Chapter 38- Two daughters 1 choice (part 1)

The next morning dawned bright and clear, casting a golden hue over Stephen's apartment as sunlight streamed through the windows. Stephen, disciplined in his routine, rose with the first light. His mornings were sacred, a time for physical upkeep and mental clarity.

With determination, he moved through his morning tasks. The aroma of coffee filled the kitchen as he brewed a strong cup, marking the beginning of his day. Sipping the hot liquid, he savored its warmth, letting it awaken his senses.

Outside on the balcony, the morning air was crisp and invigorating. Stephen performed a series of stretches, his muscles flexing and relaxing with practiced ease. His commitment to fitness was evident in each deliberate movement, a way to keep his body in peak condition.

As he finished his stretches, Stephen glanced over the cityscape spread out before him. The skyline stood against the backdrop of a clear blue sky, a sight that never failed to inspire him. He took a moment to appreciate the be
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