Chapter 33- Return of Marriane

He looked at the phone screen, then back at Yuna, who was starting to stir in her bed.

Yuna woke up, blinking at the sunlight filtering through the curtains. She called out, "Stephen?" There was no response. The entire suite was silent. She got up, rubbing her eyes, and walked to the living room. "Where did he go?" she sighed. This reminded her of her father, who was rarely around on her birthdays. Now, it seemed Stephen was doing the same thing.

Yuna sighed again and took the elevator downstairs. She passed by the hotel staff easily; they were busy with customers or other tasks. Stepping outside, she looked at the morning sun and felt a pang of loneliness. She watched kids playing and making noise in a huge school bus. She had never been in one of those before. Back in her hometown, she used to walk to school. Since moving to the city with her father, things had changed. Her mother had left them for some rich man, leaving her and her father to fend for themselves.

Lost in her though
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