In the Cadens...

After a lengthy walk that felt like an endless journey, Reginald arrives at an old house behind the Cadens Manor.

He raises his voice, declaring, "Grand Patriarch, Reginald Caden, the current Patriarch, has come to see you."

"Hmph! Too much blabber. What's the big deal about being a Patriarch that requires such an introduction? Anyways, you are of no use to me! Get lost!" A disgruntled voice responds from within the house and a black mist suddenly bursts out, speeding toward Reginald. The mist is so fast that though Reginald is a formidable artist himself, he couldn't notice it fast enough and before he can react, it's already too late.

The mist slams squarely on his chest, sending him flying several minutes away. "Father!" he curses, standing from the ground and wiping dust off his robe. "I'm your son! Did you want to kill me?"

"Hmph! You're too weak. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead already. I was only trying to make my statement sink into you. Now, what are you
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