last update2022-12-17 22:01:25

- X, why is my intelligence only two?

- So you were in life before the game. To increase intelligence, you need to read books and constantly train the brain with serious exercises.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Means. These numbers are not a sentence.

“However,” X continued, “in your case, it will be difficult to do something with the intellect. The nearest settlements do not have libraries and are not designed for the need to increase this characteristic. I'll try to fix this by generating an easy quest before you arrive.

- Why is low intelligence dangerous?

- Nothing, dear. You are still able to think effectively, be smart and absorb information on the go, as you do now. By the way, I like it, I don't like streams of stupid questions.

- You have a boyfriend? I asked, trying to figure out if I was talking to the right person. More on a whim than consciously.

- Serious problems would begin if your IQ was below one. And I can arrange it for you if you ask a similar question again, - the end of the phrase eloquently proved that I was talking to a live girl.

Why did I suddenly decide that it was okay to talk to someone else? There was no answer in my head.

I was joking, don't be offended. What influences the intellect, if not the ability to think?

- The level of intelligence creates a ceiling for learning new things - I heard a muffled click and a second hiss. - To learn some things, you need to expand your knowledge base, and now you have a rather modest one. For a comfortable game for the simplest class, you need to have at least the third level of intelligence.

- Okay, I understand. What does the level give? - asked the next question, continuing to look at the Diary.

- Access to more complex skills, which are called Special. Such skills cannot be lost and are extremely useful. But getting them will be difficult.

- How to level up?

- Don't sit on your ass like you're doing now. Get up, take a bag, a book and go ahead. You will see a mushroom there. Rip it off.

I complied with a creak. Throwing a bag rope over his shoulder, he stood up, feeling a familiar weakness in his legs - more recently I had bloodied my nose because of this.

However, step by step, it became easier for me. Soon I really saw a mushroom. Leaning down, he carefully broke it off.

Performed a normal action: collecting wild food.

One experience point gained.

Glancing at the Diary, I saw a change. Level progress has changed.

Level 1 (1/10)

- Saw?

- Yes. One experience point.

- And this action was common, right?

- Yes.

- There are five types of actions in total. Ordinary, for which experience drips only the first time. Difficult, for them - five times. Impossible - ten times.

- What about two more?

- You can figure out two more. I'm sorry, 67665, I'm not allowed to give out complete information. I am a consultant, not a coach, and I only help you get comfortable with the first steps.

- Order. So myself. So, if I picked up this mushroom and gained experience, then nothing will fall to me for the next one?

- Yes, but! Are you hungry?

Listening to his feelings, he answered:

- Not really.

- When you're hungry, eat. This will give you one more point for surviving in the wild.

- So I get experience every time I do something?

- Just something that not everyone does. Eating a homemade meal that someone else has prepared is rarely your experience. Unless they poison you or you eat a very unusual product with some properties. But otherwise - any interesting event can bring you experience. While everything is clear?

- Yes. The more unusual your life, the more experience you will get.

- Clever. The same applies to long hikes or contemplation of unusual views. You know that even from a distance to see one of the wonders of the world is an experience that will change anyone.

- Wonderful...

- Just keep in mind that the world is dangerous. Now you are in the starting location, there are almost no predators or unfriendly creatures here. But as soon as you start traveling, the world will show itself in all its glory. Sometimes it won't be something you can handle. And in the end you can die.

- What then? End of everything?

- Not. In this world, it is impossible to lose life completely. When you die, you lose all your belongings, get punished by the System, and wake up in the nearest safe place. But don't try to immediately return to the places where you were killed.

- I understand it's stupid.

- Good boy.

- So, the levels increase and I get skills. And this makes me stronger. Yes?

- Not at all. Special skills only help, they do not give much advantage. Your level is an indicator of experience, but not always strength. Roughly speaking, compare an eighteen-year-old and a thirty-year-old. The latter, most likely, has seen more. But the former may be more effective in combat.

- Logically. But how then to increase?

- Learn new things. Develop yourself. In your case, I would advise you to first raise your intellect, accumulate theoretical knowledge. And then try to put them into practice. If other characteristics allow, maybe you will gain a skill. But sometimes you will have to turn to neutrals or even players for help.

- That is?

- Most likely, if you want to master archery, you yourself will progress for a long time. It takes practice and guidance from an experienced archer. This is where the neutrals will help you. That is, write. That is, not players, but local residents. It's hard to understand, right?

- A little... What are these non-scripts?

- They were created by the System. But do not think that neutrals do not have feelings, intellect and their own will. Sometimes it is more difficult to negotiate with them than with the players. If you don't understand everything, don't worry. After the transfer, the brain does not work well. You have been stripped of almost all of your memories, leaving only scanty knowledge. The minimum necessary to understand the consultant's explanations and not be completely disoriented. Some players are less lucky than you and have to pay a lot more attention at the beginning of their journey. Sometimes they get very lost from difficult words and long explanations.

- After Ivan, your words are like honey.

