Chapter 37- Suprise

Yuna stood frozen, staring at the intruder with wide eyes. Fear gripped her heart as the man's cold voice cut through the silence of the apartment.

"Where's your Stephen?" His words hung heavily in the air, filling the room with an ominous tension. Yuna's mind raced, trying to process the danger she was in.

Marianne, still unaware of the unfolding crisis, remained seated in the kitchen, absorbed in her book. Yuna's thoughts darted to Stephen, hoping desperately that he would come to her rescue.

Just as panic threatened to overwhelm her, the apartment door burst open with a sudden shout, "Surprise!"

Yuna's confusion mingled with relief as the scene before her transformed in an instant. The intruder's menacing presence dissolved into a whirl of colors and joyful voices. Standing before her were familiar faces, friends, and family members she hadn't expected to see.

"Happy birthday, Yuna!" The chorus of voices erupted in unison, accompanied by the lively melody of "Happy Birthday." Confe
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