Timothy didn’t follow any of such soci
Chapter 42 - Green Veins
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim swam forward for a few more meters, before he unleashed another wall of fire within the waters. He still didn't understand how his fireballs were water resistant, but as long as they did what they were supposed to, he did not question their mysterious nature. He used the fire's collective, wall-like results to eradicate the things that had threatened him, and he succeeded as a result, he won the battle.“That should be the last of them,” He mumbled, “I spun my tail like it was some fucking helicopter blade! Spun it longer than I wanted to… I didn't even know that my thin ass tail could get so exercised.”The things that he was saying were as horrendous as ever, but this time, he said them with the pretext of irritation. He was irritated, because he felt worn down and still hungry, and overall really challenged. He had enough reasons to excuse the nonsense that he just spewed.Then, the system came along to twist his feelings even more. A couple of things had happened over the cour
Chapter 43 - 1/100
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Timothy ate a bunch of small fish, about sixty of them. After that, he had to put an end to his seafare. He had dared to explore the open ocean, because hunger had encouraged him to do so, but now, it was time to go back home. He didn’t necessarily have to go back to the reef, but he still had to hide somewhere, preferably a spot where there wasn't a dark, bottomless pit below him. He wanted to feel safe, because there was a purchase option that he wanted to buy.Timothy wanted to, and quite frankly, he had to buy that micro shift ability. The ocean was treacherous and unforgiving, even more so, to the 3.5 meter long, swimming disk that was Timothy. For that matter, he simply had to buy this ability, and alter his size to fit any environment better.The system encouraged his motives as well as she could. She even gave him the greenlight from her side, regarding the purchasing matter. Apart from that, she also had something else to say.She said, [Congratulations, Timothy! You've accum
Chapter 44 - Task 6, 7, and 8!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
The purchase he bought didn't go easy on him. Tim had hoped to have a painless experience, but that request was out of the system's hands. She tried to grant his little wish, but inevitably, it was the brute pain that knocked him out, rather than anything else!He did not have a fun time, especially in the beginning. However, he was sound asleep throughout most of the implementation of said purchase, which all facts considered, was the only type of mercy he got as a result. The process itself took four hours, it wasn't fun!Tim woke up, about two hours after the purchase was implemented. He felt both well rested and worn down, at the same time, which was quite a sensation! The process had put his body into a strain, so it wasn't a surprise how he felt chewed up and spat out! It mattered more that he was alive, however.The system cheered him up even further, as she bashed a couple of notifications on his face. One was relative to the previous task, and the other notification was more
Chapter 45 - Koob Tonon Bonon
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
“A bubonic what?” Tim asked.After hearing that name, his explorative urges went down for a second. He was really intimidated by the name, and considering that the reward for killing one of them was decent, he could only guess that they were really dangerous!He frantically repeated, “Bubonic, huh? I'm not planning to get sick for some points, system.”[It's called a bubonic shifter, mind you. Odds are that you won't get sick from them, as long as you play it safe. Use your deflective magic, you have the extingus breath ability for a reason, it deflects magic, use it more often.] She followed along.“What should I expect from a bubonic shifter then? Help me be more prepared, system.” He tried to pressure the other.[They shift,] She answered, [Shapeshift, to be exact. That is one of their main powers, and also, they can shoot plague darts out of their nostrils. They're interesting creatures, but bubonic nonetheless, so it's a good deed to kill one, or more of them.]“Nostrils, huh? Bl
Chapter 46 - Marlo's invite