The girl, for the first time since the unsuccessful start of the conversation, expressed emotion by giggling.

- Ivan is a peculiar guy, but very kind, although he tries to look cool. Judging by the way he said goodbye to you, he liked you.

- By the way, I understand that my intelligence is much below average. So, the knowledge base, as you said, is small. But at the same time, we are talking as if on an equal footing, although I am sure that you are smarter. Is the book wrong?

- Only vocabulary and etiquette are involved in the conversation. This does not apply to the baggage of knowledge, it's just a side of your personality. In life, I understand you were a smart guy and quite well-mannered, but you did not have the right way to create an impressive store of knowledge. For example, a scientist enters the game, his intelligence is seven. He does not remember anything from his life and cannot use the knowledge from there in any way. But during his lifetime, he relied on the brain and trained them to absorb information. And this cannot be taken away from him, even if he can express himself as the last shoemaker.

- Now I finally understand. Intelligence is not how much you know, but how much you are used to using your mind?

- I'm telling you that you're smart. If you continue like this, you'll see, you'll rise.

"It won't be difficult with your help," I answered confidently.

- Uh... Well... I won't be able to keep in touch with you and help you all the time.

I understand that we all need rest. But even a little advice...

- Wait. Will explain. Your number is 67665. This means that in addition to you, there are sixty-seven thousand other players in the game. Right now some are getting advice, but giving it to so many players all the time...

- That is?..

- Yes. Very soon I will unlock the second memory and then you will be yourself.

For some reason, I felt cold inside of me.

- What am I supposed to do?

For starters, don't panic. You are smart, you will figure it out little by little with the help of neutrals, players and your own head. You have a good agility score, usually people have it lower. So don't doubt yourself. Most importantly, remember that this is not a game for everyone. A lot of players take things seriously, and if you start proving to NPCs that you're in the game... You'll get ridiculed very quickly. Or you'll find yourself in trouble.

I was confused, not knowing what to answer. The news of the consultant's disappearance so quickly caused dismay. And X kept talking:

- Remember what I told you. You can deal with the rest without any problems. Don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged. And check your diary often. He is your main assistant in this world.

- Wait, X! - I started. - And if I have a question that I can’t find an answer to either from the players, or from the NPC, or in my head?

- Then... There is a communication center in the largest city. You can use it to contact me if I'm available. Only it costs a lot and there is no guarantee that you will hear me. Two minutes are given for the conversation, for this they can send any other consultant. We are not allowed to answer any question, but we will help in any way we can.

- What if I want to hear from you?

- Don't get attached to consultants, fool. We're just doing our job.

But I like the way you do it.

- If you want to say something specifically to me, you will ask the consultant to contact X and pass on the message. We are all colleagues, it can work. This is the only thing I can offer you.

- At least so... Already something.

- But don't get attached. This world is only a conditional game. For you, this is real life. Listen to the System's prompts, communicate with players and learn from your mistakes. Right now, if you go towards the sunset, you will come to the nearest settlement of NPCs. On this we will say goodbye, number 67665. I hope that if we hear again, by then you will have a new name that reflects your good heart. I will activate the second, last piece of your memory. And I beg you - whatever you see there, try to endure this blow. Each of the players carries a heavy load on themselves, but in this world you have a chance to be free from worries. I wish you good luck, handsome!

- Spa... Si...

I couldn't speak another syllable. My legs buckled, it seems that they stopped holding at all. Flashed before my eyes. This time not with light. And darkness.

I opened my eyes to a completely different place. Their hands were tied with something strong. A man was tied to a chair in front of me. The head was lowered helplessly. There was gray in his hair.

- You know ... - this time the language was familiar, but the words quickly melted away, leaving only the meaning. - Such a piece of shit is not worthy of life.

The man was grabbed by the hair, lifting his face. I recognized myself in him. Only more mature. And much more battered.

I didn't see who was holding my father. The head didn't turn. Staring fixedly at my father, I froze, paralyzed with horror.

We have long warned that this will happen. You owe us a large sum. Even this apartment won't cover it. You remember percentages, you bastard?!

A strong blow with his fist made the father shudder.

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    The short weapon slashed at the monster with a bloodthirsty slash. He got confused. I got distracted.Slide on the ground. Grab the hilt of the sword.- Break off! - shouted, twisting the blade.Ribs stop movement.Impulse Activation.Mana spent.The wind became like steel cutting through the sternum. I tensed, planting my feet on the ground, arching, cutting my torso with a furious scream.Impulse Activation.Mana spent.The blade spun along the ribs, splitting the muscles… crippling the organs. The creature crashed down on me. I hear Bim's scream. I hear the beat of my heart. I feel hot blood. I hold the monster with two blades, I rest on my knees. Davit, I'm barely coping, but the job is almost done.The monster shuddered for the last time. Softened, becoming even heavier. Between us is death, between us is blood and pain. The strength has left me. I closed my eyes, burying my face in the cold skin. It became hard to breathe.A unit of experience has been gained.Characteristic Spi

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