Chapter 41- CHARLES Montgomery

Stephen settled into the car, glancing out the window as the house disappeared from view. He couldn't shake the worry gnawing at him. "I hope the girls are getting along," he said, trying to sound optimistic but failing to mask his concern.

Marianne, sitting beside him, sighed softly. "It's all a bit complicated, Stephen. We just have to trust them for a few hours."

Stephen nodded, trying to push the worry aside. "It’ll be over when Ariane’s holiday is done. How many days left, by the way?"

Marianne hesitated, her eyes flickering with unease. "It's not exactly a holiday. Ariane left her boarding school."

Stephen turned to her, surprise etched on his face. "What? Why did she leave?"

"It was too far, and there were complaints about bullying," Marianne explained, her voice tinged with guilt.

"Complaints about bullying?" Stephen asked, his mind racing. "Was Ariane being bullied, or was she the bully?"

Marianne looked down, her voice barely above a whisper. "She was bullying other k
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