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Marlo was an important fish, he was a shark! Well, his species did not matter much, however, the position he bore here across the reef, did matter. He could get things done, and in this case, Tim had to talk to Marlo first, if he wanted to get back into the sect without being labeled a murderer, and or traitor!A few days ago, he had a bad experience with several stingrays from within the sect. He experienced a deadly brawl which only allowed him, and Ortana (another stingray), to escape! Now Tim didn’t know if Ortana was still alive, he didn’t know if she made it home, but if she did, then he had to know how she had portrayed him within the sect!This was the safest course of action, because he couldn't just barge in the sect right now. He wasn't able to predict how its members would react! Ortana could've said simply anything to preserve her privileges and her very life, and Tim wanted to know just what she said! That was why he wanted to talk to Marlo, he wanted to play it safe.Ko
Chapter 47 - Anti-mana pool (1)
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
“The open waters were no joke!” Tim exclaimed, as he tended to a bunch of kids within the sect.He wanted to give them a fun story, as Marlo requested such, so he then added. “There are hundreds of fish out there, thousands of them that we can eat, but they’re crazy as shit! There’s no fighting them, so stay here, and listen to your elders until you grow big and strong… or at least until you can shapeshift into something bigger, cuz the oceans aren’t so friendly towards tiny fish. I know all about that first hand, I used to be very tiny too!”The small fish (some older than others) loved his over-dramatic storytelling, but at some point, he had to put an end to those same stories. There was a lot going on here, in the sect, so he didn't want to waste anyone's time. He didn’t want to distract these folks.That aside, he was yet to see Ortana, a female stingray whom he considered to be a lousy traitor! It was imperative to meet her, so he wanted to spend a moment looking around for her.
Chapter 48 - Anti-mana pool (2)
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
“The green stuff drives fish mad, yes.” Tim emphasized, “Anti-mana thing is no joke, then, but is there a cure to it, Marlo, a fix? I wasted a lot of meat today, because I couldn’t eat all those crazy dolphins that I ended up killing, and now, I can see that you're losing your home too, all because of this anti-mana shit! It’s no fun, and that's why we need to do something. Is there a fix to this?”“We’re already doing something about it, we're fixing it.” Marlo said. Afterwards, he went into more detail about what some would consider a rather boring topic. The topic itself wasn’t entirely boring, but for one to understand the concept of anti-mana thoroughly, a one-hour long lecture was mandatory. Marlo didn’t hesitate to lecture the other, regarding everything one needed to know about anti-mana, or at least everything that he knew of, so that was exactly what Marlo did. Tim listened to what Marlo had to yap on about, and at the end, he was confident to boast about remembering a who
Chapter 49 - Signs of the anti-dots!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
[Congratulations, Timothy. You found me some information about all that ‘green stuff’ and therefore, you completed system task number six!] The system suddenly announced.Tim did not expect this. In fact, he had completely forgotten about this specific task, and had spammed Marlo with questions about the anti-mana, only out of curiosity! He hadn't done it for points, or for the task’s sake, not nearly.For that matter, he was in a mild shock, when the system then further announced. [Due to the completion of this task, you've won 250 points as a reward. So as of now, you've accumulated a total of 3,263 points.]“That's nice,” He added, “I should take a moment to spend all those, right? I have this nagging feeling that I'm running behind on upgrades, it’s a really annoying feeling.”[In an imperfect world, you'd be far behind, yes. But this is a perfect world, in a magical aspect, at least.] She followed along.Furthermore, she added. [You need to remember, every upgrade offered from my
Chapter 50 - Dots, no more!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Things went down within seconds, trouble multiplied as the enemy attack enveloped into something greater! Marlo and the sect had tried to form both a defensive and offensive line in order to protect what they held near and dear, but that wasn’t enough. The sect was literally within a rock and a tight spot, as a proverb would encourage. The green-coated enemies weren't as reckless as one would imagine them to be, no. They pierced within the lines of defenses (and offenses) with minimal casualties along the way, their efficiency was terrifying! The attackers barely suffered any losses, and this itself was very concerning, because it said a thing or two about the power they were packing! There were just a few lifeless bodies floating around here and there, and most of these bodies didn’t belong to the enemies either.These attackers dismembered rather powerful sect members, whose mana quality had been up to level three! This hinted that the enemies didn’t want to fight to begin with, b