She knocked on the door to Mrs. Katherine's room and opened gently.

Her eyes scanned the sprawled-out bedroom, a king-sized bed placed in the middle of the room, that was where Old Rogers usually folded himself into whenever he called to advise them, then it turned to Katherine Rogers who was sitting on the chair close to the dressing mirror.

"Is there a problem, dear?" Katherine asked.

Peace Stumbled into the room, her eyes swollen and reddened.

"Yes… Yes, there's a problem, Mum." She said, her voice trailing off as she spoke.

Katherine quickly dropped the comb she held in her hands and turned to her with a sharp gaze that seemed to piece through and read the contents of her heart.

"Come sit here, dear.. come." She called out, gesturing to Peace and she reluctantly walked towards her.

"Now tell me what is it?" She asked.

After Peace explained what had happened some minutes ago with the unknown Bolton, Katherine's face flushed with disappointment.

"If that letter is authentic an
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