Chapter 35- Lost


Yuna stepped out of the building, clutching the money Marianne had given her. The city was overwhelming, its lights and sounds a stark contrast to the safety of the penthouse. She hesitated on the sidewalk, unsure of which direction to go. Her heart pounded as she tried to recall the way to the fries shop Marianne had mentioned, but everything seemed to blur together.

Yuna wandered down the street, the noise of the city growing louder with each step. People brushed past her, barely noticing the small, anxious girl among the throngs of city dwellers. She looked around, searching for any sign that might point her in the right direction, but nothing seemed familiar.

After what felt like an eternity, Yuna spotted a small shop that sold fries. Relief washed over her as she walked in and placed her order, using the money Marianne had given her. She clutched the warm bag of fries tightly, hoping that the smell of fried food would provide some comfort.

But as she stepped out of the shop,
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