Chapter 36- A new threat?

Stephen quietly exited Yuna's room and walked toward the balcony, needing a moment to clear his head. The morning air was cool, a welcome contrast to the tension that had filled the penthouse. He leaned against the railing, staring out at the city's glittering skyline. The view was breathtaking, but this morning, it felt like a backdrop to his worries.

With a deep breath, he pulled out his phone and opened the system, his mind turning to the practical aspects of his life. His current stats appeared on the screen:

- **Name:** Stephen

- **Surname:** King

- **Level:** Penicia One

- **Net Worth:** $10.8 Billion

- **Personal Health:** 80%

- **Security Threat Level:** Moderate

Stephen's eyes lingered on the "Security Threat Level" metric. Was that recently added? He knew it was an area that needed his immediate attention. The events of last night had made it clear that despite his business acumen, he still had a lot to learn about balancing his responsibilities and ensuring Yuna's safety.

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