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Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife Hot Chapters: Heidi's Triumphant Rebirth from a Discarded Wife to a Powerful Heiress

Creation time: May 14 2024Update time: May 14 2024445

Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife Summary


"Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife" by HusnaS delves into the intricate world of love, betrayal, and ambition. Heidi, once a devoted wife, faces the ultimate betrayal when her husband, Lucas, accuses her of marrying him for his family's wealth and serves her divorce papers. As Heidi navigates through heartbreak and humiliation, she rises to reclaim her identity as the heiress of the Olsen family. With twists and turns, she takes on the challenge of revitalizing the family business while confronting her past. With 353 captivating chapters, boasting a 9.2-star rating and over 110.8K views, this billionaire romance is a must-read for those craving drama and redemption. Dive into the captivating saga now!


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Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife Plot


Heidi was a devoted wife to her husband Lucas for three years, showering him with love and doing everything to be the perfect housewife. However, on their third wedding anniversary, Lucas shockingly served her divorce papers, accusing her of only marrying him for his family's money. Heidi's world shattered when she realized Lucas' ex-girlfriend Tracy had returned, prompting him to discard Heidi callously.


For Lucas, Heidi had endured humiliation from his family and relinquished her own identity as the wealthy heiress of the prestigious Olsen family. Dejected but determined to move on, Heidi returned to her family with the support of her cousin Zach. Lucas was infuriated to see her seemingly move on so quickly with Zach, a notorious playboy businessman. Meanwhile, Tracy manipulatively inserted herself back into Lucas' life, initiating a public relationship to spite Heidi.


Humiliated by her family after marrying Lucas against their wishes, Heidi returns to reclaim her place in the powerful Olsen family business. Her uncle challenges her to revive their struggling StriveStyle fashion brand within three months to prove herself worthy of becoming CEO. Heidi confidently accepts and takes over as the new CEO, immediately terminating employees involved in illegal activities and mismanagement that drove the company into the ground. Lucas became obsessed with monitoring her activities and new relationship, oblivious that his blatant affair with Tracy was the catalyst for his beloved grandfather's stroke. Heidi was shaken by the news of her ex-grandfather-in-law's ill health.


Tracy took advantage of the situation, pushing for a rushed marriage with Lucas under the guise of propriety. However, her selfish schemes began unraveling as Heidi demonstrated remarkable leadership in revitalizing StriveStyle Co. within a single month. Lucas found himself torn between his feelings for Tracy and his growing resentment towards the thriving Heidi.


As layers upon layers of secrets get revealed surrounding Heidi's true identity, her marriage, and Lucas's relationship with Tracy, a tumultuous conflict brews. Lucas will be forced to confront his mistakes, crawling back to the powerful woman he discarded, begging for her forgiveness and a second chance. But Heidi has no intention of looking back - an entire corporate empire awaits for her to inherit once she reclaims her status.


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Main Characters in Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife



Heidi, the protagonist, is a strong-willed and resilient woman who initially sacrifices her identity as a wealthy heiress for the sake of her marriage. However, after enduring humiliation and betrayal from her husband, Lucas, she undergoes a transformative journey of self-discovery. Heidi reclaims her confidence, ambition, and leadership abilities, proving herself as a capable CEO. Her character arc showcases her growth from a devoted wife to an empowered woman determined to regain her rightful place in her family's business empire.



Lucas, Heidi's ex-husband, is portrayed as a complex character driven by possessiveness and a sense of entitlement. Initially dismissive of Heidi's love, he accuses her of being a gold digger and callously divorces her upon the return of his ex-girlfriend, Tracy. However, Lucas's actions are fueled by his own insecurities and inability to recognize true love. As the story progresses, he becomes increasingly obsessed with Heidi's newfound success and independent spirit, leading him to question his choices and confront his mistakes.



Zach Olsen, Heidi's cousin and supportive ally, plays a pivotal role in her journey. He is depicted as a charismatic and protective figure who stands by Heidi during her darkest moments. Zach's unwavering belief in her abilities and his strategic moves help her reclaim her position within the family business.



Tracy, Lucas's ex-girlfriend, is the catalyst for Heidi's heartbreak. She is portrayed as a manipulative and selfish woman who schemes her way back into Lucas's life. Tracy's actions are driven by her desire for status and wealth, leading her to employ underhanded tactics to secure her position as Lucas's fiancée. Her presence serves as a constant reminder of Heidi's betrayal and fuels the conflict between the characters.

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Hot Chapters of Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife


Chapter 7


Centers around a tense hospital visit where Heidi rushes to see her ailing ex-grandfather-in-law Winston. However, she is met with hostility from her ex-husband Lucas, who blames her for Winston's condition. The chapter escalates the conflict as Lucas' new fiancée Tracy arrives and stokes the drama, accusing Heidi of jealousy and trying to sabotage her relationship with Lucas. The chapter builds suspense around Winston's mysterious illness and the toxic dynamics between the trio.


Chapter 348


A surprising plot twist occurs when Lucas desperately pleads with Heidi to remarry him and have a new wedding soon. Heidi is utterly blindsided by this request, questioning Lucas' true motives. Is he simply trying to distract her from his past betrayals, or is there a deeper reason driving his sudden urgency to reconcile? The chapter delves into the emotionally charged confrontation as Heidi grapples with whether to entertain the idea of reuniting with the man who previously discarded her. The prospects of redemption and a potential second chance hang in the balance.


Author Introduction


HusnaS, author of "Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife," is renowned for her captivating narratives that delve into the intricacies of romance and drama. With a distinct flair for crafting compelling characters and weaving them into complex relationships, she has garnered acclaim for her engaging storytelling style. While not much is known about her background, her previous works such as "The Billionaire's Pregnant Wife" and "Love Rekindled: Her Killer Husband" showcase her ability to evoke emotion and suspense within her readers.




"Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife" is a captivating tale that explores the complexities of love, betrayal, and self-empowerment. With its engaging characters and gripping narrative, this novel is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Dive into Heidi's remarkable journey and experience the thrill of witnessing her rise from the ashes of heartbreak to reclaim her rightful place as a powerful businesswoman. Immerse yourself in this riveting story by reading "Shouldn't Mess Up with My Hidden Heiress Ex-wife" on the Goodnovel Platform today!

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