Chapter 26
Then I sob while waiting for the alien's action. But it just sits there in silence, and it's quite illogical.

The most perfect lie is a combination between right things and wrong ones. My muscles are actually useless after years of being weak, and… yeah, I can't live my life because I am too weak to do anything. Most of my words are spoken from the bottom of my heart. My actions are high quality as I have learnt it from a famous actress.

I have to be the director, the script writer, and the actor at the same time. Ain't I talented? Why doesn't the alien trust me?

Luckily, the alien comes closer to me, slightly patting on my shoulders. I look up with my tearful eyes, and those compassionate eyes look back at me.

“It was a pity to hear that from you. She stole your power and now you have to follow her as a subordinate, begging for her protection…” Those words are fine for me, but the last ones force me to look up at the alien, “Women should never have powers.”

Excuse me?

‘Women should ne
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