100 Million Dollar Challenges
100 Million Dollar Challenges
Author: Author Sweetyp
Chapter 1

Ace disembarked from the bus, arriving in front of his workplace, a company in the food sauce business. However, his role here was limited to cleaning services.

He diligently went through each room on his cleaning list, starting with Boss Nathan's office. He was trying to call Agatha since morning but she was not receiving call. 

Nathan went to her cabin, and saw it was empty. He called again and this time the ringtone of her phone was heard next cabin. Ace took few steps and went to the next cabin.

As Ace opened the door, his eyes widened in shock at the sight of two people locked in a passionate kiss.

"Agatha? What the…. What the fuck are you doing?" Ace asked, his voice catching in his throat as he gazed at a woman whose waist-length wavy black hair matched Agatha's description. “What the hell is going on here!?” His voice trembled. His legs became too weak to hold him.

Agatha broke the kiss and turned her gaze. She lowered her head for a moment, covered in shock and stupefaction. The room was an enclosed furnace, burning with different emotions.

Agatha was seated on Nathan's lap, and he held her around the waist.

Ace's chest tightened. "Are you betraying me? Having an affair with your own boss?" His anger flared, his face flushed with fury.

"You, a cheater, betraying your own boyfriend?" Ace looked at Agatha with a mix of sadness and disappointment.

"I swear, you are fucking going to pay for this. I leave in the hands of Karma" Ace uttered these bitter words, hoping that Agatha would face the consequences she deserved.

"Oh please spare me the bag of crap!"

"I curse the day I met you!”

Agatha disentangled herself from Nathan's lap and began buttoning her blouse. "I'm tired of you, Ace," she remarked casually, seemingly unaffected by his curses.

"Give me back the money I lent you last week. Your rent is $300," Ace offered, ready to hand over his entire cleaning service salary, which amounted to $300. 

Agatha laughed mockingly. "Darling, look at this beggar. He doesn't want his money to go to waste. How miserly," she sneered, casting disdainful glances at Ace.

"You're a fool, Ace. Agatha didn't pay her rent; I did. And you know what?" Nathan smiled smugly, moistening his lips. He felt like a victor for taking Agatha from Ace.

"What?" Ace seethed with rage, his anger building. He wanted to strike Nathan and Agatha, but he realized his job was too important to lose.

Nathan stepped closer, gripping Ace's shoulder and squeezing it slightly. He whispered, "Agatha bought a new dress."

Ace stared in disbelief, then turned to Agatha, who was grinning slyly. "You deceitful woman! You don't appreciate my help! I didn't even use my last month's salary," Ace's neck muscles bulged with anger. Agatha had dared to manipulate him, and she had lied.

Ace shoved Nathan aside, striding towards Agatha.

And then...

"Arghhh!" Agatha screamed in pain.

Ace had delivered a stinging slap to her, causing her to turn to the side.

The slap reverberated through the room in deafening silence.

Nathan watched Agatha in astonishment, his heart racing as he witnessed Ace striking his new girlfriend.

"Ace!" Nathan shouted disapprovingly, pulling him away from Agatha.

In a moment of anger, Nathan punched Ace's jaw. "How dare you hurt Agatha, you scoundrel!" he cursed.

But Nathan's fury wasn't satisfied; he struck Ace again, this time causing Ace to collapse to the floor.

"Now, wait. How will I make sure that you rot in hell!" Nathan seethed, his anger palpable. He glared at Ace, who lay on the floor with a bruised and swollen face.

Ace winced, clutching his aching jaw. He stood back on his feet and put all his courage to let go his frustration once. He punched on Nathan face that he welped in anger.

"You fool! Get out of my office now, and never show your face here again," Nathan pointed sternly to the door, his disdain for Ace evident due to his actions against Agatha, his new girlfriend.

Ace struggled to his feet and, unsteady, left Nathan's office.

Meanwhile, Agatha began to cry, putting on an act to make Nathan feel sorry for her.

Ace kicked a nearby bucket out of sheer frustration. It held cleaning supplies and a mop. “What a miserable day,” he thought, his head hanging low in contemplation.

Agatha’s affair and her intimate moment with Nathan, the highly respected boss of the company, had turned Ace’s once-peaceful life into utter chaos. Agatha had taken advantage of him, borrowing $300 and not using it to pay the rent.

“From the very beginning, the nightmare of infidelity has haunted my restless days. It revealed your true nature,” Ace muttered curses under his breath with every step, his lips uttering vile words against Agatha.

His co-workers noticed Ace, battered and bruised, and felt sorry for him.

“Ace, what happened to you?”

“Oh dear, you’re injured, Ace! Let’s get you some medical attention!”

“Is it painful? Can we help treat your wounds?”

Most of this concern came from his female co-workers, who were sympathetic to his plight.

Ace, though handsome, was not as tall as Nathan. He was slightly skinny because he rarely ate and couldn’t afford to spend money on food. His salary was meager, and Agatha often borrowed from him.

Ace gazed at the gleaming skyscraper that housed the company responsible for his painful ordeal, his heart heavy with disappointment. “Goodbye, thanks for the letdown,” he waved as a final farewell.

Now, Ace was unemployed, with no job to his name.

As Ace watched the bustling traffic on the road, his stomach growled audibly, and he winced while trying to suppress his hunger. “Arghh, not now,” he muttered, wiping his sweaty forehead.

Ace’s steps became unsteady as he leaned against a lamppost.

He endured his hunger, continuing to walk. His last bit of money had been spent on bus fare earlier.

Ace couldn’t hold back his tears. What was he supposed to do?

He had lost his job, been fired, his money was gone, and his wallet was empty.

“Should I just end it all?” Ace shook his head. “I’d rather not die of starvation,” he lamented his unfortunate fate.

Then, a sudden chiming sound caught Ace’s attention.

A cheerful, metallic voice greeted him.

“What’s all this noise? It’s so annoying,” Ace felt irritated. The ringing in his ears wouldn’t stop.




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