All Chapters of I'm a Stingray?: Chapter 51
- Chapter 60
180 chapters
Chapter 51 - Ten-fish sect
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim endured quite the explosion there. The lair had been blown to bits, and he would've suffered a similar fate, if the system hadn't used every fraction of a second to get him out of trouble! She saved his life, and although this seemed uncharacteristic from the system's side, she still did so, her success was radiant. She saved his life, in exchange for tens of mana points; That’s all she took throughout her intervention.Tim couldn’t care less about the mana points. Sooner or later, he could replenish any mana he lost, naturally even, so it was more important that he was alive to do so, he didn’t complain. Most of the sect didn't have the same luck as him, after all, and he could see that. The sect members were vaporized by that explosion, they were dead, while Tim himself, he only withstood a bit of damage, he was in one piece.“My belly is fucking steaming…” He naturally complained, but then he thought. “Then again, my belly was burning for food a few hours ago, so steaming can't
Chapter 52 - Another 120%?
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim had quite the day. He wouldn’t have ever guessed that he would have to endure such an explosion, at any point of the day, and yet he did experience it, endure it, and survived it too! Though he survived it, he was still shaken to the core! The extreme attributes of this experience had scarred him mentally, and there wasn’t much he could do about that either, other than live with it. He had to endure the shock and trauma of it all!Life at sea wasn’t designed for the weak, after all, and come to think of it, it wasn’t entirely designed to serve the strong either, as the anti-mana had so visually proven, as it killed some of the strongest fish within the sect, in a split second! The surviving members, who were supposed to be pretty tough, were equally terrified without a doubt. They felt a fear that they had abandoned a long time ago, this explosion had revived their fear, and it was to stay in their conscience for good! John the barracuda, thought. “We shouldn’t have been that vul
Chapter 53 - Stingray anxiety
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim was more than enthralled to spend a bunch of points right now. He wanted to implement the durability upgrade in his body immediately, because the literal explosion that he survived a couple of hours ago motivated him to do so. He was petrified, and wanted to feel safer once more!He thought, “I need upgrades, immediately. Hell, I might get paralyzed for a day or so, it could happen? I don't remember if durability upgrades hurt, maybe they do, but that’s a risk I'll have to take! Shit… I can't mess around and ignore this upgrade for too long, that would be dangerous as shit.”This was perhaps the best time to buy an upgrade too, as the team of ten were resting right now. They had found a five-meter wide cave to hide in, and odds were that they wanted to stay here for a few hours, to replenish their mana, mainly, and to hide away from any and all danger for a while. Tim planned to use this break to his advantage.He sank within the sand, to act like he was resting, and then he went
Chapter 54 - "Make me more sexy..."
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
“Sex appeal, huh? Wasn’t it level zero before? I specifically remember being embarrassed about that level.” Tim followed along. He barely understood why fish needed to have sexual-appeal levels to begin with, so it was difficult to follow along with what the system had to say. Furthermore, the offer she made wasn't as appealing as she thought, because he was still pretty young and couldn’t care less about being more appealing to other fish, especially in a sexual manner. The system picked up on his train of thought, so she then corrected the other, she said. [You bear the body of an adult now, Timothy, that’s how growth sprouts work in this world. With that considered, certain hormones will settle in your body in the following weeks, and in order to cooperate with these hormones, you need an adequate sex appeal level, to do your bidding. Buy this upgrade now, boy, don’t leave it for later.]While Timothy pondered over what she said, the system then also answered his first question.
