Chapter 34- Baby sitter

They arrived at the hotel where Stephen had booked a suite. As he parked the car, he turned to Marianne, his expression unreadable. "Follow me," he said coldly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Marianne nodded silently, her heart pounding in her chest as she followed Stephen into the lobby and up to the elevator. The ascent felt like an eternity, each floor passing in suffocating silence until they finally arrived at the top floor.

Stephen led her down the plush corridor to the penthouse suite. He stopped before the ornate double doors, his hand hesitating over the handle. "There are a few ground rules while you stay here," he began, his voice clipped and businesslike. "No touching or going through my personal belongings. And lastly, you shouldn't be harsh to Yuna."

Confusion flickered across Marianne's face. "Who is Yuna?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Stephen ignored her question as he pushed open the door, his gaze immediately falling on the chaos that await
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