Emily’s Room

Emily sat on the edge of her bed, the soft rustle of her sheets barely audible over the low hum of her sobs. She clutched her knees to her chest, her face buried in her hands as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Kendrick’s indifference stung more than she had anticipated. The way he had brushed her aside to entertain Knaver, who seemed to think the world revolved around her, was unbearable. Emily muttered softly, her voice clutched to her throat as she pressed her face hard on the pillow.

“Why does he always have to prioritize his women? Why can’t he see how much I needed to talk to him right now? He’s my brother… but he’s treating me like I don’t matter.” Her voice quivered with each word, the hurt evident in her tone.

The silence of the room seemed to amplify her isolation. She had hoped for understanding and empathy from Kendrick as she just returned to the states, but instead, she felt as though her emotions were dismissed without a second thought. Her mind raced throug
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