Chapter 55 - 0.25 ton stingray!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
The micro shift ability was a purchase that Timothy had been obsessed about for a while now. It was an important ability, because in theory, it could solve some of his physical problems, however, it was also very expensive to use this ability. Using it only once, would deplete a lot of his mana, a solid three-thousand points of them, to be precise. That’s what the math suggested, which was the same reason why he had been hesitant to use it so far, it was expensive. Today, he was motivated to finally use it, because of an important, calculative reason. Being smaller would help him avoid predators, yes, but that wasn’t the main reason that he had in mind, no. He wanted to be smaller, because in theory, he might have the chance to be less skinny, which in turn would help him become a lot healthier. That aside, if he was smaller, then he’d also have to eat a lot less food on a daily basis.Those were the couple of reasons that motivated him, as simply, it was dangerous to be so large and
Chapter 56 - Intertwined tasks!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim felt more ready than ever to explore the odds and ends of the ocean, which was advantageous because he had a couple of things in mind. He was often fixated on souls these past few days, for example, because he had discovered that, much like magical powers, one’s soul could be altered as well, or in other words, upgraded.It was an interesting topic at the very least, but at its very best, it was also great for one to upgrade their soul, for multiple reasons! There was a whole micro universe of souls out there, crammed within this very same planet, and in order to explore that universe properly, he needed a strong soul, one which would battle the staggering tides of the paranormal universe. Tim even had a task which was associated with soul upgrading, specifically, task seven. The system promised that if he found a soul tampering cave, by any means necessary, he’d win one-hundred and twenty points in exchange. The points were a minimal, but handy reward, however, the greatest rewa
Chapter 57 - Mouth sensors, and a halved mana pool!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim’s sight, scent and overall senses were upgraded to level four most recently, but that may not be enough to battle the utter darkness that the sea possessed. He had to be very attentive, just to have a brief understanding of what was going on around him at all times! It wasn’t fun. However, there were a couple of things working to his favor out here. It didn’t take much effort for him to maneuver through the darkness, for example, which was a good thing, as he technically didn’t have any physical obstacles out here on the open waters. The advantage behind this was that he could focus on heightening his senses, other than sight, as vividly as possible, without having to worry about bumping into something along the way! This was great, and surely, he had to use every advantage there was, if he was to succeed. Tim tried his best to focus, but he was also getting really hungry, yet, there wasn't any food around for him to eat. With that considered, at some point later on, he ended up
Chapter 58 - Twelve-armed Octopus!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
[You have no choice, Timothy, you must fight.] The system said.At first, even Tim second guessed the logic behind her words, but then, she also added. [The ambusher will likely follow you, especially if it’s a bubonic shifter, so it’s pointless for you to swim away. That aside, even if you escape with your life, you don’t really have the privilege to waste another hour. You need food immediately, and it so happens that the ambusher is edible, well, most likely edible. Kill it, and eat it!]With that said, Tim didn’t put up a debate. He heeded the system’s recommendations, and in effort to intercept the ambusher in a safer manner, he made a sharp turn to the right, and then started swimming as fast as he could. He had intercepted the electrical signals behind him, and in order to launch a proper, defensive attack, he had to make some distance away from the ambusher. He had to get a bit more comfortable, if he was to have a fighting chance!Tim used both the flaming fins ability, and
Chapter 59 - Fully-automatic Stingray!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
The octopus wasn’t as cruel as Tim had imagined. This thing stopped charging at him all of a sudden, for example, which was a really confusing course of action. Then, the octopus just stared at him!Tim stared back of course, and then he asked about what was on his mind. “What the hell do you need fifteen arms for, man? You could kill me with like, four of them if you tried hard enough.”This was not the greatest time to ask such a question. Come to think of it, it never was a good idea to converse with an enemy, when both sides were so close to battling! Yet he did ask questions, quite shamelessly too. Even the bubonic shifter was confused by Tim’s questions, as he appeared overconfident while he spoke! Scared folks weren’t supposed to ask casual questions, it was just the natural order of things. With that considered, the shifter was enthralled, and felt really motivated to converse. This was a unique encounter without a doubt.It said, “I have twelve arms, guy, not fifteen. Also,
Chapter 60 - "I'll never be a Seagull!"
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
“A fraction? What does ‘fraction’ mean?” He asked. Tim was in no condition to think. It wasn’t easy to escape two deadly threats at once (the other being hunger), and with that considered, it wasn’t a surprise that his mind was absolutely scrambled right now. He felt burned out.The system never felt tired, however. She was far more superior than a computer, and therefore, the work she did was tireless. For that matter, she was quick to come up with an answer, she was sharp!She said, [A ‘fraction’ means that it’s a tiny portion. Specifically, you only absorbed a tiny portion of the shifter’s powers. The shifter was far stronger than you, in terms of mana quality and although you killed a much stronger opponent, it doesn’t mean you’re strong enough to absorb all of its powers, you won’t be able to shapeshift as greatly or efficiently. I hope that makes sense to you.]“It does make sense, and it also doesn’t. How was I able to kill a stronger guy… erg, girl?” He followed along.[Luck,