Chapter 39- Two daughters 1 choice (Part 2)

Stephen chuckled softly, though there was an edge to his amusement. "I see what you're playing at, Marianne," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "You want me to abandon Yuna and suddenly be fully present for Ariane, just like old times, huh?"

Marianne's expression hardened, her gaze locking onto Stephen's with intensity. "It's not about that," she retorted sharply. "It's about balance, Stephen. Yuna needs stability, but so does Ariane. And where's Yuna's father in all of this? Why must you be the one to bear all this burden alone?"

Stephen sighed, a mix of frustration and sadness crossing his features. "Yuna's father is... not around," he said quietly. "He's in jail. I can't just leave her alone in this cruel world, Marianne. She needs someone."

"And Ariane doesn't?" Marianne shot back, her voice rising slightly. "You think she doesn't need her father after everything she's been through?"

Stephen ran a hand through his hair, his eyes troubled. "Of course she doe
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