All Chapters of I'm a Stingray?: Chapter 61
- Chapter 70
180 chapters
Chapter 61 - "Three-inch Spider!"
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim was an explorative guy, by nature, his soul craved it. However, today those explorative senses of his were beaten down and abused. In the search for land, he had been slapped shitless by the ocean waves, who refused to cooperate with him. He was near the ocean shores, which meant that the waves could be more violent once in a while. He was flipped around like a pancake, tens of times, as his body seemingly wasn't designed to browse the ocean surface, out here near the shores, not at all!Things were tough, but at least the trip he took wasn’t entirely bad. The coral reef below him, for example, had softened up the intensity of the waves, at least for a little while, and this gave him some peace. The reef was complex enough to protect the ocean shores from tougher waves, which was beneficial to him, but this itself hadn’t been enough to tame Tim’s scrambled nerves. In fact, other than helping him, the reef also irritated him.The reef was huge, so it had taken a while to cross it.
Chapter 62 - "Scared of Seagulls!"
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim Was very self-motivated for once. Such a feeling was rare for the likes of him, because he was usually motivated by fear, rather than such an indomitable progressive will. It was a new feeling, and he was willing to chase its euphoric highs for as long as it was physically possible. He urged to do so!Physics may be his biggest enemy throughout the following few days, come to think of it, and the reason behind this conclusion was obvious, he was a spider! Spiders weren't quite heavy, not at all, and Tim was an anorexic spider, too, which although it sounded hilarious in certain contexts, it still served the prior point; He was very light, and perhaps vulnerable too!Now there were certain physical disadvantages when it came to being a spider, even when things weren't going wrong. In this case, things were going very wrong at the very beginning, because Tim was a wet spider! The ocean waves had hit him a couple of times ever since he shapeshifted, and those same waves almost killed
Chapter 63 - Spider Wizard
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim wanted to be a human again, he craved to be one as soon as possible! However, for the time being, he was an itsy-bitsy spider, and like most spiders, he was very vulnerable to all sorts of danger! Aside from that, he also had certain limitations now, power-wise. His arsenal of power had been severely weakened at the very moment when he turned into a spider! The system started getting into detail about the matter, as best as she could. While Tim strode forward and across the sand, she unraveled a bundle of information, in a computersized manner.She called for attention, [I respect your aspirations, Timothy, however, let us get back to reality for a while. Your current statistical, and or arsenal-oriented capabilities are the following…][Health Bar = 32/32][Hunger Bar =11/12][Sleep&Stamina Bar = 10/16][Mana Pool = 120/120]“Well shit! Looks like I gotta go ninja-mode for a while, because at this rate, I can’t risk running into something as little as a cricket, it’s not safe! G
Chapter 64 - Devilish Ants!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim was in a lot of trouble, for multiple reasons, and on top of that, he also felt incredibly disturbed! He noticed that unlike any other insects that he had seen before, these ants that were attacking him, had feet!Now of course these feet weren't as full and as detailed as the feet of a human's, but it was disturbing enough nonetheless, when he saw that their legs bent outwards near the very tip of their legs, it was odd. These red bellied ants had feet, each and everyone of them, and he didn’t know how to feel about that. On top of feeling disturbed, he was irritated as well.“This is why they run around so fucking fast,” He thought, and then pouted. “Why didn't I get a pair of flappy feet? I need a pair. They sure as hell would've gotten me out of that sand quicker, I almost died there!”There was a lot to think about here, however, he didn’t have the luxury to pause and complain about things, not for long, at least. Tim was still being hunted by these ants, regardless of how he
Chapter 65 - Devilish Ants, reborn!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
[Before you go mental on those fireflies, you should know that you’ve spent 10 mana points already. That’s a lot for a little guy like you, do I have to keep reminding you? Be careful with how you spend your mana, please.] The system scolded him.Tim looked at the ‘fireflies’ in the meantime, the same ones who soared above the grass, and as he watched them approach, he couldn’t help getting nervous. He also ignored the system entirely, as this was not the time to be greedy or cautious with his points! He had to survive! Tim then looked down at the circle of grassy ashes, the very graveyard-like pit that he had caused. It was a foot away in front of him, and as he looked at it, he couldn’t help but piece a certain puzzle together. He guessed that the intense fire that he caused was what attracted these specific fireflies!It was a firm theory, and it made him really nervous, so he thought. “Look at them go! I’d be damned if they were here to have a picnic, those bastards want fried, s
