"Check for the Dynamite's suppliers, I'll need to get across to them immediately!" Kendrick ordered as he stood up, leaving the office.


Laughter always rang out in the Rogers mansion, and no matter where the laughter came from, it bounced around the walls, all the rooms.

Now arguments rose quickly and lingered around for days. Morning and night left them in turmoil, the dining table couldn't pull them together anymore as everyone decided to eat their meals in their rooms.

Their faces always sparkled, but since the day Kendrick left that house, sullen looks took turns on each face.

Peace Churchill kept making plans of pushing her daughter back to Kendrick, but daily she kept resisting, she couldn't stand the shame of getting back to him.

This other day, the conversation heated above 100 degrees.

"You better go back to that man, so you could get all the properties grandfather had kept for you too!" Peace Churchill said. "Can't you see that we're the ones losing?..
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