Stephen sat in his car, stuck in traffic, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. The events of the day replayed in his mind, the miners' applause echoing in his ears. He glanced at the clock on the dashboard—8:45 PM. He had promised Yuna he'd be home early, but the unexpected tasks at the Empire had delayed him. The traffic finally started moving, and he maneuvered through the streets, his thoughts drifting to Yuna.

By the time he parked in the hotel garage, it was 9:30 PM. Stephen sighed, thinking about Yuna probably waiting for him, or worse, already asleep after a long day of waiting. He entered the elevator, his mind heavy with guilt. The elevator dinged, and he stepped out, using his card to open the door to their suite.

Darkness greeted him. The entire room was pitch black. Stephen's heart skipped a beat. "Yuna?" he called out, flicking the lights on. Silence answered him. He checked the bedroom—empty. The bathroom—empty. Panic began to set in as he searched every corner, ca
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