Chapter 66 - Risen from the ashes!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim beamed through the grass, in a desperate attempt to escape those fireflies. He didn’t want to get burned again, because he feared that this time around he'd burn his legs off, and a spider without legs was a dead spider! He didn’t want to end up like that, so he ran as fast as he could.In sync with his train of thought for once, the system then interrupted him slightly, and asked a question. [If you’re so scared about losing health, why don’t you just spend a few mana points in health regeneration? It’s expensive, because you’re practically trading mana in exchange for health, but it’s your best option in a situation like this.]“I’d rather not get hit at all,” He thought. Tim was being difficult, but the system did give him a relative idea. He wasn't planning to regenerate his health anytime soon, but since he had some mana to spend, he might as well spend it all for the sake of survival. Rather than health-regeneration, he decided to rely on some other powers that he was famil
Chapter 67 - Sniper Spiders
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim crawled towards the fireflies. He did so very efficiently, because it would appear that the fireflies weren't so smart. They were brickshit stupid in other words, and this stupidity gave Tim an advantage, because the fireflies were just randomly setting whole patches of grass ablaze! There was no plan or technique behind their doing, they were just determined to burn everything to the ground. They were stupid.With that considered, once he snuck up on them, Tim buried himself in a bit of dirt, and then started sneak-snipping the fireflies. He shot the first target down with a single thunderbolt, and then shot a couple of other bolts against another firefly!He relied on thunderbolts, because he feared that if he shot fireballs at these things, then he'd accidentally fuel their next rebirth. It was possible that all fifteen of these enemies could be reborn for the third time, and he didn't want to risk that. He tried to work in an optimal manner.Anyway, he continued snipping his t
Chapter 68 - "A goat?"
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim arose from the dirt, three hours later. The idea was to rest for a couple of hours only, but he got really bored along the way, to the point where he took a nap. This extra hour didn't bother him, neither did he notice it, come to think of it, but the system did assure him that he was a bit more ready to face the world now.She said, [Good job, Timothy. You've accumulated 64/120 points of mana! If you're more savvy with it this time around, it'll go a long way in terms of helping you survive. Be careful.]“I’ll try to be more careful, this time.” He followed along, “You weren't kidding when you said that I need the mana. I was knocked out for hours, but my mana pool is only halfway full. Let's hope that I won't have to deal with any more devilish ants. Hate those big, ugly bastards!”Anyway, Tim then crawled across the landmass, and he could only hope to progress. He didn’t know if he was close or far from finding a soul tampering cave, as it was really hard to tell. It felt like
Chapter 69 - "Can insects worship the Devil?"
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Tim wasn’t ever scared of goats, so the symbol that was carved on the stone didn’t frighten him all that much. Come to think of it, he wasn’t too scared of elongated, snake-like creatures either. However, the recent trouble that he had gone through, taught him to be aware of any and all creatures, and the dangers they could cause. He had to avoid whatever approached him, for safety’s sake!For that matter, he tried to hide in plain sight. He wanted to get out of the way of whatever legless creature approached! “Hello dirt, my dear friend. You always provide me with excellent camouflage.” He thought. At this point, he was two inches deep in the dirt. He was so confident with his idea, that he felt comfortable joking with himself too. Tim had buried himself in the tunnel’s walls, on the right side of it, to be exact. No one could spot him, not even if they tried, especially if some brainless creature tried to do so. With that said, this would be considered a calculated, and rather sm
Chapter 70 - Singing Terrors!
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Back on earth, entities were considered evil. That was the perception which folklore typically encouraged, and as for what could be said about entities in this world, Timothy didn’t plan to spare anyone’s feelings. The entities that were following him, couldn’t be god loving, not a chance!Tim didn’t pull his opinion about them out of his ass either, he had reasons to be scared of them. The several, tiny entities kept following him, for example, and they hummed this soft yet terrifying tone along the way, as if they were trying to put a curse on him. With that considered, he had plenty of reasons to be scared of them, and so he tried to crawl away from these entities as quickly as he could. At some point though, the panic engulfed him thoroughly. All the running around wasn’t doing him any good, as he both got tired quickly, and he didn’t manage to escape the entities either. Furthermore, these tunnels seemed virtually endless, so in this case, there was no ‘light at the end of the t